Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Effects Of Advertising
Number of words: 659 - Number of pages: 3.... America.
Women portrayed in sexual ads are depicted as objects and commodities, to be consumed by men for visual pleasure and by women for self-definition. Any depiction of a woman in scant clothing ultimately makes her look vulnerable and powerless, especially when placed next to a physically stronger man. Studies show that advertisements will concentrate primarily on a woman's body parts rather than her facial expressions. Also, it was proven that over 50% of commercials portraying women contained at least one camera shot focusing on her chest. Men enjoy these images, and sadly, women te .....
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Advertising 3
Number of words: 1874 - Number of pages: 7.... capitalism in America." (Bensman 9).
When advertisers plan their strategies for the sale of a certain product, they look at who would use the item. If the product was make-up, the type of person that would use it would most likely be a woman, around the age of thirteen and up. The advertisers would then find an ideal looking woman to model for ads to show the makeup on a person and try to get women to use it. The way that the advertisers describe the model will also get your attention; they might say that she is not really beautiful until she puts on the makeup, or something along tho .....
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Feasible Ways In Which Humans
Number of words: 2486 - Number of pages: 10.... pollution, and the increase of greenhouse gases just to name a few. The Greens solution to deal with these “externalities” is to declare capitalism the enemy and wage a war in order to either sustain or end growth altogether while moving back to a more Welfare-like state. Greens view the capitalistic model as one that tries to dominate and exploit nature for one’s personal wealth and gain, and they fear that at our current rates of consumption and waste that we will quickly destroy the earth’s natural environment. They have developed many clever techniques such as lobbying, gene .....
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Ben And Jerrys
Number of words: 1769 - Number of pages: 7.... the tremendous power it possesses and act in such a way that is not detrimental to society. Unfortunately, as history teaches us, too many businesses take the "its not my problem" attitude and the result is often times irreversible. Since 1978, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield have accepted the fact that indeed companies have the capacity to have a tremendous influence on the economy and ecology, and done everything possible to make theirs a positive one.
To run a successful business, several factors must be kept in mind at all times. The business must function efficiently and at th .....
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"HOME TECH": The Inner Workings
Number of words: 1224 - Number of pages: 5.... completing
the cycle.
From the oldest of gadgets in the bathroom, let's turn to one of the
newest, the toothpaste pump. Sick and tired of toothpaste squeezed all
over your sink and faucets? Does your spouse never ever roll down the
tube and continually squeezes it in the middle? Then the toothpaste pump
is for you!
When you press the button it pushes an internal, grooved rod down the tube.
Near the bottom of the rod is a piston, supported by little metal flanges
called "dogs", which seat themselves in the grooves on the rod. As the
rod moves down, the dogs slide out of the groove .....
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Working Together
Number of words: 4442 - Number of pages: 17.... papers about
ebfefOne of the major problems presented in the team work approach is that people are not accustomed to "group problem-solving" (Harrington-Mackin 137). It is a practice that not only hasn’t been learned, but is a difficult one to institute. In school, children are taught to rely on their own resources; to develop their individual capabilities. Deborah Harrington-Mackin cites the example of a fourth grader, who wouldn’t be allowed to say, "Hey, Joe, you’re good at word problems and I’m good at multiplication tables, so let’s get together for this .....
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Hot Springs National Park
Number of words: 1038 - Number of pages: 4.... Springs was a neutral ground where different tribes came to hunt, trade and bathe in peace. Tradition has it that the first Europeans to see the springs were the Spanish explorer Hernando deSoto and his troops in 1541. French trappers, hunters, and traders became familiar with the area in the late-l7th century. In 1803 the United States acquired the area when it purchased the Louisiana Territory from France, and the very next year President Thomas Jefferson dispatched an expedition led by William Dunbar and George Hunter to explore the newly acquired springs. Their report to the President was .....
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Violence 2 -
Number of words: 1132 - Number of pages: 5.... didn’t send him adequate amounts of money. This, in turn, drove Poe to gambling for books and clothes. John Allan had, at different times, refused to pay Poe’s debts. He was forced to work in a job he didn’t want, and eventually John Allan disowned him permanently.
The male figures in his life were not the only ones to cause Poe grief. Poe also had disappointments with the women in his life, not with rejection but with death. Throughout Poe’s life the women that he loved died at an early age, starting with his birth mother. Poe lost several women in his life, all .....
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Detroit Lions
Number of words: 355 - Number of pages: 2.... before that was what hurt them most, because while Barry got the team lots of yardage and scored touchdowns, the other team got them back plus twice the damage they made. But now the defense is focused and ready to go. People tell me I’m crazy because that’s the team I like but I just take risks like buying stocks “u go up and down”.
Hopefully this year the lions will get as far as two years ago, to the quarterfinals
And go beyond that. Another miracle that I wish is that now that the defense is good The man himself, Barry Sanders, decides to return to the game and play for the Lion .....
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Internet Relationships
Number of words: 1522 - Number of pages: 6.... superficail conversations to inner thoughts and feelings each person has. When the only thing you can do is communicate, things can get deep quickly. Many times people cannot share the superfical things because they don't share those things. You cannot complain about your friend and have them know that person. One cannot speak of your boss and his stupidity. You can speak of those things, but the other person does not get the whole story, only your side. This also is a major part of . One can disclose alot of personal information and their deep thoughts and fears about their peers without .....
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