Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
The Bicycle: From Wood To Metal.
Number of words: 1476 - Number of pages: 6.... that the first bicycle was introduced around 1817 by a man called Von Drais. This wooden two-wheeled vehicle that weighed some 45kg (100 lbs). It comprised of a wooden beam structure, straddled by the rider, with a fixed wooden rear wheel and a steerable wheel in front, controlled over a tiller mechanism. It was propelled by pushing off with the legs, rolling along between these propulsive pushes. (fig 1)
page 14 von drais 1817.
Despite the technical and visual development the bicycle has undergone in the years since, the basic concept is clearly present in Von Drais’ invention, and what .....
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Tourism In New Zealand
Number of words: 1397 - Number of pages: 6.... However tourism itself can have negative effects on the environment. The tourism sector must act responsibly in its use of the environment and any use must be sustainable.
It is the economic effects of tourism which bring the most benefit to the host nation. Tourism is a low import user which means more of the money earned here stays here. The government is earning money through tourist taxes such as the airport tax, increased export earnings and income tax revenue from people employed by the industry. A balance must be struck between these benefits and associated negative impacts on .....
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Advertising 2
Number of words: 1031 - Number of pages: 4.... ads are the ones that touch you in a special way. Possibly seeing your dream car, or that fantasy vacation that you always wanted to take, or the blood analyzer that you kept forgetting to order. Nonetheless these ads persuade the consumer to open their imagination and dream of the brighter things in life. The impression of is left embedded in their mind and will always come up when they see something similar in the future.
Comparing the two ads, which I have selected, both of which are promoting blood analyzers, I find different contrasting techniques and schemes that were used. First of .....
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Endangered Whales
Number of words: 659 - Number of pages: 3.... anymore. Their communication is interfered with by the sound of ship’s motors, sounds that must be as painful to whales ears as a truck on a highway is to human’s ears.
The decimation of great whales has been going on for centuries, one species after another hunted to levels so low that it is no longer profitable to hunt them. As early as the eighteenth century the Basques of northern Spain hunted the Atlantic Right Whale for meat and whalebone. It was so named by English whalers because it was "right" for their purpose, easy to kill, peaceful and slow moving, feeding in shallow .....
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The Importance Of Literacy
Number of words: 991 - Number of pages: 4.... how important literary skills are. Without adequate literary skills one
may not be able to identify on a label the correct amount of medicine to give a
child, or read and interpret a sign giving instructions on what to do in case of
a fire. These two examples bring perspective to literacy's importance.
Nevertheless, recent surveys have indicated that, "4.5 million Canadians,
representing 24 percent of the eighteen-and-over group, can be considered
illiterate" ("Adult Illiteracy" 5). Illiteracy is truly a problem within Canada.
Although many groups are working to render the problem of illi .....
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Biblical Analysis On Genesis A
Number of words: 1127 - Number of pages: 5.... of Jesus Christ. Now what prompts a sensible individual to believe that Eve was created by Adam's rib or the devil took form into a snake, which lost it's upright standing, in more ways than one? The use of allegories, aphorisms, parables, and proverbs place a broader meaning left for the reader to interpret the best it applies to them. Though some translate it literally, the masses understand it on its basis, uniquely, and the originators of this text simply wrote to enlighten and encourage despite religious preference.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth," so the stor .....
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Imagine Being A Swinger Of Bir
Number of words: 3024 - Number of pages: 11.... above in the second stanza. Finally as the birch tree can no longer go any higher, it brings us back down to earth so that we may be perceive a different earth in the third stanza. It can be seen that reality and the understanding of reality also follow this same trip on the birches. The reality that everyone faces everyday is introduced in the first stanza and reality is broken in with a rampage of imagination in the second stanza. Finally a newer and more enlightened reality can be seen by the end of the trip down on earth.
The word "truth" has to be defined to understand what Frost is rea .....
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Descartes Meditations
Number of words: 1991 - Number of pages: 8.... discards the senses as a source of truth because of the ‘Dream Argument’ or the belief that based on the senses there is no definite way of proving that you are dreaming or that you are awake. Therefore it is possible that everything we believe is false, making the senses an unreliable source. Upon establishing this, Descartes doubts the existence of a physical or external world. Despite that he has an idea of things in the world, he has no definitive way of knowing if they exist beyond his own mind. Another foundation that he tries to confirm is mathematics. But he soon re .....
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Number of words: 1340 - Number of pages: 5.... was taken away, or else consequences would follow enforced by a “police.” That is the situation in, 1984, where everyone’s thoughts were controlled providing them with no independent nature, but rather allowing them to be brainwashed. In the new utopia, everyone will be given the chance to think through their own minds, and not through other’s.
Another problem which occurs inside all humans, is the worry that they will go through life alone without being able to find the perfect mate. This was the case in, Frankenstein, where the monster was very depressed because he was always .....
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Tropical Africa: Food Production And The Inquiry Model
Number of words: 446 - Number of pages: 2.... a region on each side of
this of summer rain and winter
drought, and 3. a region at the northern and southern edges
afflicted by
All the climates listed in the previous paragraph are modified
in the eastern parts of Tropical Africa by the mountains and monsoons.
The soils of Tropical Africa pose another problem. They are unlike
the soils of temperate areas. Soils are largely products of their
climates, and tropical soils are different from temperate soils
because the climate is different. Because of the great heat of the
tropics .....
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