Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Asymmetry In Facial Emotional
Number of words: 1057 - Number of pages: 4.... information from the right side of the body goes to the contralateral side of the brain, in this case the left hemisphere, and vice versa. Due to this cross over, each hemisphere has motor control over the contralateral side of the body.
The brain’s hemispheres are specialised in their functions, amongst others, the left hemisphere is dominant in language, mathematical reasoning and logical thinking. The right hemisphere is dominant in facial recognition, expression and spatial thinking. These findings that the different hemispheres are specialised in their function have come from experi .....
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Intelligent Design As A Theory
Number of words: 8315 - Number of pages: 31.... from the University of Chicago, a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and an M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary. Bill has done post-doctoral work at MIT, University of Chicago, Northwestern, Princeton, Cambridge, and Notre Dame. He has been a National Science Foundation doctoral and post-doctoral fellow. His publications range from mathematics to philosophy to theology. His monograph The Design Inference will appear with Cambridge University Press in 1998. In it he describes the logic whereby rational agents infer intelligent causes. He is working with .....
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Aristotles Views On Human Action
Number of words: 1765 - Number of pages: 7.... his point of view. The examples are important in the text as Aristotle is dealing with abstract concepts; tying them into a real-world context of punishment and reward. Also, they provide a leg to stand on when the text becomes too wordy and confusing (not all that rare in Aristotle).
In chapter 1, Aristotle focuses primarily on the involuntary actions of man; giving lengthy consideration to the more specific distinctions that arise. "Those things, then, are thought involuntary, which take place under compulsion or owing to ignorance" (Bk.I, ch. 1, 1109b35). This is the first disti .....
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Car Winterization
Number of words: 2238 - Number of pages: 9.... are rated by a measure called "cold cranking amps" (CCA), the maximum number of amps that the battery can deliver at zero degrees (F) for 30 seconds. Good, powerful batteries are rated at or above 600 CCA. We've never really liked this CCA thing because some batteries rated at 600 CCA can just barely make the 30-second criterion, and some can pump it out much longer--clearly better batteries. Along come our pals at Consumer Reports. When they rate batteries, they do the CCA test *and* report how long the battery puts out the 600 amps. So, take a look at the October 1997 issue of Consum .....
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Exploring Mars
Number of words: 2918 - Number of pages: 11.... and scientists are striving
for is exploratory, searching for useful raw materials such as water and at
the same time building up an extensive scientific picture of Mars-its state
at the present moment, its history and what the future developments are
going to be.
As astronauts journey to Mars and finally reach there the main concern
and top priority when landing will be the astronauts safety. There will be
more flexibility when choosing a landing site. The astronauts will decide
where they want to land but must take into consideration that the roving
vehicles would be able to provide .....
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The Greenwich Association For Retarded Citizens (G.A.R.C.) Of Greenwich High
Number of words: 539 - Number of pages: 2.... others, making each of them special in different ways,
just like the rest us.
Aside from the meetings that we have every so often to discuss
activities we can do, we usually do fun and interesting activities. We go out
for pizza frequently because it seems to be the group consensus on what we would
all like to eat. During the holidays we celebrate in interesting ways; on
Halloween we have a party where every one gets dressed and brings candy. For
the Christmas season we are going to celebrate with a party at a members house
and listen to Christmas carols, and have dinner. We have had b .....
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Number of words: 585 - Number of pages: 3.... their society speaks for the strength of the individual. That is, if you really want to be rich, you can be, as long as you're not afraid of working hard. So, people obviously like being tourists, and the even more obvious reasons for that can be the need for something different to occur in ones life, not always being stuck in the same old tracks, over and over again. Or, that we need to relax, which you apparently can't do at home, only abroad. One classic reason for is of course that it is a social benefit; You'll get a lot of attention from people back home both before and after the journ .....
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MBO In Russia
Number of words: 3058 - Number of pages: 12.... have a chance to set objectives for their work they performed. The central planning department set quotes, by which all the organizations had to obey even if those planks were set too high to reach. Workers were responsible for reaching organizational goals no matter for at what costs, but on the other side the means by which they had to reach the organizational goals were predetermined by the central planning department.
So, we can see that the word «central», which «disables» MBO, was quite common and used heavily thrughout the whole history of Russia. Nevertheless, I would say, t .....
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Say No To Premarital Affairs
Number of words: 1114 - Number of pages: 5.... it can create boundless energy; when it is used in the wrong way it destroys life. Sex is very much the same kind of powerful force. It is a gift from God to give us the greatest pleasure, to help in creating a deep companionship with one's marriage partner and for procreation of the next generation. But if you play with this powerful force outside the bounds of marriage, it destroys you and those close to you.
Sexual activity for young people arrests their psychological, social and academic development. Studies show that when young people engage in
premarital sex, their academic per .....
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The Channeled Scablands Of Eas
Number of words: 1010 - Number of pages: 4.... feet thick in places and covered more then 100,000 square miles. The lave fields were almost completely surrounded by mountains and encircled by three rivers. As the molten rock cooled it began to crack and form hexagonal patterns through out it. These joints broke up the lava in vertical columns of basalt rock. After eruptions as a whole stopped, the lava field was tilted as a unit to the southwest. Today the northeast rim is 2,300 feet taller then the southwest, creating a natural flood plan to the Columbia River. Beginning a while after the lava cooled, windblown silt, or loess, .....
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