Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
The Design Of A Website
Number of words: 1543 - Number of pages: 6.... presentation on a web-site, the designer must move beyond form, colour and type and embrace the comprehensive impact of design. Enhanced awareness of the world; deeper, broader thinking about problems and opportunities; a respect for the historical roots of and formal conventions of design; planning and diligent study are required to create interesting global web-site designs.
Web site design on the Internet
Web site design in the future.
To identify web-site designs that work, and to identify the reasons to why they work.
Why .....
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Night Rider
Number of words: 2590 - Number of pages: 10.... never had to worry about my daughter walking herself to the bus stop. I even got into the habit of forgetting to lock my car and house.
A favorite time of year was upon my life. The time just after all the summer people went home and gave the beach back to me. It was the end of the excitement of summer and began the preparation for the holidays and the cold of winter. It is a very quiet time of year especially on the beaches.
After years of working in three different summer businesses my wife decided to be the rural housewife. She would meet her girl friends at least once a week. They wo .....
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The Suspension Bridge
Number of words: 1308 - Number of pages: 5.... but they all work in the same way. The roadway doesn’t rest on supports. Instead it hangs in the air, suspended from thick cables. Only two towers are needed to hold up the cables, and they can be placed far apart to keep the river open for boat traffic. Finally in 1867 The New York Bridge Company made John A. Roebling engineer. In just three months he produced all drawings, cross sections, location plans, preliminary surveys, estimated cost, took sounding, and wrote his proposal. In June of 1869 John finished the design for the bridge. He and Washington climbed out onto the end o .....
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Ancient Roman Meals
Number of words: 1687 - Number of pages: 7.... artificial light. Dinner
was after the bath at the end of the eigth hour in winter and at the ninth in
summer. The food is mostly cold,-breads, salads, olives, cheeses, and meats
remaing from last nights dinner. Occasionally, hot dishes such as ham and pig's
heads are feasted upon. Some wealthy Romans would have as many as seven courses
to feed on.
Trimalchio, a wealthy Roman would have a bronzed donkey with appetizer
dishes of olives, stuffed dormice rolled in honey and poppy seed, hot sausages
were laid on a silver grill next to pomegranate and damson seeds. The guests
were still bus .....
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Number of words: 4866 - Number of pages: 18.... was the print, and then there was sound . . . In 1821 an English man named Wheatstone reproduced sound. However, the future of radio didn¡¦t really begin until 1890 when Branly transmitted the first radio waves in France. In 1901 the American Marconi Company, the forerunner of RCA, sent radio signals across the Atlantic. And five years later, ¡§a program of voice and music was broadcast in the United States.¡¨
In 1907 DeForest began a regular radio broadcast featuring music. In 1909 the first talk-radio format, covering women¡¦s suffrage, was broadcast. And in 1912, the Unite .....
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Beowulf Values
Number of words: 328 - Number of pages: 2.... they couldn’t control their destiny. Each battle to them was already decided, and they just had to try their best. The quote "fate will unwind as it must (189) shows clearly that fate was valued.
Finally, like many cultures, the Anglo-Saxons valued loyalty very highly. This is demonstrated much throughout the book, so it is obvious they appreciated loyalty. A quote that shows the significance of loyalty is when Beowulf cries to his audience, "send the hammered / Mail of my armor to Higlac, return / The inheritance I had from Hrethel". This quote shows that they valued loyalty above most .....
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Being A Teacher
Number of words: 663 - Number of pages: 3.... area of study if going to teach high school. Otherwise he/she must get a degree in education. In addition, one must go through an internship and be a teacher’s aide for practice in student teaching and planning. After receiving the education required, he or she must become certified.
Certification is not an easy process. It costs sixty-five dollars plus an extra fifty-six dollars for each additional subject just to get the certification. Potential teachers must take classes to get certified and participate in both a beginning teachers program and inservices from their county in regard .....
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Debate Over Man Being Inherent
Number of words: 370 - Number of pages: 2.... There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws."
Golding takes the viewpoint that unmasked human behavior is destructive, chaotic and violent. Human nature is not gentle, but rather a beast which comes out to destroy all the order and civility in life. Jack and his band of savages did not care for order, but rather for having fun and making random violence. They did not realize the only thing that could save them was some time of order or system. Even the boy who longed for the order of his former life could not resist occasionally being caught up in the orgies .....
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How To Start A Web Business
Number of words: 1024 - Number of pages: 4.... e-business plan. So the big wig meets with the board of directors, and after an agonizing long deliberation, you are told that they want open in six weeks. Plenty of time they insist. After all there are millions of schmucks out there building award winning web sites and making a plethora of cash to pay for college.
Immediately go register the domain name for the company and then make your plan. Planning ahead for the unexpected gotchas of e-commerce that can hit you unexpectedly. Planning ahead will not only save you redevelopment time down the road, but it will .....
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Does Heaven Exist?
Number of words: 1354 - Number of pages: 5.... she shared the excitement of picking up distant radio stations on a ham radio outfit. He died while she was still young, and she became convinced that someday she could contact him. This obsession is complicated by the fact that she does not believe in God. In Puerto Rico, she meets Palmer, a young man who does believe in God. They have a brief but important love affair, and then when Drumlin pulls the plug on her research, she leaves for New Mexico and an alternate SETI site. Ellie’s research project has all but ended when there is a sudden breakthrough, intelligent signals from .....
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