Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Number of words: 1115 - Number of pages: 5.... the money? · Who decides how to spend it? · How often does your family come for dinner? · Do they help clean up? · To whom do we lend money? (Your chronically out-of-work sister? Does she qualify as a charitable tax deduction?) · How much of your mother's approval do we need when making decisions? · Who explains to your father why we no longer want to spend summers at the cabin fishing? The list is limitless — and being caught unawares has caused more squabbles than splitting up the guest list for the big event. "If variety is the spice of life, marriage is the big can of leftover Sp .....
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The Virtues Of Honesty
Number of words: 1469 - Number of pages: 6.... by a public official, such as the vice president and president of the United States of America when that official assumes office. The taking of an oath generally implies some legal or moral sanction for failing to carry out one's sworn pledge. A trial witness, for example, may be charged with the crime of perjury for lying under oath.
When someone swears to a statement under oath or on an affidavit and the statement is found to be false it is called perjury and is considered a breach of oath. Perjury in some states in the United States of America is also known as a felony.
Perjury i .....
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Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2.... the distress they go through based on if they have had treatment or not. The four groups were: not treatment (24 people), acupuncture (19 people), relaxation (13 people), other treatments. (13 people). These people were asked to rate helplessness, capacity for rest, acceptability of change, emotional effects, hearing and ability to ignore using the Effect Questionaire. The only major difference that was found was that the untreated group had more acceptability for change.
Hegel, Mark T; Martin, John B. 1998. Behavioral treatment of pulsative tinnitus and headache following t .....
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The Globe Theater
Number of words: 602 - Number of pages: 3.... a complete and accurate picture of its design. There have been countless attempts at reconstructing the Globe, whether on paper or in real size.
In 1970, Sam Wanamaker established the Shakespeare Globe Playhouse Trust. A 0.8 acre site was identified that very year on Bankside, but construction work only began in 1987.
In 1982, Professor John Orrell revived interest in the plans of the Globe. His analysis of Wenceslas Hollar's `Long View of London' (1647) - a panorama of London taken from the tower of Southwark Cathedral - proved that the angles and relative heights of the buildings depicte .....
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Arranged Marriage
Number of words: 391 - Number of pages: 2.... person and share
everything that we have in our life ? From this point of view it mat not
look sensible at all. Considering that all of us has the right to decide
for ourselves once we are grown up and matured, the right of the choosing
our life partner should be given to us and no one else unless of course
we forfeit it to someone else.
Coming back to the arguments, we can see around us and observe how many
'love marriages' have been successful? In some parts of the world they
stay in but unfortunately in many other places the fail to develop into
life-long relationships. The mo .....
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Greek Myths
Number of words: 1502 - Number of pages: 6.... the herd from Apollo. Formal charges were brought to Mt.
Olympus. Apollo, while going to get his remaining cows discovered Hermes'
musical invention. Intrigued by this astonishing invention he offered his
whole flock for the musical instrument. Hermes agreed, after which he invented
a shepherd's pipe, which also awed Apollo. He offered Hermes his golden staff
in exchange for the pipe but to no avail. In addition to the golden staff
Hermes wanted the knowledge of augury. He felt it was a useful art. Hermes
returned to Mt. Olympus to tell his father, Zeus, of all goings on. Zeus .....
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Television 2 -
Number of words: 1398 - Number of pages: 6.... effect can be seen in the way we react to one another and in the world of advertising. But television cannot yet be said to have enriched our civilization. For that to happen it must become interactive, so the viewers may cease to be just absorbers.
In the flood of images from the silver screen the less good accompanies the best, just as in cinema or in literature. The factor which distinguishes television from the cinema and books, however, is that the full quality range, down to the very worst, is offered to us round the clock, in our own homes. Unless we take particular care to preserve .....
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The Role Of The Front Office
Number of words: 341 - Number of pages: 2.... guestroom without being informed of the room number. Conversely,
someone asking for a specific room number over the telephone should never be
connected until the caller identifies whom he or she is calling and the hotel
employee verifies the identity of the person in the room requested. A person
inquiring at the front desk about a guest may be asked to use the house phones
so that they connect only to the hotel operator. The caller can then be
properly screened to provideadditional security. Front office staff may also
inform guest's of personal precautions they may take. For exam .....
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Number of words: 836 - Number of pages: 4.... early opening scenes of the movie Excalibur,
young Arthur serves as a squire to his brother Kay. Squires were the duties of
young men who served their knights by preparing their armor and weaponry.
During some of the jousting scenes squires retrieve jousts and pass them over to
their knights, but never really assist in combat. Just from the experience and
duties as a squire, it is typical that a young squire may eventually become a
knight. However, in the movie during an Easter afternoon the knights are
jousting for the right to attempt to draw the sword from the stone, and young
Arthur f .....
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Friendship 2
Number of words: 1706 - Number of pages: 7.... we are born in, and we cannot break them anymore than we can stop breathing. Even denying their existence does not change the fact that your mother and father, brother and sister, are who they are. Other relationships are not forced upon us but we do not have complete control over them, like who we fall in love with. We do not choose who we want to fall in love with even though we do choose the situations that makes it possible for the feelings to appear. The third kind of relationships are friendships. Friendships are the most important kind of relationships you can be involved in. One o .....
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