Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Isolation Of Islamic Families
Number of words: 1217 - Number of pages: 5.... of the novel is concerned with the manner in which Ahmad Abd al-Jawad, the head of the household, well-respected and likable outside the home, conducts his affairs, both in the home and outside it. He, an aggressive, controlling father, allows no challenge to his authority or any bending of the strict rules of Islam and society, and practically dominates the family. In his treatment of the members of the household, Abd al-Jawad displays an inflexible cast of mind that most Western people have come to consider characteristic of Islam and Muslims. The father permits himself any level of .....
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College, A Waste Of Time
Number of words: 1692 - Number of pages: 7.... of writing, because college prepares, and helps you get a job that you will enjoy. Furthermore, the author’s main ideas were not well thought out or well supported. An example of this might be her money investment idea. She implies that if an eighteen year old invested his/hers college tuition money in a bank, and kept it there till he/she was sixty-four, they would be twice as rich as those who go to school, graduate and work in their field of study. What she fails to mention is that while their money is gathering interest, it can not be touched till their sixty-four, and in the mea .....
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More Than Just A Place
Number of words: 1017 - Number of pages: 4.... heads at night, safe from the evils of society. A child’s math homework is finished on the kitchen table, while his little brother learns to walk on the hard wood floors. In this magical place our worries disappear and we can relax. Coming home from a bad day at work, a woman puts her key in the door and walks inside. Upon setting her briefcase on the rustic kitchen table and picking up the remote to watch her favorite sitcom, her troubles leave her. She becomes involved with the comical story of Jerry Sienfeld, and not with her boss’s booming voice telling her how she filed his documen .....
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Who Are Special Needs Children
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... with ADHD are prone to restlessness, anxiety, short attention spans and impulsiveness. They have trouble listening, remaining seated, interacting with other people and are easily distracted. A child with ADHD will show extreme symptoms, usually before the age of 7.
The most common medication for children with ADHD is an amphetamine called Ritalin, which produces a paradoxical effect. The speed stimulates the cerebral cortex, allowing the brain to manage incoming sensory information efficently. Ritalin is very controversial since the side effects can be quite serious, such as inhibitin .....
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Off Campus Essay
Number of words: 659 - Number of pages: 3.... Irresponsible students who choose to take the risk of leaving their school after lunch for the remainder of the day will not have this opportunity if an open campus is kept closed.
Local businesses and neighborhoods can be disturbed if open campuses are permitted during the lunch hour. When groups of students are on their break, they can cause a commotion and be quite noisy among one another. Residents dwelling in their homes become upset by these major and minor disturbances, especially the elderly. Quietness is important to many people doing work in their homes and offices, and t .....
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Religion,physics And A Social
Number of words: 1273 - Number of pages: 5.... Determinism is easiest under stood through analogy. Think of the universe as a bunch of billiard balls in a three dimensional pool table called space. If one were to know all the forces acting on these balls at any time it would be possible to extrapolate all future or past positions. This creates determinism and determinism destroys free will. The best example of this phenomenon in society would be the partisan political system and foreign policy. Sociologists and the public in general, see themselves and each other as one of these pool balls being kicked around. In th .....
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Sigumand Freud And Nietzsche: Personalities And The Mind
Number of words: 1759 - Number of pages: 7.... id, and ego are analogous to the idea on the Apollonian and
Dionysian duality's presented by Nietzsche.
"The division of the psychical into what is conscious and what is
unconscious is the fundamental premise of psycho-analysis; and it alone makes it
possible for psycho-analysis to understand the pathological processes in mental
life..." (Freud, The Ego and the Id, 3). To say it another way, psycho-analysis
cannot situate the essence of the psychial in consciousness, but is mandated to
comply consciousness as a quality of the pyschial, which may be present (Freud,
The Ego and the ID, 3) .....
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Prejudice Child Of Ignorance
Number of words: 719 - Number of pages: 3.... now his own. When this child leaves that school, he has not had any contact with anyone from a different lifestyle. He will not know how to react to someone like a homeless person on the street. Like the child, everyone in America has a right to be here. Just because someone looks or acts different from him, that does not make his prejudices right. The nicest person in the world could be a homeless person, and the child would probably really like to know him. Instead, the child turns him away based on his appearance and financial situation. Prejudice stirs up a hate inside that the chil .....
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The Florence Baptistery
Number of words: 1454 - Number of pages: 6.... standards for the next to come. The second set, the first done by Lorenzo Ghiberti, were originally hung on the east end, but were soon moved to the north side to make room for the final set. These final doors, by Ghiberti, have earned the name “Gates of Paradise.” The name S. Giovanni was given to the baptistery because of the remains of Piazza S Giovanni found beneath the floor in a medieval cemetery. Historians have argued the baptistery’s date for a few hundred years and it is still completely unsure what is it. The first recorded documentation of the baptistery .....
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Number of words: 674 - Number of pages: 3.... actions of their parents.
1984, by George Orwell, shows an example of un-honorable actions of parents, rubbing off on their children. About 99% of the population in this book, were uncaring robots. They would turn their best friend into the “thought police” at the drop of a hat.
They don’t think for themselves, and therefore are robots. The children of 1984, were even worse because they would turn their own parents into the “thought police”, with no sense of shame, and they actually felt proud about their actions. This is a perfect example of the unmoral actions of th .....
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