Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Financial Article
Number of words: 288 - Number of pages: 2.... think that the market is too high and that a correction is in our way very soon. What does this means? The answer is that because of the speculation of the people about how high the market is it could mean that we are at the top, in other words, people will think twice to invest in a company like Goldmaan Sachs or any Internet Stock. The reason why is because the Internet stocks will be the first one to plunges if the market goes in a correction trend. They can not hold themselves at such high levels like they are now. On the other hand, people have been saying this about the market sin .....
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Number of words: 1249 - Number of pages: 5.... to believe that extramarital affairs are unusual. Since takes on several different forms, it is appropriate to consider the fact that many people believe that this sort of behaviour would be considered acceptable.
The first form of adultery is Accidental . This can happen to the more careless person, but at the same time, to the person whose values and commitments are tenuous. They lack self-control and respect for both themselves and their spouse. Any situation where they are left alone with the opposite sex is an opportunity for an “accident” to occur. It was shocking to .....
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The Death And Dying Beliefs Of Australian Aborigines
Number of words: 3499 - Number of pages: 13.... them the laws that are handed down from
father to son, founded the initiation ceremonies and made the bull-roarer, the
sound of which imitates his voice. It is Daramulun that gives the medicine men
their powers. When a man dies, it is Daramulun who cares for his spirit. This
belief was witnessed before the intervention of Christian missionaries. It is
also used only in the most secret initiations of which women know nothing and
are very central to the archaic and genuine religious and social traditions.
Therefore it is doubtful that this belief was due to missionary propaganda but
ist .....
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The Lottery
Number of words: 1609 - Number of pages: 6.... getting
struck by lighting are one in six hundred thousand. That means you are
eight times more likely to be struck by lighting than to win the
lottery.(Issues of Gambling) The odds always sound better on television.
That’s because state lotteries are exempt from Federal Trade Commission
truth-in-advertising standards.(Reno 1) This means that state lotteries
are allowed to advertise whatever they want without fear of prosecution. So
if any one ever wished to pursue action against the lottery they would
have to take their case through a civil court which would require using
their own money .....
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Greek Architecture
Number of words: 641 - Number of pages: 3.... had. The orchestra, paraskenia, theatron, and skene.
The orchestra was the stage, located in the center of the theater. unlike many
modern stages, which are raised above the seatsthe orchestra was located below
the seats. There were sometimes, but not usually, seats located behind the
The theatron was the audiences seating. THe theatron was raised above the
orchestra,which extended in circles. These circles were devided by walkways
which extended outward from the orchestra. The shape of the theater allowed the
actor's voices to carry without the use of modern d .....
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Mankind As A Problem
Number of words: 898 - Number of pages: 4.... race has done this many times through it’s past and shows no signs of altering. Nazi Germany almost eliminated the entire Jewish population from Europe, and killed millions before they could be stopped. Communist Russia, under the leadership of Stalin, conducted many tests and experiments on humans that lead to the deaths of millions more for no purpose other than to satisfy one man’s curious side. The human race for centuries, and in some parts of the world still does committed slavery. Brutality of human against human has been a common theme through the years, but if you go club o .....
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Description Of A Bedroom
Number of words: 276 - Number of pages: 2.... basket. This is
jammed tight between the garbage can and the desk, which sits near the corner.
The tops of the desk are white, but the supports are black. School books cover
the bottom shelf, while the next two have miscellaneous items on them. On the
top shelf, an encased basketball sits. It's an Olympic ball dipped in gold.
Next to the ball, hanging on the gray, black, and white marble-like
painted walls, is a tournament bracket for last year's College Basketball
Championship. Under the bracket is the light switch, and next to it is a black
The next wall is bare, but in t .....
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Tomb Raider 2 Walkthrough
Number of words: 5758 - Number of pages: 21.... so you can practice her swan dive.
Combat Tips
There are now lots more human enemies in Tomb Raider. These guys fight back and sometimes with some pretty impressive firepower. While it is important to save your more powerful weapons for the more powerful enemies, always use the best weapon to take out a given enemy in the least amount of time. Watch out for those Rig Workers (the guys with wrenches) as they can climb just like Lara and follow you almost anywhere.
Save the Big Guns (M-16's and Uzi's) for the Big Bad Guys. When firing at groups of enemies, always make sure to release th .....
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Gendre Stereotyping
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3.... may seem slightly feminine. The socially accepted despcription of what it is to be masculine is to be strong, to be able to support a family, and to have high stamina. On the other hand, what it is to be feminine is to be a loving mother, and to stay home with their kids. Men and women have very specific and very different dress codes. Men must where suits and women must wear dresses. Men must stay away from feminine colours such as purple and pink. Whoever crosses the gendre based lines may be made fun of or shunned by others.
We are not only trying to fit in the gendre molds ourselves, bu .....
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Factors Of Second Language
Number of words: 2578 - Number of pages: 10.... it can be an imposing instrument. The complexity of the computer, not to mention the vast choice of possibilities, can put students and teachers off as they loose time grappling with how to use the computer. Yet, the learning curve aside, computers can be valuable assets in the classroom. Computers being used as a tool to further a learning goal is not an entirely new phenomenon in our society. Although, their use in the classroom as a tool for second language acquisition can be said to be a fairly recent occurrence and thus deserves to be looked at as a factor in promoting the le .....
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