Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
The Anasazi Indians
Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2.... of hunters and seed gatherers. They developed agriculture, learned
to make baskets and irrigate.
The Anasazi religion was very different compared to other religions
of the world. Anasazi Indians chose to bury their dead either in the trash
or against walls. The ghosts of the Anasazi were feared widely by most
Navajos for some reason. The oddest thing about the Anasazi is that they
had some kind of infatuation with a humpbacked, flute playing man named
Kokopelli, or the Watersprinkler. On many walls all over the area, a
drawing of Kokopelli can be found. These Indians also drew wid .....
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Probability Theory Statistics
Number of words: 512 - Number of pages: 2.... into believing that the mathematical evidence that is derived can actually be a good indicator of a race’s outcome. Usually it is if the odds or probability are great in favor of the desired outcome. However the future is uncertain and races can turn out any of a number of different ways.
The field of medicine is another high subscriber to this forecasting technique. Potential diagnoses are frequently made based on a patient’s history or that of his ancestors and the calculated likelihood of him/her acquiring certain conditions. Statistics and probability aid in the decision mak .....
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Thomas Hobbes: What Is The Difference Between Obligations In Foro Interno And In Foro Externo, And When Do We Have Such Obligations?
Number of words: 877 - Number of pages: 4.... he also believed, "that a man be willing, when others are so too
as far-forth as for peace and defense of himself that he shall think it
necessary to lay down this right to all things, and be contented with so much
liberty against other men, as he would allow other men against himself." The
question now is, when do we have an obligation to strive towards peace when it
means giving up our natural rights?
According to Hobbes, we always have an obligation to work towards peace,
and have an obligation in foro interno, but not always in foro externo. The
difference between there two are .....
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University Costs
Number of words: 452 - Number of pages: 2.... and student parking can be quite expensive
at some universities.
4) Housing - a student who attends university away from home must find a place
to eat, sleep and , of course, study. There are about three main options in
this field of discussion. The first is dorm housing. The costs of sharing a
dorm ranges from about 250 - 400 dollars per month. The second available option
is to rent an apartment. A nice affordable apartment ranges from about 300 -
500 dollars a month. This type of apartments usually contains features such as
a stove and a fridge. The final option is to board at a h .....
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Werewolf Legends
Number of words: 2767 - Number of pages: 11.... members immediately paid homage to Jupiter, however, Lycaon didn't believe that he was a real God and prepared a feast for him consisting of human flesh. If Jupiter truly was a God, he would recognize the meal and decline to eat it, since cannibalism was a great sin. Jupiter immediately noticed what the feast consisted of. To avoid Jupiter's wrath, Lycaon fled to the countryside. Once there he found out what Jupiter had in store for him slowly he began to transform into a man-wolf. The term "lycanthropy" was derived from Lycaon's name. Another story is the one of "The Beserkers". In the Folk .....
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Number of words: 1619 - Number of pages: 6.... of perfume, looks, and personality. Her name is
Jodi Block. She is the the coolest person I know. She likes me for who I really am and
doesn’t laugh at me for mistakes I make, or ever criticizes me for anything I do. She is
always there with a compliment or telling me how good of a job I did on something. She
is always there to listen to me when I have get something off my chest. I don’t know
what I would do with out her. At the current moment, the only people I love with my
heart are Jodi, my mother and father, and my two siblings Jordan and Erin. I don .....
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Cisco Systems
Number of words: 1789 - Number of pages: 7.... broad coverage of worldwide markets.
Customers benefit from Cisco networking solutions through more efficient exchange of information, which in turn leads to cost savings, process efficiencies, and closer relationships with customers, prospects, business partners, suppliers, and employees. Cisco solutions are the networking foundation for companies, universities, utilities, and government agencies worldwide.
The Company was founded in late 1984 by a small group of computer scientists from Stanford University seeking an easier way to connect different types of computer systems. shipped .....
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What Is Color?
Number of words: 941 - Number of pages: 4.... sources
are combined they appear as different colors. Adding primary light sources
in the right proportions, can produce the sensation of other colors in our
eyes, such as aqua and purple. (Challoner,40)
Why do we see the grass as green in color? Why do we not see the
grass as blue or any other color? Actually, when the visible light hits a
pigment only some colors are reflected back to the eye. (Encarta) Which
colors are reflected and absorbed vary with the different pigments in the
object. Grass is green because all the other colors in the visible
spectrum are absorbed, and green .....
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Number of words: 435 - Number of pages: 2.... a dial on the side, the makers of ‘E Yo' hyped it up to an extent that every kid on the block has one.
Promotion and advertising also plays a big role in the success of an entrepreneur. Utilizing the media, one should try and get as much coverage of his product as possible. The consumer has to be well informed and aware about your product for him to be interested in purchasing your product. One of the best forms of advertising is posting posters on the bus or other public transportation vehicles, so that the thousands of people that use the public transportation system everyday .....
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Long Term Care Ltc
Number of words: 709 - Number of pages: 3.... the baby boomer era. Based on statistics, at least 25% or more will require long tern care.
Growth of LTC facilities
There are estimates of 20,000 to 30,000 LTC homes in the United States, according to industry figures. The widening flood of Americans later life guarantees that long-term care facilities will be the 21st century growth industry. The market which was $86 billion in 1996, is expected to reach $490 billion by 2030.
Purchasing LTC insurance is a 50/50 gamble whether you will ever need this insurance or not. More and more people over the age of 65 not only need .....
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