Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Childhood Enemies
Number of words: 1866 - Number of pages: 7.... however, remains a central focus of developmental interest. Certainly, an individualfs genetic endowment plays a significant role in personality development, but these genetic influences are not 100% determinant of adult personality traits (Doherty, 1997). A combination of rapid physical changes and early exposure to sexual and violent images is shrinking the time between childhood and adolescence.
It is widely accepted that a complex and subtle interplay between the growing adolescentfs family, community, and social environments and the dispositional characteristics an adolescent b .....
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Number of words: 405 - Number of pages: 2.... A barre is used to help give support; it may also be used as a handle. The barre is a well-designed step-by-step process which brings out the best in dancers muscular and mental receptivity. We will begin working with the feet, then the legs, hips, upper back, and torso. The barre helps the student concentrate on one leg at a time. It also helps the students gain confidence to help them balance on one leg at a time.
There are various exercises that can be performed on the barre (e.g., warming up the calf muscles or warming down after class). The tendu exercise helps to warm up the ach .....
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The First Flush Toilet
Number of words: 394 - Number of pages: 2.... some way. Whether
is was the smell, the inability to get rid of the waste, the slowness, or
the tremendous energy put into it for every bow- movement. The basic
mechanism was very simple--it was made of a float, a metal arm and a
siphonic action to empty the reservoir of water.
In the beginning of this method was not popular and the flush toilet
was given the name "Valveless Water Waste Prevented". The slogan used to
sell this product was "Certain Flush with easy Pull. Will Flush when only
Two-Thirds Full". Today, every toilet (or similar flushing thing) is based
on Tomas Crapper's .....
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Aristotles Views On Human Acti
Number of words: 1765 - Number of pages: 7.... his point of view. The examples are important in the text as Aristotle is dealing with abstract concepts; tying them into a real-world context of punishment and reward. Also, they provide a leg to stand on when the text becomes too wordy and confusing (not all that rare in Aristotle).
In chapter 1, Aristotle focuses primarily on the involuntary actions of man; giving lengthy consideration to the more specific distinctions that arise. "Those things, then, are thought involuntary, which take place under compulsion or owing to ignorance" (Bk.I, ch. 1, 1109b35). This is the first disti .....
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Efficient Market Theory: A Con
Number of words: 738 - Number of pages: 3.... depress prices, and companies cannot "cook the books" to artificially manipulate stock and bond prices. However, information technology and market dynamics are based upon the workings of ordinary people and diverse organizations, neither of which are arguably efficient nor consistent. Therefore, we have the basic contradiction of EMT: How can a theory based on objective mechanical efficiency hold up when applied to subjective human inefficiency?
As a case in point, America Online (AOL) offers a classic example of how investors can be misled by a company that uses the market system against i .....
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Accidents In Hockey
Number of words: 2147 - Number of pages: 8.... head.
Injury to the shoulder is the most common hockey injury in the game
today because of the physcial contact. Of the injuries reported in the 1993-
1994 hockey season, 12% of those were shoulder related. Injury to the acromio-
clavicular joint was the most frequent because of the bodychecking. Every time
a player steps on the ice, he is constantly being pounded into the boards,
shoulder first. The glenohumeral was often being injuried mainly from fighting
and accidental contact. Hockey manufactures are constantly trying to improve
shoulder pads so this injury will not happen.
The k .....
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Habits That Hinder Thinking
Number of words: 825 - Number of pages: 3.... Without even realizing it, they both
became victims of thobbing.
Henshaw Ward termed thobbing for considering and evaluating ideas. “The term combines the th from thinking, the o from opinion, and the b from believing” (qtd. in Ruggiero 53). You can be aware of when you are thobbing by paying close attention to your initial opinions, especially the ones that are very strong.
There are many habits that can hinder one’s thinking, causing their mind to fall victim to thobbing. Julie and John both used conformity and resistance to change, and rationalizing habits
when coming up with .....
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How Do We Know If God Exists
Number of words: 1371 - Number of pages: 5.... conclusions ourselves. Maybe these argument provide adequate proof for some people. As such, we will take a look at some of the more noteworthy argument, on both sides, and briefly analyze them.
First off is the ontological argument. An ontological argument for the existence of God attempts to include the definition of the concept of God the fact that he exists. An example of this would be Anselm's argument. Saint Anselm(1033-1109) was a Benedictine monk in Bec. At that time, Bec was one of the Great centers of learning in Europe. His book Proslogion contains his famous ontological argument. .....
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Alcohol 2
Number of words: 464 - Number of pages: 2.... of dollars. I know what causes unsatisfactory mental health for me and that is having less money in my pocket. If this was such a good idea, why did Congress reverse it?
Sure there will always be irresponsible people. And absolutely the irresponsible use of alcohol has produced disastrous results. But look at me. I’m a responsible person. When I drink I always make sure that I have a designated driver. Why should I be punished by the few who can’t handle that responsibility? How about my grandparents? They believe in having a glass of wine with their dinner. Its an old family c .....
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Are Fit Women Feminine
Number of words: 1591 - Number of pages: 6.... on height and weight. A ‘fit' external body can be defined as a mesomorph body type which includes hard and tight skin tissue, well-developed muscles, and strong bones. All of these features lead to a more shapely body and an upright posture. Keeping in mind the definitions of ‘fit' and ‘feminine' I will now explore Lenskyj's ‘commercialized fit' and my distinction between ‘being fit' and ‘looking fit'.
Helen Lenskyj's article Women, Sport, and Sexuality explores the commercialization of the ‘fit' body. She traces the image of the physically fit woman as it transforms from the 1 .....
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