Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Compare And Contrast College P
Number of words: 722 - Number of pages: 3.... helpful professor's class are never difficult if one know the subject matter. The professor understands how stressful testing can be and is only interested in seeing whether or not the student grasped the facts presented to them. Good students receive good grades in the helpful professor's class. Those professors appreciate hard work and duly reward it. The best kind of teacher to get that first day is the helpful professor.
The second type of professor one can get is the malicious professor. This professor has a sour attitude toward life in general; therefore they want the students to .....
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The Bald Eagle
Number of words: 758 - Number of pages: 3.... their share of the
salmon to their favorite perch to eat. The eagle also eats seabirds,
waterfowl, mammals, and reptiles. Have you ever wondered exactly how the
eagle catches the fish? Well, the eagle looks over the water and find his
target and follows the fish for a while, then it swoops down and digs his
talons into the fish and takes it to its perch. Bald eagles hunt young sea
otters by listening for the noises while the otters eat in the kelp beds.
The eagles protect themselves with their beak and talons from
larger animals. Humans hunt the eagles for their feathers and their .....
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Number of words: 1598 - Number of pages: 6.... convert exclusively to the I-Search paper, a radical move that would not be educationally
prudent, I am convinced the I-Search is an effective alternative to traditional research papers. In fact
if the instructor chooses it can co-exist in a writing course with traditional, formal papers as an
example of another style of writing. In the following sections I will not attempt to define the I-Search,
but I will discuss some of my impressions and observations. Then I will discuss the research.
What I Learned
A positive ramification many educators noticed when they taught the I-Search .....
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Number of words: 2578 - Number of pages: 10.... can be an imposing instrument. The complexity of the computer, not to mention the vast choice of possibilities, can put students and teachers off as they loose time grappling with how to use the computer. Yet, the learning curve aside, computers can be valuable assets in the classroom. Computers being used as a tool to further a learning goal is not an entirely new phenomenon in our society. Although, their use in the classroom as a tool for second language acquisition can be said to be a fairly recent occurrence and thus deserves to be looked at as a factor in promoting the learning o .....
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The Unknown Citizen
Number of words: 866 - Number of pages: 4.... become sarcasm. The speaker describes the man as a “model citizen” who “in a modern sense of an old-fashioned word” is “a saint.” When asked if the man “was free and happy”, the speaker responds that “the question is absurd, had anything been wrong” he “should certainly has heard.” The irony of the situation is that the very action of probing into the man’s personal life by the official that is absurd. The confidence of the official that he has known everything about the man’s life is a false one. The .....
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Number of words: 5278 - Number of pages: 20.... while the disorder affects females in the age range of 20 to 29.
¡§ Bob saw his psychiatrist for treatment of depression for six months before he finally had the courage to bring up his other ¡¥secret¡¦ problem. Since childhood he had a compulsion to count things. He had to count the letters in words and in people¡¦s names. If the letters added up to any number except 9, he felt a sense of release and could stop counting. He knew it was silly but nevertheless he had a fear that if he did not do this, something bad could happen to his mom or dad. He seemed unable to stop doing this. .....
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A Consumers Buyer Behaviour Is Influenced By Four Major Fact
Number of words: 746 - Number of pages: 3.... and the resulting purchase decision is strongly influenced by cultural, social, personal and psychological characteristics. An understanding of the influence of these factors is essential for marketers in order to develop suitable marketing mixes to appeal to the target customer.
CULTURAL factors include a consumer’s culture, subculture and social class. These factors are often inherent in our values and decision processes.
SOCIAL factors include groups (reference groups, aspiration groups and member groups), family, roles and status. This explains the outside influences of others .....
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Power In Negotiating
Number of words: 515 - Number of pages: 2.... hope that they will heed them. You also can apply pressure in the right situations, but you should determine what you expect to get before doing this. Is your power real? If it is use your skills to present it.
If you're in a position of authority you may want to exercise that authority when negotiating. If you control resources you'll also want to bring them to play. You may be inclined to use coercive power from this position but this could do another roadblock in the negotiations. you could use these same resources if your power is only percieved.
Whether your power is real or just per .....
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U.S And Greece: Differences And Similarities In Education
Number of words: 395 - Number of pages: 2.... also didn't want to spend the money on the
child's education and would be very selfish. Girls stayed home to cook, weave,
do art, and to learn to run the house because of the male dominated culture.
Only the boys went to school, and at first the rich boys only went to school.
Only men learned to read and write. All schools were private schools and
family's would have to pay the school expenses for the education. They believed
music was necessary and they had a high value on physical fitness which the U.S.
doesn't. For people who could not afford school they would train in the city to
be .....
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The Senegal Tribe
Number of words: 224 - Number of pages: 1.... the 1800's, there was no Senegal but there was a nation that became
Senegal much later. The tribe was ruled by Samori Toure when the Europeans
started coming. Samori Toure signed an agreement with the French in an effort to
keep the land they had owned for centuries. Unfortunately, the French broke the
agreement and war broke out for 7 years. The people of Senegal were defeated in
1898. This war was one of the few examples of overt resistance during the
colonization of Africa.
The geographical situation of the people of Senegal was one of the
reasons that lost the war. First of all, Senega .....
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