Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Muhammad's 23 Years Of Prophetic Ministry
Number of words: 871 - Number of pages: 4.... Muhammad and his army moved on Mecca and took it without a fight. On that day, Muhammad ordered the murder of 10 people living in Mecca. Muhammad said "God forbid killing in Mecca, except for this one day." Sarh was one of the people Muhammad ordered to be murdered. His crime? He had left Islam, and he constituted a threat to the credibility of the Qur'an and the prophethood of Muhammad. No wonder then that Muhammad wanted him dead.
"'To me it has been revealed', when naught has been revealed to him" refers to `Abdallah Ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh, who used to write for God's messenger. The verse .....
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Japanese Capital Structure And
Number of words: 4872 - Number of pages: 18.... levels to those more resembling U.S. companies. The questions now have become: What is the optimal debt level for a Japanese firm? Should firms still be taking advantage of the benefits of their keiretsu relationship that have allowed them to take on such levels of debt?
Our analysis focuses on Mitsubishi Corporation, a core conglomerate that is part of the larger Mitsubishi Group keiretsu having the capital structure characteristics mentioned above. The report will first explore the circumstances that may have induced Mitsubishi to its present capital structure, then look at more recent .....
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Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networking (atm)
Number of words: 712 - Number of pages: 3.... information is sent in a standardized size, these uniform groups are called cells.
New networking technology is accepted reluctantly, for choosing to buy yourself or your company a technology that does not become widely accepted means the waste of money, time, and energy. Due to this the users of ATM have been select until very recently. The major users of ATM are universities and research centers – both of who were given government “seed money” for the purpose. The users of ATM are growing very quickly and diversely as the fear of newness rubs off and envy grows toward t .....
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Looks Vs Personalaties
Number of words: 336 - Number of pages: 2.... a life. For example, you meet a person and get to know them and you begin to notice their traits. You notice if they are nice, kind, outgoing, lazy, bad, mean, rude…etc. therefore, when you form a relationship. You already know something about that person.
In my opinion, personality is the way to go and not looks. You find more out about the person, and don’t have to worry about whether the person is cute or not. Judging people on their looks is a form of racism and most people don’t realize that. They say they are not and, yet, do it all the time. So don’t be racist, .....
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Satanism 2
Number of words: 940 - Number of pages: 4.... have gods and demons, some of which are forbidden by a typical society. Satan is one among these, originally conceived by the Hebrews, long before the birth of Jesus. Most Satanists are familiar with the teachings of Christianity, and have read the Bible or part of it. They simply consider the Bible to be false and disregard it much like Christians would disregard books which represent the foundation of another religion.
Satanism is not considered a religion for the white race and should not be confused with or grouped together with skinheads, The KKK, Nazi's, Neo-Nazi's, or peopl .....
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Number of words: 808 - Number of pages: 3.... . Christians believe that the Bible is God's revelation of His involvement int he history of the world. "When God acts in history, He leaves behind His ‘fingerprints'. By examining the biblical record we can discover those distinctive characteristics of God's imprint" ( Geiser 1988:24). Raising of the dead is an event that shows the power of God. The most compelling act recorded in the Bible is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This is the foundation of Christianity and our relation to God ( Romans 10:9-10). The Bible has several other instances in 1Kings 17:22, Jo .....
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Condoms A Good Idea
Number of words: 1070 - Number of pages: 4.... of teenagers become pregnant or contract an STD. The consequences of adolescent sexuality are of great concern to parents and health care professionals. Sexual conduct among American teens has been studied for the past several decades and analysis has shown that there is an increasing rate of sexual intercourse among young people. In the last twenty years, the amount of teenagers having sex has risen substantially. A solution to the problem has been to include sex education and distribution of condoms in high schools. People were able to accept sex education in high schools but .....
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Security 2
Number of words: 2495 - Number of pages: 10.... of the computer could be
endangered by the flood of coffee. Besides, human caretaker of
computer system can cause as much as harm as any physical hazard.
For example, a cashier in a bank can transfer some money from one
of his customer's account to his own account. Nonetheless, the
most dangerous thief are not those who work with computer every
day, but youthful amateurs who experiment at night --- the
The term "hacker "may have originated at M.I.T. as students'
jargon for classmates who labored nights in the computer lab. In
the beginning, ha .....
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Psychology Journal Report
Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4.... then even a change to venue itself may provide the same relief. A reserve service provides such a change. A good example of a reserve service is military service. This is how the authors experiment was done.
They chose 4500 people to question. These men were degree holding engineers, practical engineers, and technicians. Each man answered a questionnaire. 103 of these men fit the criteria of work type they were looking for. These men receive call-up notices, 8 of them declined to participate because of having a heavy work load, 9 were ommitted after because the reservist's ser .....
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Cropping Boxers
Number of words: 1254 - Number of pages: 5.... Club (AKC) Boxer breed standard is a bit different from the portrait we would see if the pup were allowed to grow up without surgical intervention. These procedures lie at the heart of a rather heated debate, especially in the Boxer world. Unlike many other cropped and docked breeds, the Boxer’s breed standard offers no choice regarding whether the tail or, most significantly, the ears may be left natural and still satisfy the
standard’s guide lines.(Vickers 4) This is a restriction that many enthusiasts hope to see changed in the future.
In the show ring, if a dog is found to ha .....
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