Term Papers on Poetry and Poets |
A Pregenerative Soul’s Fear Of Life
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... others as to how they cope with their mortality.
The responses of those she asks ubiquitously stress the importance of service. The Lilly tells Thel that she rejoices because God, who as the Clod of Clay says, “loves the lowly,” comes to her with a promise that, even though her life seems small and insignificant, she is not forgotten. She serves the lamb in nourishment and her perfume spreads across the grasses. Because of these and other services, she will someday “flourish in eternal vales.” The Cloud expresses a similar opinion when asked about the seeming futility and brev .....
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Herrick Vs. Marvell
Number of words: 533 - Number of pages: 2.... directed to two different audiences. In “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” Herrick is speaking to all virgins. He never addresses anybody personally. In “To His Coy Mistress” Marvell is addressing his mistress personally. He wrote the poem for his mistress to convince her to become intimate with him. The difference makes a change because now Herrick’s poem affects the reader (depending on if she is female) since it refers to all virgins. However, Marvell’s poem does not since he is referring to one particular individual.
The them of “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time .....
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John Keats
Number of words: 1297 - Number of pages: 5.... and her new wed husband, William Rawlings, had a terrible marriage from the start. As a result, the children were sent to their grandmother’s and will later be joined by Frances when she left William with the family business. Frances died from tuberculosis when John was fourteen years of age. Frances’s death furthered financial problems for the family, which started when her father died. Now, John and his siblings were left with a guardian to live their lives.
John never had any interest in books at his young age and it was only until he was at the age of fourteen that he was p .....
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Analysis Of The Poem "The Soldier" By Rupert Brooke
Number of words: 487 - Number of pages: 2.... line "Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam." This line
evokes images of a beautiful woman cherishing and caressing the man who stands
at her side. Another line is "Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home."
This line creates a feeling of tranquillity and a unity with nature.
Another line that evokes a feeling of peace and happiness is, "Her
sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day." Without such strong images, the
poem would probably not have such a great effect on the reader. Lines such as
this one force the reader to see the land in the same light as the poet.
Symbol .....
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Poem: I Guess It Was Not In Jane's Mind
Number of words: 204 - Number of pages: 1.... said “Oh, you sweet thing!”
All that for just one crummy line!!
I guess it was not in Jane's mind,
That her figure was so well defined.
So she went to health clubs,
For health food and back rubs,
Now look; if you do, you'll go blind!!
I guess it was not in Jane's mind,
That her teeth were poorly aligned.
The boys did not go near,
For, her chops they did fear,
Till she had her mouth re-designed.
I guess it was not in Jane's mind,
That a job she needed to find.
When they cut h .....
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Number of words: 640 - Number of pages: 3.... for answers. Impulsive and inspired, writing down his thoughts.
Funny stories about Elvis and his followers, the Elvi, or dirty poetry.
Painting his visions on sheets that hang from the eaves or painting me with
psychedelic designs. It doesn't matter which. All of it makes me want him
Some things I say to him are like sour notes played too often. I'm out
of tune. He always sings along. Our waltz is better than most, I suppose. We
know the steps by heart. The world moves quickly around us and our quiet
drunken pace, but we don't care. Our minds move quickly despite thi .....
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The Flea: Analysis
Number of words: 815 - Number of pages: 3.... the two of them do together. Saying to her that this would not be adultery suggests that she has a strong faith and is ethically bound to abide by the principals of her religion. His argument is to put down the religion by saying even the flea is mixing our blood, so why shouldn't we? That suggests that the flea is one of God's creatures and so it should follow the principals of God as well because it was created by God, so the mixing of their blood isn't wrong.
In the third stanza Donne's girlfriend is on the virge of killing the flea and he says let it live. To him it represents thei .....
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Poems Of William Wordsworth And Samuel Coleridge
Number of words: 715 - Number of pages: 3.... number than I ventured to hope I should please" (141) if he was only concentrating on the self. Wordsworth was concerned for all responses from all mankind and not only his personal response. He emphasized and focused on the common man in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads by writing in a common language that the ordinary man can easily understand and appreciate. There are no phrases or figures of speech in his poems that would not be found in conversation between the ordinary, working man. "Because men hourly communicate with the best objects from which the best object is derived; and beca .....
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The Book Of Exodus
Number of words: 1060 - Number of pages: 4.... His mission was similar to those of other
typical epics. It was of course a very dangerous and exhausting journey
that lasted a very long time. There were many obstacles to overcome as
well as internal affairs among the Hebrews.
Moses was born a Hebrew but was raised as the prince of Egypt.
Just like Odysseus, Moses was a man of nobility. Moses did not know he was
a Hebrew until he was a much older man. He was living a lie without even
realizing it.
“And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he
went out unto his brethren, and looked on their bur .....
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Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven
Number of words: 1053 - Number of pages: 4.... that he was napping, and the visitor came rapping and woke him up. He opens the door to look at who or what is there, but all he sees is the darkness of the night. At that point the man's mind went wild, wondering, fearing, and dreaming of what might lie beyond his front stoop. The only sound that was heard was the soft whisper of the name "Lenore", as if the man was expecting her to answer his faint plea. Jolting back into the chamber, the man hears another rapping. Only this time it is coming from the window lattice. He again tries to make up an excuse, " 'Tis the wind and nothing more .....
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