God Changes Throughout The First Books Of The Old Testament
Number of words: 859 - Number of pages: 4.... God also changes his temperament in the Old Testament. When Adam and Eve where in Eden, God instructs them not to eat of the tree, or they will surely die. However, Eve eats of the tree, as does Adam second, yet they do not perish. The serpent told Adam and Eve that the fruit would make them God-like, and that was God’’s reason for his command (Genesis 3:4-3:7). God becomes enraged at the serpent, Adam and Eve as well. God is upset because he has been revealed. He tried to convince Adam and Eve that the tree was poison. However, the tree can be seen as the source of his power, and if the .....
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What Is Satanism?
Number of words: 1201 - Number of pages: 5.... that the strong will rule with Satan. Power has become an
obsession with young Satanists. It is sought after on the physical, mental, and
spiritual levels. Gaining knowledge that others do not posses is another aspect
of the occult. When an individual has more knowledge it allows them a degree of
power over those who do not have access to that knowledge. The Ouija Board has
proven particularly useful. The Ouija Board is an instrument for communication
with the spirits of the dead. The Ouija Board is an open door into the world of
the occult and demonic activity. Disembodied speak to the .....
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Comparing Buddhism And Christianity
Number of words: 1896 - Number of pages: 7.... is individually determined by our past personal actions, thoughts and words (karma) which act as causes of our future happiness and misery. Karma is entirely focused upon individuals -- group karma is impossible as it must relate to one person.
Christians believe that the efforts of another person or being (eg. Jesus, Virgin Mary, Saints, etc) can progress the spiritual condition of a single individual, and thus be the cause of their salvation, whereas Buddhists believe this is not possible and that only through personal effort can good be produced and bad reduced in the life of an indivi .....
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Eve And The Apple
Number of words: 779 - Number of pages: 3.... apple is because she wants to become a
Goddess. The serpent said that he was a beast and after eating the fruit from
the tree of knowledge of good and evil he became more human like. Eve was
enticed by the words of the serpent who said that "If the fruit makes a serpent
like a man, it should make men like gods." (Line 710: "That ye should be as
Gods, since I as man, Internal Man, is but proportion meet; I, of brute, human;
ye, of human, Gods.)
Other arguments that the serpent used to manipulate Eve included; 1,)
You shall not die, look at me, I have touched and tasted and I have not died. .....
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The Buddha's Four Noble Truths: A Logical Basis For Philosophy
Number of words: 1640 - Number of pages: 6.... we call a 'being,' or an 'individual,' or 'I,' according to Buddhist
philosophy, is only a combination of ever-changing physical and mental forces or
energies...." - Walpola Rahula{2}
In order to fully understand the Four Noble Truths, it is necessary to
investigate the Buddhist view of the individual and its makeup. In some
respects, the manner in which Buddhism deals with the mind/body problem is much
more advanced than most religious views, and closer to science's understanding
of the mind and body. Rather than postulating the existence of an eternal soul
with no physical manif .....
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The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
Number of words: 1496 - Number of pages: 6.... number of manuscripts (MSS) and the time intervals
between the time in which the piece of literature was written and our earliest
copy. There are more than 5,300 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament and
10,000 Latin vulgate manuscripts, not to mention the other various translations.
Totally there are around 24,000 total MSS for the New Testament. The next
closest document in respect to MSS is the "Illiad" by Homer, with 643
manuscripts(McDowell 43).
The textual reliability then continues with respect to the time interval
between the original and the first known manuscript. The shorter .....
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The Muslim Pilgrimage To Mecca
Number of words: 1056 - Number of pages: 4.... and hair cannot be cut, perfume and cologne are not allowed to be worn and sexual activities are not allowed to be performed. Those are just some minute processes of many, which enable a person to achieve purification during the pilgrimage.
On the first day of the pilgrimage, thousands of Muslims join each other by walking in a circles (circumambulating) around the Ka'ba seven times. The Ka'ba also is known as "The House of Allah", and is very symbolic in the Islamic religion. The Ka'ba is the axis mundi of all Muslims. It is believed that the area above and the area below the Ka .....
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Back To Religion?
Number of words: 949 - Number of pages: 4.... The settlers exploring the New World were trying to leave all of the chaos of these churches. Not that they did not want to be religious but they wanted a choice.
Coming to the Americas in the time frame from fifteen hundred to 1770 was promising for settlers on a journey for new lives. Many people were looking for wealth and fortune but most of all freedom. Freedom was about all that was available. Freedom of few choices, most of the new people worked heard for others or even became slaves against their will. Religion kept them going. The churches here gave them opportunities to .....
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Number of words: 1299 - Number of pages: 5.... 3,000 years. Hinduism is unique in the fact that it has no
founder. Its origins are lost in a very distant past. In 1500 BC the Indo-Aryan
tribes invaded India and took over the Mahenjo-daro. From the combination of
these two tribes came the worship of goddesses. The Hindus started practices
such as bathing in temple tanks and the postures of yoga. Soon gods of war
started being created and worshipped. Sakas then began invading the Hindus and
made a large impact on the religion. The sacred temples started to be built and
the sacred laws were codified and myths and legends were prese .....
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The Roman Catholic Church
Number of words: 2310 - Number of pages: 9.... to Roman Catholicism. It has been growing rapidly in the last few years. “Today we are seeing more than a hundred and fifty thousand converts enter each year in the United States” (Catholic Answers). From what I can see the Roman Catholic Religion will continue to grow and prosper. It is a well-established religion that has been around for many years. It can be found in many different places all over the world and has many followers.
Jesus Christ is the focal symbol of the Roman Catholics. Without Jesus Christ the religion could not exist, he holds the religion together and is the .....
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