Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4.... broke out against the church at
Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and
Samaria. Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him. But Saul began to
destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and
put them in prison" Acts 8:1-3. In Acts 9:26-27, "Saul tries to join the
disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a
disciple. But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them
how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him,
and how in Dama .....
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Number of words: 4095 - Number of pages: 15.... in their
assemblies chanted a hymn to Christ as God. But the question how the Son was
related to the Father (Himself acknowledged on all hands to be the one Supreme
Deity), gave rise, between the years A. D. 60 and 200, to number of Theosophic
systems, called generally Gnosticism, and having for their authors Basilides,
Valentinus, Tatian, and other Greek speculators. Though all of these visited
Rome, they had no following in the West, which remained free from controversies
of an abstract nature, and was faithful to the creed of its baptism.
Intellectual centers were chiefly Alexandria .....
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Burial Rituals In Judaism
Number of words: 1172 - Number of pages: 5.... when necessary
to save the mother, are mandatory. In Jewish law, the unborn are not yet
considered human, thus the mother's life is far more important.
Because life is so valuable, we are not permitted to do anything that
may hasten death, not even to prevent suffering. Euthanasia, suicide and
assisted suicide are strictly forbidden by Jewish law. Their laws are so
strict that you are not even allowed to move a dying person's arm or leg if
it would shorten their life. However, when death is imminent and certain
and the patient is suffering, Jewish law does permit one to take a .....
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Theory Of Religion
Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3.... medicine, finally James came to his studies of psychology after realizing the influence that the mind has on the body. James saw religion as growing out of psychological need. He viewed religion as a persons positive way of fulfilling needs and its positive effects of an individuals life. He believed that religion gave a "new zest" on a persons life, and "an assurance of safety", which would eventually lead to a harmonious relation with the universe." Although Freud and James didn't have exactly the same beliefs on religion because of their different educations, both men's theory had similar .....
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The First Crusade
Number of words: 1328 - Number of pages: 5.... Land. They came back with
tales that planted the seeds for a Crusade.
"The pilgrims that returned from the Holy City of Jerusalem recounted
tales, often grossly exaggerated, of the horrible pollution of the sacred places
at the hands of the Turks" (Campbell p23). Other stories of the destruction of
the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the burial place of Jesus, by the Turks
surfaced in the early eleventh century. The news of the destruction of the
Sepulcher was mourned in every Christian country. The nations looked to Rome
for a solution to this most serious of Problems.
The Byzantine .....
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Number of words: 3417 - Number of pages: 13.... Dear Friend,
The choice of whether or not to read this message all the way
through may have important consequences for you as the events
of our immediate future unfold. This is being done solely for
the benefit of others so that people may understand what to do
about the times now approaching humanity. What I'm about to
explain will strike many people as ridiculous, because this kind
of thing has been predicted over and over again and people are
not inclined to take things like this seriously. I am not your
average tabloid psychic. .....
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Brief History Of Buddhism
Number of words: 1391 - Number of pages: 6.... Taiwan, China, Korea, Vietnam, and Mongolia.
Siddhartha Guatama was born in Kapilivastu. His father was the
ruler of the small kingdom near the Indian/Nepal border. As a child, his
future was foretold by sages. They believed that he would someday be a
fellow sage or leader of a great empire. He led a very pampered and
sheltered life until the age of twenty-nine. It was at that time that he
realized that he had led an empty life. He renounced his wealth and
embarked on a journey to seek truth, enlightenment, and the cycle of
In the first years of his journey, Siddhartha Gua .....
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An Evening With The Pagans: A Brief History Of Paganism
Number of words: 896 - Number of pages: 4.... of deities that one can choose from
including: Greek, Norse ,roman etc...... Focusing on a Greek Wiccan
tradition ,this will be describing the pagan festival of Hectare.
The Festival of Hecate
The festival of Hecate is celebrated between the 3rd and 4th Saturday of
August. (which ever is closest to the new moon) It is in honor of the Greek
goddess Hecate. She was first worshipped in ancient Greece -called the
triple goddess of magic. She is often represented in triple form ; maiden
(youth) ,mother (fertility) and crone (the wise woman). In ancient Rome ,
she was known as trevia ,th .....
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The Journey To New England And Religion's Future
Number of words: 960 - Number of pages: 4.... Before starting off on this journey they had already been part of a religious community that was established throughout England. This made it so there was an organized group of people with a purpose already established. The purpose of starting a whole new religious community.
The first few settlements of New England had many hardships and established a very close community. As more ships arrived every year the original settlements wanted to keep the same tight nit communities intact. The community was so close because everything was based around religion. Every house once establ .....
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Number of words: 633 - Number of pages: 3.... into two classes: brahmacatin ("students"), who live in temples and vow to abstain from sex, meat, intoxicants, and gabling, and grihasta, or lay members who marry and have families. They are proselytizers who actively seek converts. In the mid-1980s the Hare Krishna movement had more than 200 centers in the United States, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. In the United States it was troubled by internal disputes that reportedly led to several killings, and was accused by critics of other illegal activities as well.
Varanasi (or Benares) is a sacred city for Hindus .....
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