How To Build A Pond
Number of words: 314 - Number of pages: 2.... of natural ponds are large plant's that leaves overhanging the water's edge, and plants with long thin, grassy foliage that grows in the shallows. These will all help to cover the water edge, which is almost never seen in a natural pond. Most nurseries sell aquatic plants. A pond that is meant to look natural requires much less maintenance than a formal pool, were clean, clear water is generally preferred. If the site has a low area, a pond is a good choice in almost any climate. Natural ponds will also suit almost any architecture, but they are not often effective on small site, partic .....
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Number of words: 3442 - Number of pages: 13.... know we are shifting reality soon where this ability and others will be open to humans once again.
Many of the 'star children' --those who remember that they are connected to other worlds and realities--will try to tap into their higher gifts. 'Patience' is the name of the game. As the planet is shifting now into 4th dimensional frequency you will soon get to use these powers and be able to control them.
For those who write to me and ask me to teach telekinesis, it is not possible to do this by email. I am sorry that I can not be of help developing it. Personally I have only random tele .....
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Freedom Of Bytes
Number of words: 1301 - Number of pages: 5.... shop around for an airplane ticket and might decide to buy one over the internet, yet the minute you type in your credit card number you attract people in finding that number and using it without your consent. You might be amazed at how easy and helpful sending e-mails is, yet it is also easy for someone to send you unsolicited information, which you might not be interested in and in some instances you might even have objections to it.
Since the internet is so easy, accessible and essentially unregulated, it leaves room for many controversies about the web, including electronic commerce, .....
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The Mystery Of Area 51
Number of words: 1024 - Number of pages: 4.... Americans, these are not the only flying machinery
which exists in Area 51.
On July 7, 1947, two ranchers in Roswell, New Mexico, observed
something that would be the beginning of what might be one of mankind's
most unexplained phenomenons in history. According to these ranchers, (who
asked to be anonymous) a flying object came out of the South East and went
flying into the Northwesterly direction. These ranchers observed it for 40
or 50 seconds before it disappeared behind the hills. They did not recall
it making any sounds (Roswell 1).
The next day, another rancher recovered a part of .....
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UFO Crash Near Roswell, NM
Number of words: 1359 - Number of pages: 5.... UFO scattered over a large area. When Brazel drove
Dee back home, he showed some of the material to her parents. They all
agreed the material was unlike anything they had ever seen. On July 6
Brazel drove into town with a few pieces of the wreck. He showed the
material to the Chaves County Sheriff George Wilcox. The sheriff called the
Roswell Army Air Field(AAF) and talked to Major Jesse Marcel, the
intelligence officer. After inspecting Brazel's material, Marcel reported
to his commanding officer Colonel William "Butch" Blanchard, who ordered
Marcel to get someone from the Counter Int .....
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Mein Ghetto: Black Racism And Louis Farrakhan
Number of words: 1930 - Number of pages: 8.... of black radicalism, based on Islamic fundamentalism, and incorporating his own brand of hatred against whites and other racial or religious or special interest groups.
This essay will examine some of the events that form part of the foundation of his philosophy, will examine essays written about Farrakhan by prominent academics, civil libertarians, and modern day economists, writers. Who is Louis Farrakhan, what does he preach, and why? This essay will attempt to shed some light on these questions, and as well Black radicalism itself.
Farrakhan was born the child of West Indian immig .....
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Atomic Bombs
Number of words: 1302 - Number of pages: 5.... Los Alamos, New Mexico (The World Book Encyclopedia 141). Here they designed to bombs that were later called “The Fat Man” and “The Little Boy”. There was later a movie named after the two bombs that showed how they were made and the
experiences that came with making them. A worker was killed during the final stages of the Manhattan Project when a critical assembly of fissile material was accidentally brought together by hand. This incident, which was dramatized in “Fat Man and Little Boy”, pre-dated remote-control assembly of such components, but the hazards of manual
assem .....
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Electronic Stimulation
Number of words: 640 - Number of pages: 3.... osteoarthritis, and cancer. Electrical stimulation is simply the application of electrical pulses to the body, whether it is for function or therapy. The classical and common example is that of the cardiac pacemaker. The range of clinical uses of electrical stimulation has and is growing wider and includes: pain relief (often known as TENS - Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation), maintaining or increasing range of movement, muscle strengthening, facilitation of voluntary motor function, and orthotic training or substitution.
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a branch of .....
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Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Number of words: 697 - Number of pages: 3.... any other greenhouse gas. By 1990 the increase was 4-12% a year.
CFCs also destroy ozone - itself a greenhouse gas - their net
effect on climate is unclear. The strength of the indirect effect of ozone
depletion depends on variables such as temperature of the upper atmosphere
and cannot yet be measured with any confidence. According to new research,
however, it is possible that the indirect effect of CFCs cancels out some
or all of the direct effect of their being powerful greenhouse gases.
CFCs are generally colorless, odorless, and non-toxic. They also
do not .....
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Number of words: 349 - Number of pages: 2.... want. The inmates should be asked that question by the judge when they are being sentenced for their crime.
I understand that there is another opinion to this debate. I can almost understand why they would believe in . The only time I believe it should be used is for patients dying of cancer. I still do not think it is right. We might not have some of the cures we have today without animal testing, although maybe we would. Maybe we would have more. Nobody knows. I still firmly think it is wrong to do evil experiments on animals.
A big problem today is whether or not scientists should .....
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