Dangers And Destructions Of Floods And Hurricanes
Number of words: 1359 - Number of pages: 5.... also take part on lakes. Coastal flooding can be a great danger because
coast lines are very densely populated areas. In the United States in the
early 1990's 50% of the population was on a coastal county.1 Although they
shrink before reaching shore, wind generated waves have been spotted to be
as high as 30 m (100 ft) in the middle of the ocean.2 In 1970 a major storm
in the Bay of Bengal produced heavy seas that flooded regions of East
Pakistan, killing about 200,000 people.3
River flooding can happen a number of ways. The causes are rain,
snowmelt, and ice jams. Soil can not .....
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The Destruction Of Red Tides
Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4.... occur when fresh water runoff creates a stratified surface layer above colder nutrient-rich waters. "heavy rains might have helped the red tides develop by pouring fresh water and nutrients into surrounding sea waters," (New York Times: Sept. 19, 1996) Fast growing algae quickly strip away nutrients in the upper layer, leaving nitrogen and phosphorus only below the interface of the layers, called the pycnocline. Many swim at speeds of 10 meters a day, and some go through vertical migration rising to the top of the water to get sun and then swimming down to the pycnocline to take up nut .....
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Internet Firewalls
Number of words: 2823 - Number of pages: 11.... to the Internet can repeatedly make guesses until the right combination is found, a simple but time consuming process made all the easier by programs which systematically try all character combinations until the correct one is eventually generated. User-IDs and passwords can also be trapped by finding security holes in programs; a person looking to abuse the Internet finds these holes and uses the information leaked through them for his or her own personal agenda. Even someone who has been entrusted with high-level network access, such as a system administrator, can misuse his or her author .....
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Flesh-eating Bacteria
Number of words: 1749 - Number of pages: 7.... germs to progress. So, even if you’ve never misused antibiotics, you could still become infected by bacterium most drugs won’t kill. For each drug, there are germs genetically programmed to survive- some w/ outer walls tough for antibiotic to cross, others with ways to dump the drugs back out before they can work, and yet others can inactivate the antibiotic. Even worse, by passing tiny packets of genetic material to other bacteria, these survivor germs sometimes also pass the formula for resistance to the other bacteria. The best way you can protect yourself and your f .....
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The Problem With The Amount Of Trash In The United States
Number of words: 474 - Number of pages: 2.... far from us, it is right here in our
community. People are throwing things on the floor all the time and
recycling has not been done as much as it should be. In New York city we
have one of the world’s most largest and most crowded landfills which is
proven in the article. Fresh Kills landfill, on Staten Island is extremely
big but will be closed in a few years. I New York State there were 1600
landfills in the 1960’s and today the figure is in the hundreds. Trash is
a big problem in our community and is still increasing.
The problem of trash needs to be fixed and there are some .....
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El Nino
Number of words: 1143 - Number of pages: 5.... rise and push westward. However, during an El Nino year, upwelling
is suppressed and as a result, the thermocline is lower than normal. Finally,
thermocline rises in the west, making upwelling easier and water colder. Air
pressures at sea level in the South Pacific seesaw back and forth between two
distinct patterns. In the high index phase, also called "Southern Oscillation",
pressure is higher near and to the east of Tahiti than farther to the west near
Darwin. The east-west pressure difference along the equator causes the surface
air to flow westward. When the atmosphere switches int .....
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E.r., The Golgi Body And
Number of words: 1185 - Number of pages: 5.... and flattened sac-like structures, that form inter-connected compartments within the cytoplasm. The internal space formed by the membrane sheets is known as the ER lumen. In most cells the ER lumen forms a single internal compartment. The membranes of other organelles are not connected to the ER and appear to form separate distinct compartments within the cytoplasm.
The ER membranes and lumen contain a large number and variety of enzymes which catalyse many different types of chemical reactions. In some cases the membranes serve as a framework for systems of enzymes that carry out sequential .....
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Black Powder
Number of words: 941 - Number of pages: 4.... classified as how strong their reactions are, in other words, the size and power of their reactions. The most typical form of is the mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate. Another form of this powder is known as the brown form, this is a mixture of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. These pieces tend to look like little hexagonal or octagonal milk chocolate pieces. However these can be modified in a way to form a more harsh explosion. This method is known as grading, were powder size is modified to hold a higher concentration of a particular substance. The charcoal used in .....
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The Beginning Of Time
Number of words: 1333 - Number of pages: 5.... in
1929 when Edwin Hubble discovered that every galaxy in the universe was moving
away from each other, this meant that the universe was expanding. Hubble found
the movement of the galaxies by using a phenomenon known as the Doppler effect.
This effect caused bodies moving away from an observer to have a "red-shifted"
spectrum (the light spectrum of the body had been shifted closer to red) and
bodies moving towards an observer to be "blue-shifted" (Hawking, 1988)
The expansion was traced backwards through time to discover that all the
galaxies had originated from the same point. It was l .....
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Network 2
Number of words: 448 - Number of pages: 2.... talk to others on their network, but not to someone on a different network. The protocol TCP/IP solves this problem. It is what allows a person on one network to communicate with a person on a different network.
When I mentioned something to share in the network definition, it can be anything, an idea, document, or greeting. Networking allows use of applications on other computers, electronic mail (email), and real time discussions in chat rooms. The types of networks are classified as distributive or centralized. In a centralized network, processing occurs at one place and req .....
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