Computer Mediated Evnvironment
Number of words: 5150 - Number of pages: 19.... and modems, subscription-based services such as America Online (AOL), Prodigy, and Compuserve, where consumers are able to check airline flight schedules and make reservations, purchase a wide variety of products, and discuss product performance with other consumers, are becoming very popular. Households in Chicago and San Francisco can purchase groceries from home using computer software marketed by Peapod, Inc. This latter service allows consumers to search within a product category using attributes such as price, calories, sugar content, and package size. Car manufacturers such as BMW .....
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Number of words: 1264 - Number of pages: 5.... creeks, marshes, panes, mudflats or mangroves, until what once was land
is now water. Throughout the tides, the days and the years, an estuary is
cradled between outreaching headlands and is buttressed on its vulnerable
seaward side by fingers of sand or mud.
Estuaries transform with the tides, the incoming waters seemingly
bringing back to life organisms that have sought shelter from their temporary
exposure to the non-aquatic world. As the tides decline, organisms return to
their protective postures, receding into sediments and adjusting to changing
The community of li .....
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Detrimental Effects That Technological Advances In Industry And Agriculture
Number of words: 2080 - Number of pages: 8.... reality that CFCs were destroying the sensitive but protective ozone layer to encourage large chemical companies to begin a gradual phase-out of these substances, even when scientists had already discovered the terrible effects of the chemical combination.
Sagan says that to slowly stop usage of such obviously dangerous substances is not enough, for even with current conditions, it is estimated that the damaged ozone layer will require at least 100 years to repair itself. In the interim, we are risking danger to the food chain, global warming, and increased cases of skin cancer. Rather th .....
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Perception: Seeing Is Believing - UFOs
Number of words: 685 - Number of pages: 3.... other hypotheses
concerning UFO's. While all astronomers yearn for a concrete explanation on
UFO's, their beliefs on their origin contrast. Many looking for a more
scientific definition disregard UFO's as nothing more than a mere
misinterpretation of a plane, weather balloon, or meteor. Some have gone so far
as to say that specific witnesses to UFO's have seen nothing more than a
hallucination and "wanted" to see a UFO so their minds adapted that idea into an
illusion to satisfy the urge.
Personally, I have had two encounters with unexplainable objects in the
sky and to disregard them as .....
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Number of words: 2116 - Number of pages: 8.... White for it’s ferocity. It might have also been the size of
the shark in the movie that’s kept thousands of people off the beaches and out
of the water. Better yet, it could have been the overall storyline: A Great
White shark with an eating disorder and a taste for human flesh. Perhaps that’s
what is keeping vacationers from grabbing their trousers and snorkels.
Over all, there have been 1026 attacks on humans by sharks in the last
ten years. Only 294 of these attacks have been linked to Great White sharks.
That’s roughly the number of people who drown each year in swimming acc .....
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Evolution Of Immunity And The Invertebrates
Number of words: 1152 - Number of pages: 5.... most basic requirement of an immune system is to distinguish between
one's own cells and "non-self" cells. The second job is to eliminate the non-
self cells. When a foreign object enters the body, several things happen. Blood
stops flowing, the immunity system begins to eliminate unwanted microbes with
phagocytic white blood cells. This defensive mechanism is possessed by all
animals with an innate system of immunity. Innate cellular immunity is believed
to be the earliest form of immunity. Another form of innate immunity is
complement, composed of 30 different proteins of the blood.
If t .....
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Deforestation In The Brazilian Amazon
Number of words: 1454 - Number of pages: 6.... year than any other on the
planet. Brazilian forests are burned or felled at the rate of 1800
hectares (about 4500 acres) every hour! (Dwyer 39) Deforestation started
hundreds of years ago, but only became a major problem in the second half
of this century, when it increased dramatically. It was enhanced by the
Brazilian government which started cutting down the forest to construct a
vast network of highways in an effort to establish a good transportation
system and improve Brazil's economy. The government wanted to encourage
the country's development by transporting poor families from .....
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The Roswell Incident
Number of words: 1850 - Number of pages: 7.... issues today. In
Roswell, New Mexico, 1947, a strange occurrence arises. An alien craft from
outer space crashed in an open field. The issue lay still for almost thirty
years, until the thought of a government cover-up arose.
Society's opinions have changed over the years. Previous to the 1990's,
people have despised the thought of sharing the universe with other intelligent
life forms. Now people are interested in this mysterious phenomenon. People
think it is the blame of the movies and television. By watching this, people are
at a level at which they understand. Not only do .....
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Salt And Its Uses
Number of words: 480 - Number of pages: 2.... blood
pressure. Result shows that those with normal blood pressure experience no
change at all when placed in a extremely low salt diet, or later when salt was
introduced, Of the hypertensive subjects, half of those on the low salt diet did
experience a drop in blood pressure, which returned to its previous leel when
salt was introduced.
Of course, these are other researcherswhgich tend to support the
findings. A small Indiana study showed that when normal individuals took large
amount of salt, the bolld pressure did not consistenly rise into the
hypertensive range. Also, study i .....
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Alternative Medicine
Number of words: 4283 - Number of pages: 16.... same time not allowing their customers to use complementary
treatments such as chiropractic to prevent or cure illness. The
more rigid and restrictive the policy provisos, the more
assurance for the companies that they will maximize their bottom
lines. Therefore, patients of alternative therapies as well as
doctors must show that such unconventional treatment provides
relief and prevention of illness. “The total projected out-of-
pocket expenditure for unconventional therapy plus
supplements(such as diet pills and megavitamins)was 10.3 billion
dollars in 1990. This is comparabl .....
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