Deficiencies In Development Of Cocaine Children
Number of words: 1762 - Number of pages: 7.... deficiencies of a cocaine child are often confused with those of a disruptive child. The underlying truth is: teachers are not able to cope with them on an individual basis and give them more attention.
An initial sign that some children demonstrate is a lack of concentration on virtually every task. Excessive disorganization beyond that of regular children along with being more than just the class nuisance can be characteristics of cocaine-exposed children. While most children are able to stay on task, these children will be easily deterred if given the opportunity. These children tend to .....
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Black Holes
Number of words: 3663 - Number of pages: 14.... would expect, the escape velocity depends on the mass of the planet: if the planet is extremely massive, then its gravity is very strong, and the escape velocity is high. A lighter planet would have a smaller escape velocity. The escape velocity also depends on how far you are from the planet's center: the closer you are, the higher the escape velocity . The Earth's escape velocity is 11.2 kilometers per second (about 25,000 M.P.H.), while the Moon's is only 2.4 kilometers per second (about 5300 M.P.H.).We cannot see it, but radiation is emitted by any matter that gets swallowed by black hole .....
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The Future Of NASA
Number of words: 377 - Number of pages: 2.... helping astronomers' hearts pump while they are outside of the
Earth's atmosphere. It is used, on Earth, for those who's hearts have problems
with pumping blood. Pens that write upside-down are used in space, where there
is no gravity and writing with pens would otherwise be impossible. They are
convenient tools on Earth when we are trying to write on vertical surfaces. A
zero-gravity training system is used to help astronauts become more comfortable
with the conditions in space. It is used in places such as Sportsland, for kids
to twirl around in.
In the future, telephones with picture .....
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Chinese Shih Poetry And Philos
Number of words: 1127 - Number of pages: 5.... rank than himself, whether they be the father of a family, or the emperor of a nation. But even with absolute obedience, Confucianists believed that men should practice restraint and benevolence in those inferior to them. At the same time, those in high status were expected to lead virtuous lives, and to set examples for those that followed them. Confucianists believed that the moral code of man was set down by heaven, and if those in positions of authority did not set good examples, then they would deposed by the forces of heaven.
One of the first great Chinese poets to write of Co .....
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Essay On Evolution
Number of words: 913 - Number of pages: 4.... large populations drift may have no
significant effect on the population. Another mechanism is gene flow which is
when a population may gain or lose alleles by the migration of fertile
individuals between populations. This may cause the allele frequencies in a gene
pool to change and allow the organism to evolve. The most obvious mechanism
would have to be mutation that arises in the gene pool of a population or
individual. It is also the original source of the genetic variation that serves
as raw material for natural selection.
Not only are there mechanisms of evolution, but there is also e .....
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Number of words: 492 - Number of pages: 2.... posture. If a delay in child’s walking occurs, the spine should be monitored closely for signs of gibbous formation. In infancy, hypercephalus can occur. Infants head circumference should be monitored close . Monthly checks of head circumference must be monitored. Radiologic studies are indicated if head circumference raises to disproportionately, or if symptoms of hydrocephalus. Child’s pediatrician should have a copy of head circumference curves for children with . Radiologic procedures for dwarfism include head ultrasound, C-T scan, or MRI of the head. If intervention is necessa .....
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Augiga The Charioteer
Number of words: 847 - Number of pages: 4.... Capella's visual magnitude is really the combined
brightness of the primary star and another star that
revolves every 104 days. This star is also known as
Menkalina. The star name derives from the Arabic name Al
Mankib dhi'l Inan, "The Shoulder of the One Who Holds the
Reins," that is, "The Shoulder of the Charioteer." Several
open clusters are found in Auriga. Each contains about 100
stars and is about 2,700 light years away. The main part of
Auriga is a five-sided figure of first, second, third
magnitude stars. The Charioteer has two strange variable
stars. Epsilon is usually a t .....
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Functions Of The Digestive And Kidney Systems Of The Body
Number of words: 1808 - Number of pages: 7.... cramps, the doctor says that you secretin receptors have been blocked. How has this affected your digestive process and what two hormones might be able to alleviate one of the affects.
Secretion inhibits stomach movement, emptying, slows secretion of gastric juices and causes bicarbonate to be dumped in from the pancreas and liver to the small intestine. This neutralizes the acid that is coming in. Since this process does not occur there is an increase of emptying of chyme into the small intestine. The small intestine fills and gastric juices keep flowing. The acidity will continue to i .....
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Salt Water Can Support An Electrical Current
Number of words: 904 - Number of pages: 4.... is called saturated. For most substances, solubility increases with increasing temperature of the solvent. In general, molecules that are structurally similar to the molecules of the solvent have the highest solubility. When a solute is added to a solvent, several physical properties of the solvent change. Its boiling point rises and its freezing point lowers with increasing concentrations of solute.
Solutions are similar to other types of mixtures known as colloids and suspensions. Colloids are mixtures of tiny particles of one substance, called the dispersed phase, suspended in anoth .....
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Computer Education
Number of words: 271 - Number of pages: 1.... body of knowledge. Also Japanese the teaching of computer science has been developed in the same period. During 1955 to 1959, some universities developed their own computers. They organized short courses.
Computer technology comes from the U.S. to Japan. Usually a technology is developed in the U.S.. After that, it comes to Japan so Japanese is late at all and most manuals are written in English so it is easy to lean computer for people who speak English; however, most Japanese people who live in Japan cannot understand English so they have to translate English to Japanese to understand t .....
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