Number of words: 370 - Number of pages: 2.... one; the A climates are humid and tropical;
the B climates are very dry; the C climates are humid and mild; the D
climates reflect increasing cold; and the E climates mark the polar areas.
The first letter is followed by two more letters that further define the climate
of that region. The second letter represents and explains the dry season:
whether there is or isn't a dry season, whether it is a short or long dry
season, and what season it comes in either a dry winter or a dry summer. The
third letter defines the temperature of different seasons either a hot or cool
summer or a c .....
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Intro To Computer Virus
Number of words: 1553 - Number of pages: 6.... Viruses
Under the main heading of viruses are three types of harmful computer programs, not all of which hide and replicate.
The first of these is the Trojan Horse programs, the name of which comes from the Greek legend that told how Greek soldiers gained entry to the city of Troy in a giant, hollow wooden horse and thus captured the city, ending the Trojan War. Though not technically a virus it is still dangerous and could cause permanent damage to your operating system. A Trojan Horse program is a program disguised as a game, a utility or an application. When run, a Trojan Horse .....
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Evolution Or Ignorance
Number of words: 1364 - Number of pages: 5.... all-pervasive; galaxies, languages, and political systems all evolve. Biological evolution ... is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual.
The ontogeny of an individual is not considered evolution; individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are inheritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next. Biological evolution may be slight or substantial; it embraces everything from slight changes in the proportion of different alleles within a population .....
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Genetic Engineering. 2
Number of words: 2977 - Number of pages: 11.... discovering its possibilities, and answering the moral and safety questions it brings forth, the blanket of fear covering this remarkable technical miracle can be lifted.
The first step to understanding genetic engineering, and embracing its possibilities for society, is to obtain a rough knowledge base of its history and method. The basis for altering the evolutionary process is dependent on the understanding of how individuals pass on characteristics to their offspring. Genetics achieved its first foothold on the secrets of nature's evolutionary process when an Austrian monk named Gregor .....
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Artificial Life
Number of words: 648 - Number of pages: 3.... Hungarian-born U.S. mathematician John VON
NEUMANN, one of the pioneers of computer science, had begun to explore the
nature of very basic a-life formats called cellular automata (see AUTOMATA,
THEORY OF) in the 1950s. Cellular automata are imaginary mathematical
"cells" --analogous to checkerboard squares--that can be made to simulate
physical processes by subjecting them to certain simple rules called
algorithms (see ALGORITHM). Before his death, von Neumann had developed a
set of algorithms by which a cellular automaton--a box shape with a very
long tail--could "reproduce" itself.
A .....
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Genetic Engineering And Its Fu
Number of words: 1735 - Number of pages: 7.... do it so one day we will have a cure for cancer and can save hundreds of thousands of human lives. Of course if you value the life of a mouse over a human then you would see differently. Some fear that this science is too powerful, granted we shouldn't let just anyone be able to modify bacteria, or the human genome, but we shouldn't let our fears blind us to the possible benefits of wide-scale genetic engineering.
Medical uses for this technology are virtually endless. With genetics we can filter out any genetic defect, no more down-syndrome, mal-deformed limbs, hereditary cancer, or any othe .....
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Number of words: 174 - Number of pages: 1.... crust. Minerals are formed in a
positive response to their environment, most of them to deep for an observer.
Environments in which minerals are formed far beneath the earths surface are
plutonic igneous, pegmatitic, hot temperature vein, moderate temp. vein, low
temp. vein, and a metamorphic environment. Environments in which minerals form
near the earths surface are groundwater, weathering, and sedimentary. Minerals
are divided into groups on the basis of their composition. About one third of
all mineral belong to the group silicates. Other groups are carbonates they
includes calcite, .....
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Ebola Virus
Number of words: 1098 - Number of pages: 4.... Some people now believe that this great plague was really Ebola.
The first recorded outbreak of the Zaire string of the Ebola virus was in Zaire, in 1976. The doctors didn't know how to treat it and that meant that
they didn't know how to contain it either. As infected people met in public places the virus spread. In Western Sudan, the same year, the Sudan string
of the Ebola virus emerged with similar results. Both casts together had about a total of 550 infections and around 340 deaths (about 60% death rate).
The virus' then lay dormant till 1979, when Sudan was again hit .....
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The Tragic Challenger Explosion
Number of words: 2883 - Number of pages: 11.... occurrence. First, who
exactly were those astronauts that died on the Challenger? Sharon Christa
Corrigan McAuliffe, born in 1948, was the famous winner of the teacher-in-space
program, was a high school teacher at Concord, N. H., a wife, and a mother of
two children. She touched the lives of all those she knew and taught. As a
school official in Concord said after her death, "To us, she seemed average.
But she turned out to be remarkable. She handled success so beautifully." She
also wanted everyone to learn more, including herself. Demonstrating her
aspirations after entering th .....
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Effects Of Smoking
Number of words: 385 - Number of pages: 2.... much a part of their personality as being a happy person, or being a morning person, or liking to go to the movies. Smoking becomes a part of who and what you are, An addict. It amazes me the number of people who smoke cigarettes who would never smoke a "marijuana" cigarette. They say "Oh no, that’s drugs" or "I’m not a dope fiend". Sorry pal tobacco is a drug and if you're a smoker, you are also a drug addict. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you will be able to get well again and kick the habit.
Smoking, like any addiction, especially addictions that involve chemicals, is .....
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