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Term Papers on Social Issues

Homosexuals: A Suspect Class?
Number of words: 2624 - Number of pages: 10

.... of all this publicity, there lingers a pending Supreme Court case in which the fate of the homosexual lies: Romer v. Evans, a case that dominated Colorado that has come to "symbolize the controversy over gay legal rights" throughout the nation. This paper will trace the elements behind that case, and attempt to focus on the steps the Supreme Court will follow to determine whether homosexuality must be legally considered a "suspect class" for the purposes of "quota preferences, protected status or claim of discrimination" as outlined by Colorado's now-famous Amendment 2. Amendment 2 does aw .....

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Contrast/Comparison Of A Country Lifesytle Vs A City Lifestyle
Number of words: 291 - Number of pages: 2

.... with, farmers work outside and harvest. Employee of the company work inside and work on machine. Second, the country has small markets and the city has big markets. The third way, is the people in country don't need more money. Everytime, they need to buy something , they can trade each other such as rice,potato.etc...But the people in the city make more money because they need more thing such as food, fish,etc.. Next, it is the environment . The two places have different environments. First, the country is quiet, but the city is noisy . Second, the country has clear climate and few vehicles .....

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Number of words: 681 - Number of pages: 3

.... Have to In-Form?") It was convenient for a woman to have no education, but be attractive and get married at a young age. A man to take care of their needs, but did they really? With that question, I bring about the topic of feminism. Were women totally unparalell then with today's working woman? A question often asked, but never really dissolved. My point in tact would be women were basically the same emotionally, but had a greater demand to be socially and politically correct. In doing so, men were predominant with their wives. The goal of the female then being fulfilled .....

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Women's Suffrage
Number of words: 871 - Number of pages: 4

.... public meetings, and conduct petition campaigns. As abolitionists, women first won the right to speak in public, and they began to evolve a philosophy of their own place in society. When the 15th amendment, which gave black men the power to vote, was passed women became furious. Julia Ward Howe said “For the first time, we saw... every Negro man govern every white woman. This seemed to me intollerable tyranny.” After the fifteenth amendment was passed, the women's suffrage movement turned its attention towards gaining the right to vote state by state. Susan B. Anthony, a leader in .....

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American Self Perception Vs. The Truth
Number of words: 919 - Number of pages: 4

.... stand by the line derived from the Constitution, "All men are created equal." In actuality, the constitution outlined the freedom for rich white landowners to achieve unchecked power and wealth. At the time of the framing of the constitution, blacks were slaves thus all men were NOT created equal. Women were equally excluded from the constitution as suffrage wasn't even a consideration at the time. The only class groups which the American Constitution outlined freedom for were wealthy European immigrants fleeing their own land for such reasons as taxes. After such movements as Suffrage and .....

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Racism In World War 2
Number of words: 544 - Number of pages: 2

.... services they did not escape racism. During the campiagn in France, the 442nd could have been the first combat regiment to enter Paris. They were ordered to to wait at the side of the rode to allow white combat units to pass them. They became the last unit to enter Pairis. This racist ideaof them was even present in the enemy. "One of the puzzeled and astonished Germans asked an American Lieutenant, 'But aren't those Japanese?' 'Yes,' said the Lieutenant, 'Didin't you know they were on our side? or do you believe all that stuff Goebbels tells you?'" (Sulzberger, 149) Racism was also .....

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World Hunger
Number of words: 2007 - Number of pages: 8

.... were taking food from famine areas to parts of the country where there was no famine. World Hunger and poverty can be seen in many ways. But first lets establish a solid definition of poverty : Poverty is a state in which the ability of individuals or groups to use power to bring about good for themselves, their families, and their community is weakened or blocked. When someone lacks food, this is referred to as material poverty. This sort of poverty can hurt people in many ways, it can hurts people's self esteem and it can also hurt their outlook on life. Lets say you come home from wo .....

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The Detrimental Effect Of An Education In A Foreign Language
Number of words: 894 - Number of pages: 4

.... effect to education in California. The primary fault of the old system was that California taxpayers were not receiving fair representation. In general, most taxpayers were English speaking, and consequently wanted English to be the language that was used in their schools. Most of the immigrant parents were in California legally but not paying taxes. Even though they were not paying for services such as a police force or fire protection, they still felt entitled to send their children to public school. Since their children did not speak English, they wanted school to be taught o .....

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A Black Cloud
Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2

.... strong prejudices. These so called Skinheads abominate most races other than their own. White hooded silhouettes, German Soldiers echoing “Hail Hitler!”, and the infamous Skinheads are harsh reminders of hatred which exists throughout the world. In the same way that prejudices of large groups of people are expressed, hate crimes are committed to demonstrate acts of hatred. Most recent are the burning of black churches across the South. A crime of this sort shows hatred against the black race. Sometimes leading to manslaughter, racial tensions are abundant. Furthermore, the burnin .....

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Number of words: 587 - Number of pages: 3

.... others. Religion entered into the equation when Diderot, author of the Encyclopedia, brought up the fact that the Christian religion was fundamentally opposed to Black but employed it anyway in order to work the plantations that financed their countries. All in all, those influenced by the ideals of the Enlightenment, equality, liberty, the right to dignity, tended to oppose the idea of . Differing from the philosophes, the political leaders and property owners tended to see as an element that supported the economy. These people believed that if and the slave trade were to be abol .....

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