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Term Papers on Social Issues

Black Supremacy
Number of words: 1316 - Number of pages: 5

.... the first copy of his book with this statement was printed in 1988, in my opinion blacks were fairly liberated in 1988. Now the second part of his statement, repair what damage? Any psychic damage which has been thrust upon the black race has not occurred for quite some time: slavery...not in my lifetime nor separate bathrooms were in my lifetime. And I am not about to feel sorry about what happened before my time. Economic damage is not the white man's fault either. In this day anyone can do whatever he/she likes. The truth to the economic matter is that many of the "oppressed .....

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Number of words: 1097 - Number of pages: 4

.... were banned in Prussia. To enforce such measures, there was a new and ominous agency. A minor department in the Berlin police, detailed to watch anticonstitutional activities, was put under Goring's command. As of April 26, 1933, this old Department IA of the Prussian political police was replaced by the Geheime Staatspolizei ("Secret State Police"), better known as the Gestapo. Within two years its actiones would be free from judicial review and it would take its place beside the SD (Sicherheitsdienst, or "Security Service") and the security branch of the SS in a sadistic competiti .....

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Getting Out Of The Ghetto
Number of words: 317 - Number of pages: 2

.... that LeAlan Jones is young , a minority, and was born into the ghetto makes the struggle for success ever more difficult. Jones is deteermined to beat the odds, and get an education that will break the poverty that his family has been striken with. There is one major factor that is on Jones side, he was born in the United States. If Jones Had been lets say in India, his dreams of would be next to impossible. In a caste system your are not only born into poverty, but the fate of poverty is dictated to you. Social mobility that is charictoristic of our class system in the United State .....

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A Fight!
Number of words: 312 - Number of pages: 2

.... continued for about 3 weeks, then one day they were in the same class as each other, again throwing comments at each other when one said to the other; "lets take this out side". Everyone around them urged them to fight so after the class that's exactly what they did. Arms were flying everywhere, the other students were shouting anger at them to hurt each other more, and more. I remember standing there helplessly wanting to stop them, but knew if I got involved I would most probably be suspended for interfering. This made me sad, for I didn't have any control of any of my good friends. .....

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Roles For Women In The Military
Number of words: 1115 - Number of pages: 5

.... is beginning to gray, and is looking forward to retirement. The male population heavily dominated this generation of the work force, and even more so, the United States Armed Forces. According to the document, "Report Of The Federal Advisory Committee On Gender-Integrated Training And Related Issues To The Secretary Of Defense,” the percentage of women in the military in 1972 was two percent. It later stated that the percentage of women has jumped from a dismal two percent to a whopping thirteen and a half percent. This report was presented to the Secretary of Defense, William .....

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A Review Of "The Outsiders Club" Screened On BBC 2 In October 96
Number of words: 1834 - Number of pages: 7

.... disabled people are often absent from mainstream groups). Indeed, it is only in the last few years that disabled people themselves have been in the forefront of this debate, and the leading protagonist have usually been activists within the wider disability movement, who are well aware of other social and sexual issues such as gender, sexism, homophobia, and so on. The Outsiders was set up (and is still fronted by) an able bodied woman who for many years has been well known in the controversial arena of sexual liberation and soft-core pornography, so it is hardly surprising that her group has .....

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Ethics/Child Labor
Number of words: 2694 - Number of pages: 10

.... labor can be defined as where children are put to work in jobs that have been done by, or could be done by, adults. Child labor is where the children are exploited and also is when they are worked in conditions that are hazardous. 1 Child labor is a problem throughout the world, and especially in developing countries. Child labor is most common in rural areas where the capacity to enforce minimum age requirements for schooling and work is lacking. The children work for many reasons, the most important being poverty and the pressure upon them to escape from those circumstances. Though .....

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Civilize The Wilderness
Number of words: 515 - Number of pages: 2

.... lives today. Without it, we would not have computers, fax machines, cellular phones, and all of the modern conveniences that we have today. The fact is, that many people believe that the wilderness is like an unborn country. A country that has nothing and is striving to become more advanced. We see this as an opportunity to better it and make it seem like we are actually helping. But, are we really helping? In my opinion, no. I feel that we are destroying something natural and something of beauty. In many ways we are making the wilderness worse by civilizing it. We put unnatura .....

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Hate Crimes
Number of words: 901 - Number of pages: 4

.... prejudice as.. `a hostile attitude toward a person who belongs to a group, simply because he belong to that group, and therefore presumes to have the objectable qualities ascribed to that group'(Lang)23" The most common way prejudice works is by stereotyping people, that is putting everyone form the same ethnic group together and assuming they all have the same negative characteristics or behave in the same way. This does not only apply to ethnic groups but also applies to race, religion, and other minorities. Hate crimes are so hard to count because it is not certain whether a cri .....

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Stressing The Importance Of Male And Female Education
Number of words: 318 - Number of pages: 2

.... The general moral philosophy of these nations is equality amongst men and women; therefore, this means equal business, industrial, and occupational opportunities for both the men and women. Based on these facts, it is vital to put of equal stress on the education of men and women for this will insure that females and males perform their tasks professionally and adequately. In my opinion, the edification of men and women has to be equally emphasized because today’s technological and economical advanced world require fully educated, experienced, and versatile citizens regardless o .....

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