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Term Papers on Social Issues

Sociology And Its Aim
Number of words: 590 - Number of pages: 3

.... their nonverbal messages. There are many hand signs, both good and bad, that people exchange as well as facial expressions in reaction to an event or statement. Now that I have some of the terms described lets look at an example. I hate lawyers. This is a personal opinion of mine and a lot of other peoples. Its nothing personal against any one of them, I don't like the way they operate and the way they have set the system up for their own benefit. They have made it impossible for anybody to navigate their way through even the simplest of legal matters without their assistance. I also .....

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Number of words: 636 - Number of pages: 3

.... Monsanto is highly protecteive of the privacy of its special new hires. The new employees are hired to fill a variety of clerical and light general- labor positions. They will not be identified as the company's welfare-to-work initiative. The possible short-term effect this would have on society is that people, on welfare, would be able to work and get paid for it. This will allow them to be able to build finance of their own that they will be able to help them with their lives. The long-term effect, though it seemed good for the people, would be bad for everyone else who weren't on .....

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Legislating Sexuality
Number of words: 1068 - Number of pages: 4

.... was prohibited. Women gained the right to vote with the ratification of the Constitution's nineteenth amendment on August 26, 1920(Cooke, 157). Although African Americans gained suffrage through the fifteenth amendment in 1870 (Cooke, 151), it was not until the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that they were actually freed from discrimination by the government(Cooke, 150). Why is it then that in today's modern American society, an institution that prides itself on being "the home of the free and the land of the brave", a vast number of Americans are hiding beneath a shroud of i .....

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Trapped Inside The TV
Number of words: 1861 - Number of pages: 7

.... the difference between the culture of a print based society verses a television based society effects intellectual tendencies and public discourse of all the people in the respective communities. The print based societies can date as far back as the conversations that took place as cave paintings or smoke signals up to the invention of the alphabet and of course into the enlightened age of Colonial America. This place we call home, America was founded by a group of intellectual men who brought over readings, and books from the “Old World” to start their “New World” with. In Ame .....

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I Am A Feminist - Hear Me Roar!
Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3

.... itself, women continue to be oppressed in America by white males, and other laws and policies that give women more rights than other groups are fair due to women's past oppression. If you even disagree with only one of these issues, you're considered part of the right-wing backlash against the women's movement. Feminists that disagree with this description say that all women are accepted in the feminist movement. But when looking at the leading women's movement groups such as National Organization for Women and Feminist Majority Foundation, do we see any anti-abortion activists or women wh .....

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Dignity Of The Human Person
Number of words: 723 - Number of pages: 3

.... he is superior to everything else, except God, because of his pure capability to think and reason. In man’s history he has achieved many victories and still he searches for more truths. In the depth of man’s soul he finds a law that he cannot understand and doesn’t know where its from and still this law holds him to search out good and avoid evil in his life. This law was placed and written by God; to obey it is the very dignity of all man kind. Our conscience is the most secret and private place we have within ourselves. Here we are able to talk to God and share with him our inter mos .....

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Number of words: 632 - Number of pages: 3

.... rights to opinions, freedom, and attitude. Different generations have different values but most values are alike. One value of my generation is the right to opinion. Ways of showing our rights to opinion is we have protests about what we feel is right and what we feel is wrong. Another way is the clothes we wear, we like to wear big, baggy clothes but society frowns upon this because they think we carry weapons or drugs and that we hide them in our clothes. Our opinions on life are a good way of showing our right to opinion because we are set on certain beliefs and we stick to those b .....

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A Winning Attitude Being A Good Sport
Number of words: 395 - Number of pages: 2

.... let the team win the game, don't win the game for the team. Just one person can't win the whole game by themself. It takes a whole team to win. Teamwork is what makes the team, and what gives you, and the rest of the team a winning attitude. All of these factors are important to have a winning attitude. Even when you lose a game you still need a winning attitude. After the game go shake hands with the other team. Say good game or good job. If you or somebody you know gets all mad or upset if they lose a game tell them that they don't have a winning attitude. Even if you have a winnin .....

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Families In China
Number of words: 602 - Number of pages: 3

.... main form of wealth in traditional China, was divided equally among all the landowners surviving sons when he died. Living conditions for the average peasant are generally better today then they were in the past. There are more opportunities for education and greater security for the family as social unit. Marriage in China has also changed. Today there is a law that provides for the freedom of choice in marriages. This law also states that men and woman are equal, therefore a man can no longer dominate a woman. There are also no more arranged marriages. The elderly in China stil .....

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Domestic Violence
Number of words: 1300 - Number of pages: 5

.... person is scared. For the last six months of 1993 and the first three months of 1994 Portland averaged about 1,000 calls each month or 12,000 calls a year. In January 1992, 30 criminal domestic violence complaints were issued. For January 1994, the number was more than 100. Nationally, estimates range from 2 to 4 million women assaults each year. Some studies show that 20 to 30 percent of all women who seek help at hospital emergency rooms are there because of domestic violence. Kyra Woods never made it to the emergency room. Whoever killed her saw to that. She s .....

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