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Term Papers on Social Issues

Kinship As A Mechanism For Social Integrating
Number of words: 1038 - Number of pages: 4

.... to integrate individuals, but entire villages too. The Trobrianders are a matrilineal society, meaning that all descent groups and kinship recognition are passed through the mother. They are organize into dalas, matrilineal descent groups and kumilas, one of four named matrilineal clans. During Wiener's fieldwork in the Trobriand Islands, she experienced the death of an old chief, Uwelasi. The preparation of the burial of a dead person is a complicated division of responsibilities. These roles of obligation are filled by those in Uwelasi's dala and his kumila. All these people must come to .....

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"Does The Military Continue To Have Sexual Harassment And Discrimination Against Women In The 90's?"
Number of words: 1495 - Number of pages: 6

.... often been accepted more readily in the military than the women. Women have been viewed as outsiders in a male environment. Discrimination and harassment occurs for women because we are entering an all male dominated area. Some areas are still restricted because of it. For example: serving in direct combat capacities such as armor, infantry, and special forces--branches from which much of the senior leadership is drawn. “In 1994, the annual Navywide Personnel Survey included questions on women's role for the first time. Some 65 percent of officers and almost 50 percent of enlisted resp .....

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The Treatment Of A Women In Sports
Number of words: 2479 - Number of pages: 10

.... not only for the 90’s but forever. Only with the help of Title IX legislation and the persistence of women athletes to demand equality was such an accomplishment to be achieved. Although, women are making strives towards equality, and making progress in acknowledging females for their athletic ability, there are still many signs of sexism and poor treatment because of their endeavors. Even today with the press towards a new “equalitarian attitude” women athletes still encounter the old school view of the norm and the politics of a male dominated realm. This being the case women a .....

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Violence Due To The Media
Number of words: 545 - Number of pages: 2

.... parents of the content, so all material should be allowed on TV since the viewer is warned beforehand of the shows level of maturity. Television violence and vulgarity are not the only examples of unjust censorship. Who can speak their mind on controversial subjects such as the murder that occurs every day, which is abortion and the faults in our government? The message needs to be heard about these and other wrongs of society, but they aren’t. No one can make their message heard to wide masses of people unless it is a politically correct and non-controversial message, and that’s not t .....

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Canada Lacks A Real National Identity
Number of words: 1127 - Number of pages: 5

.... To gain a Canadian identity we must learn to identify with a nation, Canada. This is one of the main reasons we lack a Canadian identity, because we as Canadians do not really think of ourselves as Canadians. We may be Canadians but we think of Canada as a place of refuge rather than a home. This ties in with our lack of patriotism. Many Canadians that I know, come Olympic time or another big world competition, rather that cheering for Canada, will cheer for their home country. A reason for this is because of our multicultural society. Because in Canada, Œ anything goes¹, there .....

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Society's Problems And My Role In Helping It
Number of words: 1206 - Number of pages: 5

.... the panhandlers. It hurts those whose homes are burglarized by the homeless man looking for money to feed his family. There is no isolated problem in society and each problem has a ripple effect that eventually hurts everyone. Even if only for selfish reasons, every individual should help to solve the problems of society. A parallel that I can draw to further illustrate my point is the team play of former NBA star Earvin "Magic" Johnson. When asked why he is such a team player, he responded that he was a very selfish man. He wanted to win so much that he was willing to do whatever it took to .....

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What Are Values?
Number of words: 474 - Number of pages: 2

.... Kids can get a gun off the street just as easy as buying candy from a store. " Each year, as many as 225,000 guns are stolen from homes, businesses and vehicles" ( ). Kids carries guns around because they believe that it commands respect from their peers and that no one would try to mess with them. Many crimes committed involves guns. Teenagers commit crimes towards each other and well as adults. Teenagers commit crimes for reasons ranging from needing money for drugs to needing money to buy a new pair of shoes. Teenagers wearing expensive jewelry or shoes are targets of other young off .....

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Hiring Quotas In Employment
Number of words: 1408 - Number of pages: 6

.... is wrong with companies hiring a variety of blacks, Hispanics, women, and white males?" The problem is not with hiring a variety of people from different ethnic groups. The problem begins when the person who is best qualified for a job, loses the position to someone less qualified. More and more, white males are having problems finding jobs because they are not black or Hispanic or do not have breasts. Affirmative action, which is action in the form of quotas and special treatment for "protected classes", has resulted in a politicized hiring process in which white males are openly discriminat .....

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Safety In Institutions
Number of words: 374 - Number of pages: 2

.... his hatred towards one of the inmates , by making him and his cell mates, do excrutiating excercises in the middle of the hot dessert. The physical abuse of running up and down a hill, would surely lead to heat exaution, fainting spells or even in an extreme case death. Taken from the movie If, a second example of physical abuse is shown. Had rediculous rules of always running in the hallway to and from class, contradicts other school institutions, that forbids this. The teachers have the responsibilities and a certain amount of power over their students, such as; teaching and maintaining .....

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Should There Be Stricter Laws On Pornography?
Number of words: 749 - Number of pages: 3

.... 1979, and in Take Back the Night, a collection of essays against pornography. These articles are geared towards audiences who have an interest in the issue of pornography. Despite the authors contrasting viewpoints, there are many similarities. Brownmiller feels that pornography is the result of women's bodies being dehumanized for pleasure. She also feels that pornography is commercially advertising the female body being raped, tortured and mutilated. The commission agrees and argues that this type of pornography should be censured to prevent moral corruption. If this does not happen, ch .....

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