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Term Papers on Social Issues

Maintaining Civil Liberty
Number of words: 1241 - Number of pages: 5

.... is there any good basis for an obligation to obey the law? It seems to myself that Mill and Aquinas justifuly answered that debate , yet, the Joseph Raz article , The Authority of Law , tends to disagree. Raz argues that there is no obligation to obey the law. That man should and does resist the urge/temptation to commit crime not for obligation but because of his enate knowledge that that is not acceptable. " One has reasons not to kill , assault, rape or imprison other people which have no connection with the law and depend entirely on the fact that such acts are against the will .....

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War Between Sexes
Number of words: 1237 - Number of pages: 5

.... arguments such as equality of men and women, sexual freedom, and ability of both sexes going any place any time. Academic Feminism is lost in the mist of social constructionism and we are not the products of the environment. Furthermore, according to Paglia men and women are in a war in which men are masculine, fighting for their identity. Women are trying to explain to men that they are different; they are women. The author delivers her message regarding date rape, commonly occurring in college campuses, by saying " A girl who lets herself get dead drunk at a fraternity party is a .....

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Goals And Accomplishing Your Dreams
Number of words: 643 - Number of pages: 3

.... in the eye and conquer your fears. For me personally, training to be a lawyer will take time and commitment. I must constantly look at where I am now and evaluate where I need to go from here. There will never be a time in your life where you are at the top. You must keep climbing the ladder of success. Fortunately I know that. I have a good G.P.A., but I know there is always someone smarter than me, so I continue to expand my knowledge. Also, there are many obstacles that will stand in my way. Most of the decisions I will make in the next ten years will have a profound impact .....

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Number of words: 916 - Number of pages: 4

.... who we are and the beauty of our differences. Aristole said that "it is unjust to treat unequal things equally". All people are different, that is exactly what makes us human, so when we treat people entirely the same, we deny their identity. For example that does not mean that I should not treat all people with respect, but I feel that even that may differ depending on who you are and how I am related to you. For instance, I will not give a stranger the same amount of respect that I might give my mother or father. I feel that would be unfair, and ignorant. The stranger should have .....

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What If The World Had Only Two Faces?
Number of words: 611 - Number of pages: 3

.... The bad moments in a relationship would cause an increase in frustration. When a couple has an argument, all they would see in the world would be their spouses’ face. That can have a negative impact on people and it may cause them to become furious and possibly violent. Seeing the same individual over and over again would probably cause the mind to become bored. That would be plain and simply tedious. Not only would each person be “bored,” but so would the television world. What would it be like to watch a movie with each character possessing an identical face? It brings excitem .....

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Number of words: 366 - Number of pages: 2

.... the municipal level. Some reformers, viewing immigration, urban immortality, and incipient social disorder as the central problems, fought for immigration restriction, the abolition of prostitution and saloons, and other social-control strategies. Like the movement itself, the progressives comprised a diverse lot, aligned in shifting coalitions that might unite on one issue, then divide on another. The native-born Protestant middle class, including the new white-collar professionals, was certainly central, but on issues affecting the welfare of factory workers and slum dwellers, the urban-i .....

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Number of words: 434 - Number of pages: 2

.... degradation will persist. Today, more than 99 percent of the world's food supply comes from land, the continous production of adequate food supply is directly dependent on land, water, and energy. As the population increases, so does the amount of resources needed. Even though they are not depleted, they are declining at a significant rate because they are divided by such a large number. Fertile cropland is also a big concern. The world's cropland per capita has been declining, the shortages of croplands combined with decreasing land productivity is a major reason why there is food shor .....

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The Pressures Of Today's Youth
Number of words: 601 - Number of pages: 3

.... society. Peer pressure is a very major dilemma in that friends or peers try to get a person to do what they, the majority, like and not what the individual likes. Peers create some of the so-called rites, then when one follows more start to follow, then it becomes the scenario of the lemmings following their leader off of the face of a cliff. Some teens think that drinking is a passage into adulthood because the law states you must be 21 to drink . The logic of some teens then indicates that if you drink you are considered an adult. Therefore if one teen tries it he/she is suppose .....

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The War On...Dress Codes
Number of words: 535 - Number of pages: 2

.... of the time, any problems caused due to clothing are usually due to someone stealing someone else’s expensive clothes, such as Tommy Hilfiger, which we are allowed to wear. Numerous students would also like to wear shirts and other clothing related to Satan. Worshipping Satan is just another form of religion, just like worshipping God. Yet students are not allowed to wear clothing involving Satan, Hell, or death. That is an unconstitutional rule though as the freedom of religion is guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution. People are allowed to wear clothes referring to God, Jesus, and th .....

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Violent Behavior In Society
Number of words: 737 - Number of pages: 3

.... is the message here? It is, we will like you more since you are physically stronger, and we will respect you because we are afraid of you. That is again, a wrong message. Violence is glorified the most throught media, violent movies, TV shows and newspaper sensationalism. THERE SEEMES TO BE A NEED FOR VIOLNCE IN SOCIETY! Violent movies are born one after another: "Die Hard","The God Father", "Natural Born Killers", "The Proffesinal", "Pulp Fiction"," Terminator 2", etc.When these kinds of movies come out, there are lines for tickets. In some countries people have to stay in l .....

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