Term Papers on Biographies |
Thomas Jefferson
Number of words: 1530 - Number of pages: 6.... a western outpost and was to remain as Jefferson¡¦s lifelong home. He was the son of Peter Jefferson and Jane Randolph Jefferson. His father, Peter, was a surveyor, a cartographer, and a plantation owner and he was also largely self-educated. His mother, Jane was from the prominent Rudolph family of colonial Virginia. Jefferson¡¦s intense interest in botany, geology, cartography, North American exploration, and love of Greek and Latin are due largely from his father and his surrounding environment out in the west where he also absorbed the democratic views of his Western countrymen. .....
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Thomas Edison
Number of words: 2111 - Number of pages: 8.... did not like math. And he asked too many questions. The story goes that the teacher whipped students who asked questions. After three months of school, the teacher called Thomas, "addled". Thomas was pissed. The next day, Nancy Edison brought Thomas back to school to talk with Reverend Engle. The teacher told his mother that Thomas couldn't learn. Nancy also became angry at the teacher's strict ways. "She took Thomas out of school and decided to home-school him."(Allen pg. 34) It appears he briefly attended two more schools. However, his school attendance was not very good. S .....
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Charles Dickens
Number of words: 1964 - Number of pages: 8.... man who was both Micawber and Dorritt, seeing the great difference in personality between the two. People couldn’t possible believe that this was Dickens father so they just said that those characters were part of his imagination. John Dickens moved around quiet a bit. When Charles was not even two years old they moved for what would be a short stay to London and then moved to Chatam for what would be a longer stay, there Charles started school but soon all of that would change.
Charles who couldn’t of hardly been ten years old when the household was again in trouble was forced to get .....
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Confucius And Lao Tzu
Number of words: 565 - Number of pages: 3.... a teacher, traveling from place to place with a small group of disciples preaching. His teachings of Chinese ideals and customs soon spread all throughout Lu. In his speeches he also taught the people gathered his view of filial piety and his views of moral values. Then at the age of fifty he was appointed as the minister of crime of Lu. This administration was very successful, and Confucius made Lu very powerful and free from crime. Confucius never wrote his teachings out on paper himself, however they were passed down through his disciples and later wrote out in text form in a docume .....
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Cesar E. Chavez
Number of words: 1432 - Number of pages: 6.... moves to California to become migrant workers (Griswold, p.22). Chavez had worked in the fields as a child and had encountered the reality of being poor, as well as a member of a discriminated class of people (Altman, p.87). The land shaped the thinking and emotional being of Cesar Chavez. The reality of hard work in the hot fields at low wages, the planting, hoeing and harvesting of the agricultural produce that was the foundation of a multi-billion food chain industry impressed Cesar. He discovered his place in the whole enterprise and that the workers were merely expendables obtained at th .....
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The Life And Rule Of Cleopatra
Number of words: 2378 - Number of pages: 9.... different languages, the first Plotemy
pharaoh to actually speak Egyptian, and was also a very shrewd politican.
Going along with the Egyptian tradition she married her brother and co-
ruler, Ptolemy XIII, who was only 12.The marriage was only of convenience
though, and Ptolemy pharaoh only in name. For three years he remained in
the background while Cleopatra ruled over Egypt. Ptolemy’s advisors
resented Cleopatra’s independence and conspired against her. In 48 B.C.
they stripped her of her power and she was forced to exile in Syria and
she was accompanied by her sister Arsinoe.
Altho .....
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Jeffrey Dalhmer
Number of words: 2043 - Number of pages: 8.... slipped beyond your grasp, that your little boy is spinning in the void, swirling in the maelstrom, lost, lost, lost."
Lionel seems to be fairly straightforward in recognising the negative influences in Jeff's life. No family is perfect. Jeff's mother had various physical ailments and appeared to be high strung, coming from a background in which her father's alcoholism deeply affected her life.
Lionel, a chemist who went on to get his Ph.D., stayed at work more often than he should to avoid
Turmoil on the home front. Eventually, the marriage dissolved in divorce when Jeff was .....
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Napoleon Bonaparte
Number of words: 1485 - Number of pages: 6.... and
and brings on crisis from which springs the
result or Denouement (Gray 6)".
Napoleon thought himself to be invincible and God-like. He felt that he had a destiny to be one of the greatest military leaders to ever live. The man thought that he could not be killed on the battle field, he was right. He went from a soldier to the Emperor of France in just ten short years; he fell in less than three.
Napoleon led an army of six-hundred-thousand men into Russia (Reihn 159). Napoleon was always very concerned about his soldiers and made sure that they were well taken care of (Segur 58 ). N .....
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Cornelius Vanderbilt
Number of words: 544 - Number of pages: 2.... his prices to a mere 12 and ½ cent apiece. Next he challenged the Hudson River Association in the Albany trade and they paid him to go elsewhere. Vanderbilt continued to improve his businesses and his boats, adding luxury and comfort to all his boats, he launched the largest steamboat ever in existence in 1846 and it was named for him. By 1840 his company had more than 100 steamboats and more employees than any other company in the United States at the time. By the time he was 40, Vanderbilt's fortune exceeded 500,000 dollars, but he was still looking for new opportunities. During the .....
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Hernan Cortes
Number of words: 1074 - Number of pages: 4.... town of Tabasco. The artillery, the ships, and especially the horses awed the natives. From these people of Tabasco Cortes learned about the Aztecs and their ruler Montezuma II.
Cortes took lots of captives one of which they baptized and renamed Marina. She became his lover and out of loyalty to him became his interpreter, Translator, Guide, and Counselor. Finding a better harbor a little North of San Juan they established a town called La Villa Rica De La Vera Cruz, which literally translates to The Rich Village Of The Vera Cruz. This was later called just Varacruz. Cortes did what Velasqu .....
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