Term Papers on Biographies |
Al Capone
Number of words: 1257 - Number of pages: 5.... errands for Johnny Torrio. Over time, Torrio came to trust the young Capone and gave him more to do. Meantime, young Al learned by observing the wealthy successful respected racketeer and the people in his organization. In 1909, Torrio moved to Chicago and young Al fell under other influences.
At this point in his life, nobody would ever have believed that Al would go on to be the criminal czar that he ultimately became. For approximately six years he worked faithfully at exceptionally boring jobs, first at a munitions factory and then as a paper cutter.
Eventually he met a guy nam .....
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Bill Gate's Biography
Number of words: 690 - Number of pages: 3.... Guided by a belief that the personal computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began developing software for personal computers.
Gates' foresight and vision regarding personal computing have been central to the success of Microsoft and the software industry. Gates is actively involved in key management and strategic decisions at Microsoft, and plays an important role in the technical development of new products. A significant portion of his time is devoted to meeting with customers and staying in contact with Microsoft employees around the world thr .....
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Napoleon I
Number of words: 1557 - Number of pages: 6.... During one of these visits, Napoleon had
trouble with a Corsican nationalist, named Pasquale Paoli, and Napoleon and his
family fled to Marseille in 1793.
Later in 1793, the beginning of the French revolution, Napoleon led an
artillery brigade to push out a British fleet that the Royalists had allowed
in. Napoleon's mission was a success, and he was promoted to general, and
was assigned to the army in Northern Italy. During the early part of the
revolution, Napoleon had supported Maximilien Robespierre's revolutionary
group, and when Robespiere was overthrown in 1794, Napoleon sp .....
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William Lloyd Garrison
Number of words: 611 - Number of pages: 3.... he was fined, and, lacking funds to pay the fine, was jailed. After his release from prison Garrison dissolved his partnership with Lundy and returned to New England. in partnership with another American abolitionist, Isaac Knapp, Garrison launched The Liberator in Boston in 1831; the newspaper became one of the most influential journals in the United States .
Garrison was also a pacifist and involved in other reform movements. He was deeply convinced that slavery had to be abolished by moral force. He appealed through The Liberator and through his speeches, especially those to the cler .....
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Babe Ruth
Number of words: 2398 - Number of pages: 9.... increased drastically as well, including both paper coverage and radio coverage. The idea of the home run was more of a new concept and with Ruth's improvement it became a symbol of The Babe. The idea of the home run also symbolized the creation of a strong willed nation and self-confident young men, enforcing the idea that innovations and expansion would constantly be occurring.
It was believed that by watching baseball, youngsters would learn to be better people because they would begin to imitate the professionals who became their heroes. Baseball taught quick decision making .....
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Toni Morrison Interview
Number of words: 440 - Number of pages: 2.... the ultimate gesture of a loving mother". Although I was initially shocked when I heard that Beloved was based on a true story, I soon began to sympathize with Morrison's point of view. Margaret Garner was a mother in a desperate situation. Although extreme, her actions were only a reflection of the society that she had been raised in. She was trying to protect her children from the harsh reality of slavery and all that she had endured.
Throughout the interview she stated how difficult is was for her to write a book solely based on slavery since it frightened her so much. Since it is .....
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Henry Kissinger
Number of words: 719 - Number of pages: 3.... University and taught there from 1954 until 1969,” (Kissinger 95). Kissinger, a master at power politics (his critics would often call him Machiavelli. In reply he would respond, “Thank you.”), he helped presidents Kennedy and Johnson as a consultant on nuclear policy. It is through this background, and his Nuclear Weapons policy that gained him status as an expert in the field (Kissinger 67) that he was appointed to serve as a special assistant to Nixon for National Security Affairs (hence the origin of the position for a National Security Advisor).
In this compacity, Kissinger reigne .....
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Conquests Napoleon Made Domestically As Well As Militarily
Number of words: 1009 - Number of pages: 4.... everyday life for the people of France for years to come. Also, while his military conquests were good for national pride, Napoleon's domestic changes affected law & justice, government efficiency, the economy, and education. Napoleon's career was filled with military successes. Two of his greatest accomplishments were the Italian Campaign and the Campaign of Austerlitz. The Italian Campaign, which occurred between March of 1796 and April of 1797 brought great victories over places like Lodi, Castiglione, Arcola, and Rivoli. Napoleon was also able to impose armistices on the Kingdom of S .....
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Geoffery Chaucer
Number of words: 2362 - Number of pages: 9.... medieval mind. So in the writings of the times this
eminent fear was a influence of writing for all.
Though Chacuer was an amazing writer most of his life is
fragmentary, but there is a lot of it. A lot of people's lives back then
were difficult to document. He was an extraordinary man, a great poet
who was courtier, soldier, learned man, much travelled minor diplomat.
The range of his experience and interests is amazing, from common life
and bawedy talkes to puritanical religion.
He knew an assortion of people of all backgrounds from French to
Flemish. His attitudes range .....
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Adolf Hitler
Number of words: 1327 - Number of pages: 5.... war, taking part in some of the
bloodiest battles. He was wounded and received the Iron Cross for
bravery. But he was never promoted higher than lance corporal.
But after the war he found himself unable to find a job. After
Germany’s defeat in 1918 he returned to Munich, remaining in the
army until 1920.In September 1919 he joined the nationalist
German Workers’ Party. In April 1920 he went to work full time
for the party, now renamed the National Socialist German
Workers’ Party or the Nazi party. In 1921 he was elected party
chairman with dictatorial powers. He now became kno .....
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