Term Papers on Biographies |
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Number of words: 625 - Number of pages: 3.... a big part of this and practically initiated the entire club. As we know he was already a major part of the movement and know got himself involved more. Many people and ways of life throughout his career including Neoplatonism, the Hindu religion, Plato and even his wife influenced Emerson. He also inspired many Transcendentalists like Thoreau. Emerson didn’t win any major awards, but he did win the love and appreciation of his readers. Literary Information Emerson wrote many genres of writing including poetry and sermons, but his best writing is found in his essays. Even though he is note .....
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The Accomplishments Of Alexander The Great
Number of words: 2734 - Number of pages: 10.... or killed. All of
the city_s buildings were destroyed except for temples and the house of
Pindar the poet. Pindar was long dead, but Alexander wanted to prove that
even a Macedonian conqueror could be a Hellene. The savage lesson of Thebes
brought results, the Athenian assembly quickly congratulated Alexander, and
the Greek states, with Sparta as the continuing exception, remained
Macedonian allies.
Alexander now took on a project that Philip had planned but never
carried out: an invasion of Persia. He decision to do this was purely a
political one. For a century Persia had interf .....
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Shoeless Joe
Number of words: 574 - Number of pages: 3.... the new league.
3. The significance of the title is that was one of the greatest baseball players of all times. became a symbol of the powerful over the powerless. did not play with running shoes because he could not find a small shoe size to fit him. That is why he wears the name .
4. The first impression I get from the main character, Ray Kinsella, is that he is a man who loves baseball. He lives for it. He is a great father and husband. He plays ball with his family and he brings them to ball games. He likes to dream. He could sit all day long and dream. He also likes to impr .....
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Poul Voulkos Ceramist
Number of words: 1534 - Number of pages: 6.... fewer museums. Despite the obscurity, a handful of solitary and determined artists broke ground here, stretching the inflexible definitions of what constitutes painting, sculpture and other media. Among these avant-gardists was Peter Voulkos.” In 1954, Voulkos was hired as chairman of the fledgling ceramics department at the L.A. County Art Institute, now Otis College of Art and Design, and during the five years that followed, he led what came to be known as the "Clay Revolution." Students like John Mason, Paul Soldner, Ken Price and Billy Al Bengston, all of whom went on to become respe .....
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Number of words: 334 - Number of pages: 2.... asked to live with him in his palace.
After two years in the palace, Lorenzo died and was left alone. His father wanted some of his money. loved his father with all of his heart. was not doing well with money at the time, but gave his father some. Then, Julius Pope asked to paint the vault of the Sistine Chapel. took the job and started. He started in 1508 and finished in 1512.
When was 59 years old, ’s dad and favorite brother died. After they died, returned to the Sistine Chapel to paint behind the alter. Seven years later, it was complete. Then, died on February 18, 1 .....
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William Henry Gates III
Number of words: 2200 - Number of pages: 8.... dropped out of Harvard to devote his energies to
Microsoft, a company he had begun in 1975 with Paul Allen. Guided by a belief
that the personal computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and
in every home, they began developing software for personal computers.
Gates' foresight and vision regarding personal computing have been central to
the success of Microsoft and the software industry. Gates is actively involved
in key management and strategic decisions at Microsoft, and plays an important
role in the technical development of new products. A significant portion of his .....
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Abe Lincoln
Number of words: 1526 - Number of pages: 6.... of Indiana, but to get there they had to cut a trail themselves out of the wilderness in order to reach their destination. In the autumn of 1818 Abe's mother Nancy died from "milk sickness", and so young Sarah, who was only eleven, took over the chores of from her mother. A year later though, Thomas Lincoln found a second wife, in order to help around the house, named Sarah Bush Johnston, whom had three kids of her own. Abe and Sarah quickly grew to love their new stepmother, who kept an immaculate house and even pushed Abe to do his studies.
At age eleven, Abe was to required to go to .....
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Benedict Arnold
Number of words: 1834 - Number of pages: 7.... the commander of the Army of the North. His English counterpart was General John Burgoyne. The open-field battle style considerable favored the British troops of Burgoyne. The American’s had their backs against the wall; they were almost out of options, until their savior literally rode in on horseback. This man was General . He rode in from Freeman’s Farm where Gates, Arnold’s superior, had taken his authority away because of Arnold’s “insubordination”. Arnold thought nothing of Major Gates’orders to stay at Freeman’s Farm and rode off w .....
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Mark Twain, Samuel Clemens, Or None Of The Above
Number of words: 939 - Number of pages: 4.... he became a steam boat pilot on the Mississippi River. Clemens piloted steamboats until the Civil War in 1861. Then he served briefly with the Confederate army (Mark Twain 1). In 1862 Clemens became a reporter on the Territorial Enterprise in Virginia City, Nevada. In 1863 he began signing his articles with the pseudonym Mark Twain, a Mississippi River phrase meaning “two fathoms deep” (Bloom 43).
In 1865, Twain reworked a tale he had heard in the California gold fields, and within months the author and the story, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, had become .....
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Andrew Carnegie
Number of words: 936 - Number of pages: 4.... but his actions were met with mixed reviews. The book, Carnegie Libraries: Their History and Impact on American Public Library Development by George S. Bobinski shows the impact of his philanthropy and the reaction it received.
lived by his philosophy that “The man who dies thus rich, dies disgraced.” He not only wrote these words, but lived by them. “Money can only be the useful drudge of things immeasurably higher than itself...Mine be it to have contributed to the enlightenment and the joys of the mind...” Carnegie said. Therefore, he put his fortune into ed .....
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