Term Papers on Biographies |
A Memorable Experience In Photography
Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3.... came during the Spanish Civil
War. His most famous picture was a snapshot of a courageous man in the act of
falling(Capa18). His own special talents and course of world happenings, led
him into a role as a professional photographer of war(Images of War20). To
really admire and understand Capa, you must have a fascination for dramatic and
emotional pictures of war. There probably has been thousands who admire the
work he does. Well you can include me in that group of thousands. Capa puts
into perspective in just one photograph, something my grandfather will never
forget. The Bombing of .....
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Richard Henry Lee
Number of words: 696 - Number of pages: 3.... the Constitution was because he felt that the Constitution would “rob the states of their sovereignty”. With the Constitution giving so much power to the central government, the states would eventually lose their own power and the federal government would take over. This meant that the federal government would ultimately control over all the land within its borders. This, Henry Lee felt, would be impossible for a central government to do. It is written in a letter from to Edmund Pendleton that:
“… in a country so extensive as the territory of the U. States which is stated by Capt .....
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Adolf Hitler: Ruthless Leader Of Germany
Number of words: 1341 - Number of pages: 5.... told Adolf that he could never be a painter (Smith 29). This rejection crushed him, as he now had nowhere else to go. I like to speculate what would have happened if he had been accepted into the academy. Would the world have been spared World War II?
While living in Vienna Adolf made his living by drawing small pictures of famous landmarks which he sold as post cards. He wasn’t successful and didn’t make any money. He was a regular reader of a small paper that claimed the Aryan race was superior to all and was destined to rule the world. The paper regularly blamed Jews for all the .....
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Emily Dickinson 2
Number of words: 1365 - Number of pages: 5.... were good enough to be published. She went to a friend of the family where she would get help in editing and publishing the poems. Lavinia’s friend, Mabel Loomis Todd and a friend of hers, Thomas Wentworth Higginson began to put a lot of
effort of getting the poems published. In the year 1890 they accomplished in getting 115 of Emily’s poems published. After their first success of publishing the poems they began to get more involved with Emily’s poems. Along with publishing the poems Mabel and Thomas began practicing the revision of the poems. When Emily wrote the .....
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Asher Lev
Number of words: 422 - Number of pages: 2.... of his parents was the first conscious decision Asher makes to disregard his Jewish background for the sake of what he loves: Art.
Asher begins a student-teacher relationship with Jacob Kahn, a non-observant Jew. Asher has the choice of disregarding Jacob's invitation to study with him, or calling him. Asher chooses to call Jacob (page 190), which in turn leads him on a journey to neglecting his parent's wishes, and forsaking his faith.
After graduation, Asher decides to tour Europe, and see in person the art works he had before only experienced through books (page293). This decision to be .....
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Number of words: 197 - Number of pages: 1.... being taken
care of from the goverments money.
B. Nixon believed that there should be health care for everyone,
employer mandates, pharmancy care, and preventive care.
III. Law Enforcement
A. Crime increased and drud use began to bloom.
B. Nixon believed that the judiciary had moved too far to the left.
IV. Nutrition and Human Needs
A. Nutrition and Health programs were needed to teach people about
thier human needs.
B. Nixon believed in being concerned with people's health and thinks
that programs like Meals on Wheels are good for teaching people about nutrition and
food. .....
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Benito Mussolini
Number of words: 818 - Number of pages: 3.... was not afraid of was the rage of other men. For these articles he spent time in prison and was then deported back to Italy.
In Italy he persisted and gave public speeches, the people loved his ideas. He became one of Italy's most intelligent and menacing young Socialist. In November 1914 he published, Il Popolo d'Italia, and the prowar group Fasci d'Azione Rivoluzionaria. Mussolini's lifeblood went into Il Popolo d'Italia. became a national force; groups supporting intervention in the war sprang up everywhere. His expectations for the war, was the collapse of society that would bring .....
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Rudyard Kipling
Number of words: 454 - Number of pages: 2.... a private school at the age of twelve. The English schoolboy code of honor and duty affected his views in later life, especially when it involved loyalty to a group or a team.
Returning to India in 1882 he worked as a newspaper reporter and a part-time writer and this helped him to gain a rich experience of colonial life which he later presented in his stories and poems. In 1886 he published his first volume of poetry, "Departmental Ditties" and between 1887 and 1889 he published six volumes of short stories set in and concerned with the India he had come to know and love so well. When h .....
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Benjamin Franklin 2
Number of words: 2325 - Number of pages: 9.... have a good relationship. Benjamin thought his brother didn't pay him enough money and James was difficult to get along with.
After four years when he was about 16, he wrote some letters to his brother's paper and signed them Silence Dogood. The letters were funny and sometimes made fun of the Boston authorities and society. His letters became very popular and everyone tried to figure out who Silence Dogood was.
In 1722, James was sent to prison for making statements against the Boston authorities. Benjamin took care of the newspaper while James was in prison. When he was released from priso .....
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Karl Marx 2
Number of words: 2646 - Number of pages: 10.... this saying,
"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of the conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class made into a law for all, a will, whose essential character and direction are determined by the economical conditions of existence of your class" (Marx, p.71).
With this in mind, some perspective on the society of that time is vital. During this time the industrial revolution is taking place, a massive movement away from small farms, businesses operated out of homes, small shops on the corner, and so on. Instead .....
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