Term Papers on Biographies |
Martin Luther King
Number of words: 332 - Number of pages: 2.... and hit it
hard, Mother; there's no such thing as one people better than another. The
Lord created us all equal , and I'm going to see to that."
Over the years King was involved in many famous boycotts and marches,
but none of them matched his famous march in Washington. He gave a speech
that showed bigotry in the government. Now, just 20 years later, our
country is changing, and helping to change South Africa.
The key to all this success was Martin Luther King Jr. who showed us
that one man, nonviolently, could make a difference. Most of all he made us
realize that all men are cr .....
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Constantine The Great
Number of words: 1202 - Number of pages: 5.... Constantius Chlorus and Helena, seems to have been born in Naissus in Serbia on 27 February ca. 272 or 273 C.E. When his father had become Caesar in 293 A.D., Constantius had sent his son to the Emperor Galerius as hostage for his own good behavior; Constantine, however, returned to his father in Britain on July 25th, 306. Soon after his father's death, Constantine was raised to the purple by the army.
The period between 306 and 324, during Constantine’s rule, was a period of constant civil war. Two sets of campaigns not only guaranteed Constantine a spot in Roman history, but also mad .....
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Heinrich Himmler
Number of words: 850 - Number of pages: 4.... and was named Chief of the German police on June 17 of that year. With all organs of the police, especially the Gestapo (secret state police), now under his control, his power was virtually without limit. In addition to his other responsibilities, he was also responsible for the security services (Sicherheitsdienst) and the concentration camps, which up to that time housed prisoners of the state.
Himmler's men staged the phony border incident that Hitler used to justify the invasion of Poland at the outbreak of World War II. As the war went on, the armored portions of the SS - the Waf .....
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Inventor Project April 1, 1996 Albert Einstein
Number of words: 746 - Number of pages: 3.... this is E=hv,
where E is the radiation, h is a universal constant known as Planck's constant,
and v is the frequency of the radiation. This proposal, that the energy
contained within a light beam is transferred by individual units, or quanta,
contradicted the hundred year old tradition of considering light as a
manifestation of continuous processes.
My third and most impotant paper, "On the Electrodynamics of Moving
Bodies", contained what has become known as the special theory of relativity.
Since the time of Sir Issac Newton, scientists had been trying to understand
the nature of matt .....
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Pope Paul III: The Sixteenth Century Miracle
Number of words: 1030 - Number of pages: 4.... Renaissance buildings in Rome is the Farnese
Palace where he lived like a renaissance prince.
Paul III also claimed another name; the first reform pope. By the
time he was elected pope his reputation as a bishop and as an administrator
raised great hopes for his future decisions of the church. There were many
problems that faced him during his reign. These problems were political as
well as spiritual. The first goal Paul III set forth for himself was
securing peace between the rival political powers; the king of France and
the emperor. He adopted a policy of neutrality in hopes .....
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Langston Hughes
Number of words: 912 - Number of pages: 4.... all the places in the world that Hughes has traveled. He probably used much of the information of the cultures of other countries to write. Hughes traveled all over the world as a seaman. He went to the Soviet Union, Haiti, Japan, Spain, Genoa, France, and other parts of Europe. Hughes was an author, anthologist, librettist, songwriter, columnist, translator, founder of theaters, and a poetical innovator in jazz technology. Hughes liked to write in many genres such as prose, comedy, drama, fiction, biographies, autobiographies, and TV and radio scripts. was the father of the Harl .....
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Bob Dylan
Number of words: 962 - Number of pages: 4.... Dylan's life as a singer-songwriter captured the public's attention from a time of mass confusion until today, opening up the expressive possibilities of rock.Composing over 100's of songs, performing worldwide including Woodstock 1969, following his own path and believing in his own causes, Dylan has become an idol, young artists everywhere can admire.
Born Robert Allen Zimmerman on May 24, 1941, in Duluth Minnesota to Beatrice and Abraham Zimmerman, Dylan was soon to move to Hibbing in 1947. It, like many other small towns felt the optimism, prosperity, and conformism that followed WW .....
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Jackie Robinson 3
Number of words: 1169 - Number of pages: 5.... money. Finally Jackie decided he wanted to join the Negro Leagues. In 1944 Jackie officially was on a Negro baseball team.(Shorto,Russell p. 5-10)
In 1945 Branch Rickey the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers was looking for a black player to break the serration barrier and rise above it all and join the
Major League Baseball Association. Rickey said that whoever the person was to
be would have to cope with taunts and insult, with name calling and abuse. Rickey heard of the success of Jackie on the Negro League and sent his
scouts to see Jackie. (Ritter, S. Lawrence p. 43-51).
After a lon .....
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Bill Gates
Number of words: 1634 - Number of pages: 6.... software programming jobs. One of Gates early programs that he likes to brag about was written at this time. It was a program that scheduled classes for students. "I surreptitiously added a few instructions and found myself nearly the only guy in a class full of girls"(Gates 12). In 1972 Intel released their first microprocessor chip: the 8008. Gates attempted to write a version of BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) for the new Intel chip, but the chip did not contain enough transistors to handle it. Gates and Allen found a way to use the 8008 and "started Traf-O-Data, a .....
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Ernest Miller Hemingway
Number of words: 489 - Number of pages: 2.... treated Ernest, when he was a small boy, as if he were a female baby doll and she dressed him accordingly. This arrangement was alright until Ernest got to the age when he wanted to be a "gun-toting Pawnee Bill". He began, at that time, to pull away from his mother, and never forgave her for his humiliation.
The town of Oak Park, where Ernest grew up, was very old fashioned and quite religious. The townspeople forbad the word "virgin" from appearing in school books, and the word "breast" was questioned, though it appeared in the Bible.
Ernest loved to fish, canoe and explor .....
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