Term Papers on Biographies |
Roy Jones Jr.
Number of words: 495 - Number of pages: 2.... they got interested and a boxing club was formed. Roy Sr. used his
own money to buy boxing equipment and at one point sold the family’s
tractor to finance the boxing club. This wasn’t enough though because he
had to ask others that he knew for money to take the kids to boxing
tournaments in neighboring states. The only form of transportation was an
old rickety van, which doors were held with metal wire.
By the time Roy was 19 he had a amatuer record of 106-4 and became
the yungest member of the 1988 U.S. Olympic boxing team. In public the
team teased Roy but when in .....
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Adolf Hitler
Number of words: 1968 - Number of pages: 8.... of success. To his surprise he failed again. In fact the Dean of the academy was not very impr! essed with his performance, and gave him a really hard time and said to him "You will never be a painter." The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end. He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school diploma. During the next 35 years of his live the young man never forgot the rejection he received in the dean's office that day. Many Historians like to speculate what would have happened if.... perhaps the small town boy would have had a bit more ta .....
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Aristotles Life
Number of words: 322 - Number of pages: 2.... which was a similar crime that was brought upon another philosopher, Socrates. Worried that he would be set to death for this charge, Aristotle fled to the city of Chalcis. A year after his arrival in Chalcis, Aristotle died (World Book 663).
Aristotle’s Physics
Aristotle work on basically all of the basic known subjects (Math, Science, Literature, English, Ethic, etc…). He also made his contribution in the field of Physics and Metaphysics (means after physics). Aristotle’s Physics is composed of several books and each is broken up into different parts of physics.
In Ar .....
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Number of words: 1175 - Number of pages: 5.... 24). Gandhi felt
this was completely unfair and by the time he had finished his campaign against
colour prejudice in South Africa, “the three pound tax on farm indentured
labourers was annulled, Hindu, Muslim and Parsi marriages were declared valid;
free Indians and their wives could continue to come into the country from India”
(Pg. 47-48). Gandhi achieved this status for Indians in South Africa by a method
called “Satyagraha” or “passive resistance”. This involved a non-violent means
of refusing to co-operate with the government’s wishes, thus forcing the
government to .....
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Thomas Edison And His Inventions
Number of words: 1437 - Number of pages: 6.... to patent, in 1876. By the end of 1877 Edison had developed the carbon-button transmitter that is still used today in telephone speakers and microphones.
Many of Thomas Edison’s inventions including the carbon transmitter were in response to demands for new products and improvements. In 1877, he achieved his most unique discovery, the phonograph. During the summer of 1877 Edison was attempting to devise for the automatic telegraph a machine that would transcribe a signals as they were received into a form of the human voice so that they could then be delivered as telegraph messages. Some .....
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William Penn And The Quakers
Number of words: 2246 - Number of pages: 9.... Lord Baltimore's province of Maryland and the Duke of York's province of New York. With the Duke's support, Penn's petition was granted. The King signed the Charter of Pennsylvania on March 4, 1681, and it was officially proclaimed on April 2. The King named the new colony in honor of William Penn's father. It was to include the land between the 39th and 42nd degrees of north latitude and from the Delaware River westward for five degrees of longitude. Other provisions assured its people the protection of English laws and kept it subject to the government in England to a certain degree. .....
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Cone, James A. Black Theology Of Liberation
Number of words: 811 - Number of pages: 3.... that promises a reward in heaven in order to ease the pain of injustice on earth. Rather it is hope which focuses in order to make men refuse to tolerate present inequalities. To see the future of God, as revealed in his resurrection in Christ, is to see also the contradiction of any earthly injustice with existence in Christ." The purpose of Black theology is not only to find eternal salvation, but also to create heaven on earth. In order to create heaven on earth, the oppressed must be liberated. “The blackness of God means that the essence of the nature of God is to be found .....
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Carlos Santana
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... sounds of B.B. King, T-Bone Walker and John Lee Hooker. Soon he was being asked to join local bands like the T.J.'s, where he added a unique touch and feel to his own renditions of all the great songs of the 1950's. As he continued to play with different bands along the busy Tijuana Strip, he not Page Two only started to perfect his style and sound, but actually started bringing home enough money to really help his family. His future looked promising. In 1960, Carlos' family moved to San Francisco while Carlos stayed in Tijuana for another year to make extra money until his family was set .....
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Kosovo And Milosevic
Number of words: 1462 - Number of pages: 6.... being repeated in the Balkans for the umpteenth time. Almost a month after the most powerful military grouping in history launched air attacks on rump Yugoslavia to compel adherence to a peace accord, a human tragedy of grotesque proportions continues to unfold in Kosovo. Nearly 50 per cent of its Albanian population has been forced to flee the country under the relentless assault of the Yugoslav army and police, amid unbelievably cruel carnage of human lives and burning of villages and towns.
Kenneth Waltz’s first-image theory rests on the assumption that the causes of war are to b .....
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Geroffrey Chaucer
Number of words: 2544 - Number of pages: 10.... entry in Countess Elizabeth's household account book, which records the purchase of a suit of clothes for Geoffrey Chaucer, including a pair of red and black hose and a pair of shoes.”1 This being his first connection with royalty, he was trained to be a civil servant and a diplomat; at the same time he leant the ways of the court and the use of arms.2 Those days must have been lively days for the young page, for old records show that the countess and her household were constantly on the move from one palace or great mansion to another. 1 Two years later Chaucer was with a Eu .....
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