Term Papers on Biographies |
Number of words: 1122 - Number of pages: 5.... are sometimes deceptive. Since the senses are not completely trustworthy, it is irrational to place complete trust in them. However it is no small leap of faith to presume that everything our senses tells us is false. In fact, it seems almost preposterous to say such a thing. But as points out, we have dreams regularly and in these dreams everything we experience is a figment of our imagination, or at least not real in the physical sense. So, at least according to , it is reasonable to doubt everything our senses tell us, for the time being. Now, using similar logic, we can say that .....
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Bootleggers Boy
Number of words: 1475 - Number of pages: 6.... money. Then he decided to go to Louisiana and buy a few cases of whiskey. He brought the cases back to the dry county of Crossett and made a good profit. After this he became a bootlegger. Barry grew up as a poor kid and didn’t have electricity or running water until his senior in college. He attended the University of Arkansas to play football. He was more homesick than he thought he would, but quickly adjusted. He played for four years and often said he was never good enough player to play for one of his teams at Oklahoma.
At the beginning of his senior year, he met his futu .....
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Frank Sinatra
Number of words: 755 - Number of pages: 3.... Night, and that’s Life were some of his hit songs.
In the 1940s Sinatra embarked on a solo career and became the idol of the “bobby-soxers”. They were teenage girls who swooned over his crooning, soft-voiced singing. During this time period he also appeared in many film musicals such as, Anchors Aweigh (1945), Till the Clouds Roll By (1947), and On the Town (1949).
Sinatra is also well respected as a jazz singer. During the 1950s and 1960s Sinatra also teamed with a number of talented jazz arrangers, including Nelson Riddle, Neal Hefti, Quincy Jones, and Billy May. .....
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Frank Lloyd Wright
Number of words: 1215 - Number of pages: 5.... Wisconsin. His early influences include his clergyman father's playing of Bach and Beethoven and his mother's gift of geometric blocks. Growing up, Wright spent much of his summers at a farm owned by his uncles; here, his favorite pastime was building forts out of hay and mud. In 1882, at the age of 15, he entered the University of Wisconsin as a special student, studying engineering because the school had no course in architecture. Wright left Madison in 1887 to work as a draftsman in Chicago. Wright worked for several architectural offices until he finally found a job with the most sk .....
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Joan Of Arc 2
Number of words: 565 - Number of pages: 3.... Henry VI of England was claiming the French throne.
Joan convinced the captain of the dauphin's forces, and then the dauphin himself of her calling. After passing an examination by a board of theologians, she was given troops to command and the rank of captain.
"In those days it was not unusual for women to fight side by side with the men. There were thirty women wounded in the battle of Amiens. A number of women soldiers fought among the followers of Johannes Huss in Bohemia. There was hardly a medieval siege in which some woman was not conspicuous for heroism. It was therefore quite n .....
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Lorenzo Ghiberti
Number of words: 603 - Number of pages: 3.... another set of doors for the Baptistery. These bronze doors had 5 panels on
each side, containing scenes from the Old Testament. They were dubbed “ The Gates of
Paradise,” by Michaelangelo, and were Ghiberti’s greatest work. Ghiberti also made a
larger than life statue of the Arte dei Mercani di Calimala’s(the guild of the merchant
bankers) patron saint. He made two large bronze figures for Or San Michele, created
designs for the stained glass windows in the cathedral, and wrote two books, as well as
accomplishing other things.
Ghiberti imp .....
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Edgar Allan Poe 5
Number of words: 1064 - Number of pages: 4.... another family took his little sister Rosalie.
Mrs. Allan would have liked to adopt Edgar, but her husband was
unwilling to commit himself. At that time people thought acting was
immoral. John Allan could not help regarding the little son of actor
parents as a questionable person to inherit his name and the fortune he
was busy accumulating. He was willing however, to support the child, and
in time came to be proud of Edgar's good looks and intelligence.
When Edgar was six years old, Mr. Allen's business took him to Scotland,
the country from which he had come originally. The .....
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Martin Luther King Jr.
Number of words: 330 - Number of pages: 2.... reformation , Europe had been held together by the
universalism of the Catholic Church and the claim of the Holy Roman emperor .
After the reformation Europe had several large Prostant churches and smaller
Protestant religious groups .
From the result of the Reformation ,Europe was divided btwn the Catholic
counties of the south and the Protestant countries of the north. This diversity
of religious life created a mood of religious toleration and the respect for the
importance of individual conscience . The Reformation also stimulated many
reforms within the Catholic Church .
Ma .....
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Ulysses S. Grant 2
Number of words: 1174 - Number of pages: 5.... South, 18) He moved to Galena, Illinois, in 1860, where he became a clerk in his father's leather store.
At the outbreak of the American Civil War, Grant was appointed colonel, and soon afterward brigadier general, of the Illinois Volunteers, and in September 1861 he seized Paducah, Kentucky. After an indecisive raid on Belmont, Missouri, he gained fame when in February 1862, in conjunction with the navy; he succeeded in reducing Forts Henry and Donelson, Tennessee, forcing General Simon B. Buckner to accept unconditional surrender. The Confederates surprised Grant at Shiloh, but he held .....
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Number of words: 1737 - Number of pages: 7.... with the younger Medicis, two of whom later became popes (Leo X and Clement VII). He also became acquainted with such humanists as Marsilio Ficino and the poet Angelo Poliziano, who were frequent visitors. produced at least two relief sculptures by the time he was 16 years old, the (both 1489-92, Casa Buonarroti, Florence), which show that he had achieved a personal style at a very early age.
His patron Lorenzo died in 1492; two years later fled Florence, when the Medici were temporarily expelled. He settled for a time in Bologna, where in 1494 and 1495 he executed several for the Arca .....
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