Term Papers on Biographies |
Emily Dickinson
Number of words: 746 - Number of pages: 3.... the world and started what would be world famous poems throughout
the future . She adopted her ideas on poetry from her personal life, her
fondness of nature, death, and her dislike of organized religion. War is
occasionally pulled into Emily's poems also.
Emily seemed truly concerned over happenings in her personal life. So
she mainly focused her writings on the loss of her lover. In "I Never Saw A
Moor," she describes things that she had never seen or experienced before but
she knows what they are about. Here, Emily is trying to express herself on why
she thinks Charles left her. S .....
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Jordan Does It All
Number of words: 1827 - Number of pages: 7.... Jordan’s, 1999). Later in his childhood his family moved to Wilmington, North Carolina (Michael Jordan’s, 1999). He attended and graduated from Laney High School in Wilmington. Now Michael can be found living in Highland Park with his family and dog. He has a wife, Juanita, and has three children; Jeffrey; Marcus; and Jasmine (Michael Jordan’s, 1999).
It doesn’t hurt Jordan’s image being the greatest basketball player to ever play the game (Costas, 1999). Not only is he a great basketball player, but he is a great all around athlete. Jordan can do more than just play ba .....
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Jean Lamark
Number of words: 328 - Number of pages: 2.... observational work on invertebrates. With his colleagues, Lamarck accepted the view that animals in nature were arranged on one continuous natural scale. According to Lamarck, once nature formed life, the arrangement of all subsequent forms of life was the result of time and environment interacting with the organization of organic beings. From the simplest forms of life, more complex forms emerged naturally. These ideas were initially presented in Lamarck's major theoretical work, Zoological Philosophy, and he elaborated on them throughout his career. His final treatment of his hypot .....
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The Greatest Accomplishment Of President John Adams
Number of words: 739 - Number of pages: 3.... French had helped us in our war, therefore if we borrowed from one country, the other would catch on and turn on us. The government couldn’t tax its citizens, for taxation had always backfired in the past. Because of these money issues, John Adams decided not to join the war.
Another reason why Adams didn’t join the war was due to the nation’s confusion as to which side to defend. America was already divided into two supporting groups; whichever side was chosen, half the country would be extremely upset. The Federalists supported the British side. They felt that Britain had a much .....
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Gwendolyn Brooks
Number of words: 1064 - Number of pages: 4.... words are easily understandable. Though plain speech, each word is used more differently and more intensely than in ordinary discourse. Old yellow pair resounds with more meaning than old couple. “Yellow” implies faded or old; “Pair” is more compassionate than “couple”, suggesting more of a connection than just a matchup. Though easily readable, the first line sets a tone of tenderness. Dinner is a casual affair is also a unique statement. Though five plain words, each is used effectively to create an irony which is maintained for the rest of the stanza. “Dinner” and “affa .....
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Ferdinand Graf Von Zeppelin
Number of words: 1979 - Number of pages: 8.... on his airship ideas.
Zeppelin now finally found the time to concern himself with his visions to the topic of "Lenkbare Luftschiffe" or "guidable airships". This idea had always pursued him in the last 20 years. It was particularly the success of the airship LA FRANCE, which had very much impressed Zeppelin. In a letter to his king, Zeppelin referred, particularly, to the possibilities of the military use of this technology. A meeting with the military authorities, following on it, did not bring good results for it. The authorities over-estimated the problem of air r .....
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Dwight D Eisenhower
Number of words: 432 - Number of pages: 2.... serve two terms as President of the United States from January 20, 1953 to January 20, 1961. He saw the end of the Korean War, and promoted “Atoms for Peace” and dealt with several crisis in Lebanon, Suez, Berlin, and Hungary in Foreign affairs. He helped make Alaska and Hawaii become states. Throughout his presidency he was very concerned with civil rights issues and the interstate highway system in domestic affairs. Between his two terms he suffered a heart attack in September 1955 in Denver, Colorado. He left the hospital after seven weeks and was reelected for his second term in Nov .....
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John Kennedy
Number of words: 2421 - Number of pages: 9.... they were brought up together in was very wholesome and extremely elegant.
On September 12, 1953, John F. Kennedy married Jaqueline Lee Bouvier. Together they had a daughter Caroline in 1957. Later in 1960 they had a son John Junior.
's education process is remarkable. He started out by going to a couple of Public schools in Brookline. He later moved onto Private schools in Riverdale, New York, and Wallingford, Connecticut. In the years 1935 and 1936 John attended the London School of Economics. Later on in 1940 at Harvard University he graduated with honors. John also did some graduate wo .....
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Number of words: 1539 - Number of pages: 6.... the unforgettable nickname “Scarface.” It was in a bar when made some rude comments about a woman. Minutes later, the woman’s brother sliced in the face. This man was a friend of Charles “Lucky” Luciano. Al was punished and forced to apologize. Al did not become a leader until he went to Chicago. At the time he was still an apprentice to Johnny Torrio.
In the midst of the gang violence and bootlegging was Chicago. Chicago was a great place to start a ring of organized crime. The government was very weak which made it easier to do crime. entered the city of Chicago i .....
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Langston Huges
Number of words: 607 - Number of pages: 3.... the dream not coming true. Then as the poem goes on he gets more and more specific. Hughes then goes on to dream that everyone “Will know sweet freedoms way,/Where greed no longer saps the soul.” (World lines 6-7) Here Hughes is wishing to abolish greed. He is hoping that not only the rich will be able to know what it is truly like to be free. Hughes goes on to state:
“A world I dream where black or white,
Whatever race you be,
Will share the bounties of the earth
And every man is free” (World lines 9-12)
Here Hughes is stating that not only should the poor kn .....
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