Term Papers on Biographies |
Martin Luther King Jr. 3
Number of words: 2593 - Number of pages: 10.... he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.
King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.
Throughout his ed .....
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John Dalton 2
Number of words: 510 - Number of pages: 2.... this article contained his atomic theory.
Dalton was the first person to develop a scientific atom theory, the ancient Greeks had ideas about the atom but could not prove it scientifically.
Antoine Lavoisier and Dalton are responsible for the discovery of 90 natural elements. Dalton also explained the variations of water vapor in the atmosphere, the base of meteorology.
Dalton’s atomic theory says that each element contained its own number of atoms. Each element had its own size and weight. Dalton’s idea said that all things are made of small bits of matter this bits .....
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Norman Rockwell Bio
Number of words: 576 - Number of pages: 3.... Evening Post. Happy with the quality of Rockwell’s work the Post gave Rockwell a job creating illustrations and cover art for its periodicals. This would be his arena, revealing his works to thousands of people, for over forty years. During this period Rockwell painted portraits of various celebrities and persona. Rockwell was a “people painter” and predominantly worked with the depiction of emotions inspired by his models. Rockwell always took particular care in picking and choosing his models as he was very pragmatic and wanted them to exhibit characteristics that met with .....
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Virginia Woolf
Number of words: 1892 - Number of pages: 7.... she had written… Mrs. Stephen's rejection of Virginia may have been the paradigm of her failure to meet her own standards" (Bond 39). With the death of her mother Woolf used her novel, To the Lighthouse to "reconstruct and preserve" the memories that still remained. According to Woolf, "the character of Mrs. Ramsey in To the Lighthouse was modeled entirely upon that of her mother" (Bond 27). This helped Virginia in her closure when dealing with the loss and obsession with her mother.
Although Virginia clung to the relationship with her mother, she favored her father, Leslie .....
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Number of words: 251 - Number of pages: 1.... director at St Thomas's choir school in Leipzig, where, apart from his brief visit to the court of Frederick the Great of Prussia in 1747, he remained there until his death.
Bach married twice and had 21 children, ten of whom died in infancy. His second wife, Anna Magdalena Wulkens, was a soprano singer; she also acted as his amanuensis, when in later years his sight failed.
Bach was a master of contrapuntal technique, and his music marks the culmination of the Baroque polyphonic style.
Important Works
Sacred music includes over 200 church cantatas, the Easter and Christmas oratorios, the .....
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Henry David Thoreau
Number of words: 1028 - Number of pages: 4.... that was his great theme.
In order for Thoreau to write so much on nature he had to be familiar with it. His knowledge of the woods and fields, of the rivers, the ponds, and swamps, of every plant and animal was outstanding. Emerson even stated, "His power of observation seemed to indicate additional senses." Thoureau wrote a book titled Walden(1854) in which the theme of it was the relationship to the order and beauty of nature in the human mind. This book consists of records of Thoreau's stay at Walden Pond. Thoreau's love and devotion to nature and his writing was a key to his excellenc .....
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William Richardson Davie
Number of words: 557 - Number of pages: 3.... Nathanael Greene's army and the state militia.
After the war, Davie embarked on his career as a lawyer, traveling the circuit in North Carolina. In 1782 he married Sarah Jones, the daughter of his former commander, Gen. Allen Jones, and settled in Halifax. His legal knowledge and ability won him great respect, and his presentation of arguments was admired. Between 1786 and 1798 Davie represented Halifax in the North Carolina legislature. There he was the principal agent behind that body's actions to revise and codify state laws, send representatives to the Annapolis and Philadelphia conventio .....
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John Paul Jones
Number of words: 1501 - Number of pages: 6.... of thirteen he boarded a ship to Whitehaven, which was a large port across the Solway Firth. There he signed up for a seven year seaman's apprenticeship on The Friendship of Whitehaven, whose captain was James Younger, a prosperous merchant and ship owner. His first voyage took him across the Atlantic Ocean to Barbados and Fredericksburg, Virginia at which he stayed with his older brother William, a tailor, who had left Scotland for America over thirteen years before, and who now was living comfortably and flourishing.
John Paul was released from his apprenticeship at age 17 after which .....
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Jim Henson, A Gentle Genius
Number of words: 617 - Number of pages: 3.... children.
Henson was very successful in life. He accomplished many things
that people might dream of as a child. His success first started in high
school when his family first moved to Washington and he became fascinated
by television. In the summer of 1954, just before he entered the
University of Maryland he learned that a local station needed someone to
perform with puppets on a children’s show. That job didn’t last long, but
within a few months later he was puppeteering for the local NBC affiliate.
Soon he had his own five minute program called Sam and Friends. He
produced Sam .....
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Frank Sinatra
Number of words: 3469 - Number of pages: 13.... to America and settle down in the “land of the free”. After arriving in the United States, they ended up making their home in Hoboken, New Jersey, a very poor area where people resided with those of their own ethnic background. Their history was very important to the Sinatra family, and good moral values, as well as the importance of a good education, were instilled in all their children. Frank’s parents could barely read or write; that’s why good schooling was a priority to them. Sinatra’s parents looked down on the entertainment business, and with lit .....
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