Term Papers on Biographies |
Essay On The Life Of Frederick Douglass
Number of words: 1671 - Number of pages: 7.... an actual birth date was one of the first examples not of brainwashing but a form of brain molding that was customary for all slaveholders to take part of. Since the slaves did not know their birthday, they were more easily treated like cattle or other property of the plantation, which was the objective of the slaveholders. The slaveholders felt that the more ignorant and little minded that slaves were, then the more effective they would be in the fields. This example of depriving the slaves of their natural right as humans to know their date of birth was just the beginning of the many .....
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The Life Of Charles Dickens
Number of words: 922 - Number of pages: 4.... reading widely in the British Museum
In late 1822, John was needed back at the London office, so they had to
move to London. This gave Charles opportunities to walk around the town with his
father and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the area. This gave him
early inspiration that he would use later on in his life when he started to
write (Mankowitz 13-14).
James Lamert, the owner of a boot-blacking factory, saw the conditions
that the Dickens family was going through. He offered Charles a job there and
he was paid six shillings a week which was reasonable at that time. .....
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John A. MacDonald
Number of words: 419 - Number of pages: 2.... he made up an agreement called the British North American Act which was an agreement to united the five provinces in the Maritimes. After this he was appointed Prime Minister of Canada and then won the federal election the next year in 1867 for the Conservative Party. He wanted to build a strong nation so he began the Intercolonial Railway in 1871 that ran from Halifax to the Pacific Coast, and included Canada's two new provinces Manitoba and British Columbia and the North West Territories. It is because of him that we have the Canadian Pacific Railway today as well as Banff National Pa .....
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Davy Crockett
Number of words: 328 - Number of pages: 2.... him to the legislature. He was successful. He had 2 terms.
Davy wanted to go fight with the Creeks. But his wife, Finley begged him
not to go. The Creeks fought only for there homes. Davy could under stand that.
He fought in Alabama and Georgia. Davy and other men went into Florida to fight
the Creeks.
Davy Crockett took his rifle "Old Betsy" and fought for Texas against
Mexico at the Alamo.He fought with James Bowie and William Travis in San Antonio
at a mission. The Mexicans attacked the mission and Davy Crockett was killed.
Davy Crockett was a famous American. He could .....
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The Life And Work Of Nemerov
Number of words: 1659 - Number of pages: 7.... At the start of World War II, Nemerov became
attracted to the air force. However, like all poets, this attraction
gradually grew into terror at the reality of war ("Nemerov" 249). Nemerov
first served as a flying officer with the RAF Coastal Command, attacking
German ships over the North Sea. Then in 1944, he was transferred to the
Eighth United States Army Air Force, based in Lincolnshire. Later he
served in a unit of the Royal Canadian Air Force attached to the United
States Air Force. In 1944, he married an English girl, to whom he's still
married. After the war, Nemerov and .....
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Karl Marx
Number of words: 1172 - Number of pages: 5.... The transfer was do to Marx earlier possession of alcohol and imprisonment for drunkenness.
At Berlin Marx interests changed from law to philosophy. "Degeneration in a learned dressing gown with uncombed hair had replaced degeneration with a beer glass." (1 p2) Marx father obviously disapproved greatly.
Marx attached to the philosophy of G.W.F Hegel. He referred to the Phenomenology of mind as the true birthplace and secret to his philosophy.
Marx developed many insights throughout his work. Two very important insights include: economy as the chief form of human alienation, and the .....
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Charles Darwin
Number of words: 969 - Number of pages: 4.... surveying expedition of HMS Beagle to Patagonia.
Under Captain Robert Fitzroy, Darwin visited Tenerife, the Cape Verde Island, Brazil, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Chile, the Galapagos Islands, Tahiti, New Zealand, and Tasmania. In the Cape Verde Island Darwin devised his theory of coral reefs.
Another significant stop on the trip was in the Galapagos Islands, it was here that Darwin found huge populations of tortoises and he found that different islands were home to significantly different types of tortoises. Darwin then found that on islands without tortoises, prickly pear cactus plants grew .....
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Nadine Gordimer
Number of words: 452 - Number of pages: 2.... as a few volumes of literary criticism and in addition, a large number of articles, speeches and lectures on different subjects. Some of her books have at times been banned in her native country. Since 1948 Gordimer has lived in Johannesburg and taught in the USA in several universities during the 1960s and '70s. She has also written books of non-fiction on South African subjects and made television documentaries.
has always aspired to live as a private individual outside the public eye. However her international fame and the many major awards which she has received have made it difficult .....
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Authur Miller
Number of words: 809 - Number of pages: 3.... was a mass of blood relations, and I sensed a warmth in the world that had not been there before. It made it possible to dream of daring more and risking more." He did however push the limits when he released his controversial piece Death of a Salesman. And, he gained even more acclaim. Soon he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the New York Drama Critics Circle Award. He was quickly catapulted into the realm of the great, living, American playwrights; and once was compared to Ibsen and the Greek tragedians. After his graduation from Abraham Lincoln High School in Brooklyn, young Miller wo .....
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Sheyann Webb
Number of words: 440 - Number of pages: 2.... set up a shooting match with the well known sharpshooter, Frank Butler. Annie shot all 25 birds while Frank shot only 24. Later, Frank would say that he lost two things to Annie that day: the match and his heart.
Annie and Frank went on the road as a team. Annie wanted a fancy name, so she settled on Oakley, a suburb outside of Cincinnati.Annie loved showbiz. She liked to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. When the Butler and Oakley team joined the Sell's Brother Circus, Frank stopped shooting and became Annie's manager and assistant, managing the money and the schedule, throwin .....
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