Term Papers on Biographies |
John Gotti: The Man Behind The Mob
Number of words: 1420 - Number of pages: 6.... named Albert Anastasia. He soon joined a
street gang called the Fulton-Rockaway Boys (Davis 61-63).
At the age of 16 Gotti dropped out of school, and began to model
his life after Anastasia. John got a job with the gang he had earlier
joined, as a debt collector. He was required to bust a lot of heads to
complete his job. This got him noticed by Angelo Bruno, who was a soldier
under none other than Anastasia. John was required to do many odd jobs for
Bruno.(Davis 63-64).
In 1957 Carlo Gambino had Anastasia killed(Davis 72). Gambino took
in Gotti as an apprentice at the age of twenty. John s .....
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Walt Disney
Number of words: 714 - Number of pages: 3.... sound (Fantasia, 1940) and 360-degree projection (Disneyland’s circle-Vision 360, 1955). This remarkable man’s many achievements also include the longest-running prime time television series (1954-1983), the Academy Award-winning true-life adventure nature films. Walt had many great ideas that he needed to share with others. The was a great persuading leader, he had to make others believe in him and accept his ideas. Walt knew how to tell his ideas to other and get them excited about his new idea and want to help him.
In 1953 Walt’s vision of an amusement park began. He vis .....
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Ernest Che Guevara
Number of words: 1107 - Number of pages: 5.... in politics at Buenos Aires University (1947) where he studied medicine. He focused on understanding his own disease, and later became more interested in leprosy.
In 1949 he made the first of his long journeys, exploring northern Argentina on a bicycle. This was the first time Ernesto came into contact with the very poor and the remnants of the Indian tribes. It was during this leave of absence from schooling that Guevara, now nicknamed "Che" (Italian origin meaning chum or buddy), first experienced the depth of poverty and suffering of his fellows. In 1951, after taking hi .....
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Jefferson Davis: Leader Of The Confederacy
Number of words: 1377 - Number of pages: 6.... home. He was always a perfect student getting the top grades in all of
his classes until he was 13 and entered Transylvania College. While in
college he studied just enough to pass, and graduated 23 out of 32 in his
class from West Point Military Academy. After his schooling Davis took up
his commission as second lieutenant. He was very sociable and was described
as witty, sportful, and captivating. He managed to get involved Sarah Knox
Taylor daughter of Colonel Zachary Taylor, Davis' commander. At 21 Sarah
agreed to Davis' marriage proposal against her mother and father's wishes.
T .....
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Serial Murderer Ed Gein
Number of words: 2396 - Number of pages: 9.... and carpenter when he
wasn't working the farm. When he was not working he would often visit the
local bars and drink himself drunk(Hotvedt). He was often a coward to his
wife and cowered in fear of her. This led him to become an alcoholic to
escape the verbal abuse. His wife would often pray in front of their sons
for the death of him. Her wishes finally came true when he died in 1940 of
causes unknown (Woods 22).
Gein's mother Augusta emerged as the dominant parent, settling most
family decisions on her own. Devoutly religious, she warned her two sons
against premarital sex, but Gein .....
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Lockes Influences On Education
Number of words: 616 - Number of pages: 3.... the correct way and that there is no inate knowledge. This is incorporated into education the grade system. Children start out in kindergarten or pre-school with a blank slate; we start teaching the very basics as if they know nothing. The more information and experience they gather, the further they move along the grade continuum.
Locke was considered the founder of British empiricist. He believed that all knowledge comes to us through experience. "No man's knowledge here can go beyond his experience." Basically, all knowledge has its origin and end in experience, or percepti .....
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Sylvia Plath Compare To Esther
Number of words: 2175 - Number of pages: 8.... seemed to be full of potential and goals, but as her thoughts and emotions are reveal to us; it becomes clear to us that despite all her achievement, Esther’s true state of mind is not in the right place. As the story goes on she has to make a decision, like Sylvia, whether she wants a career or a family (LW, pg. 38). “Esther sees herself as something else than primarily a housewife, and she uses much of her energy to try to avoid marrying the one she is expected- Buddy Willard”(SP, pg3). Like Sylvia, she did a summer internship in New York City, and suffered a mental collapse, and w .....
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"Perfectly Imperfect: The Shakespeare Story"
Number of words: 2409 - Number of pages: 9.... of Stratford, in charge of keeping the town safe. From 1561
to 1565, he was Chamberlain, responsible for the oversight and maintenance of
Corporation of Stratford property. In 1564, his name appeared on the list of
Capital Burgesses. He was likely a member for a number of years, just without
his name on the list. Capital Burgesses were the main English parliament
representatives for towns or boroughs. Later on, he was bailiff of the town,
and held many important positions throughout his life. William Shakespeare's
mother, Mary Arden, was born to nobility, a wealthy family. She wa .....
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Jennifer Lopez
Number of words: 832 - Number of pages: 4.... school. Her parents supported her pursuit of a career in show business, they did not wanted to be in the expense of her education. When Jennifer told her parents that she was not going to College and law school, they thought it was really stupid to go off and try to be a movie star. Her parents who at that time could not understand the choices she made are very happy for their daughter and what she has accomplish. When she left her home at the middle of a fight and never went back. She said," I had to make my own way" and then lived in a Manhattan dance studio where she was trainin .....
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Joseph Stalin
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3.... does
not agree with what Stalin has to say, Stalin punches the man out and
threaten to kill them all.
Years after that incident Lenin end up dying and Stalin takes over
as the leader of Russia. Because Trotsky was hated by many of the
influential political figures in Russia, Stalin becomes the leader of
Russia even after Lenin's dying last wishes.
1929 was the first of many years in which Stalin stunted Russia's
growth. In that year the "Engineer Trials" were held. During these trials
the Russian elite was brought forth by Stalin on the account of treason.
Confessions .....
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