Term Papers on Biographies |
Aristotle - Happyness
Number of words: 1017 - Number of pages: 4.... person searches for wealth).
Most people think that the highest end is a life of pleasure. Hedonists have defined happiness as “ an equivalent to the totality of pleasurable or agreeable feeling.”(Fox, 3) Some pleasures are good and contribute to happiness. Not all ends are ultimate ends but the highest end would have to be something ultimate; the only conceivable ultimate end is happiness.
Happiness is perhaps the only clear ultimate end. Happiness is what we strive for by itself and not to get anything else. “So it appears that happiness is the ultimate end and c .....
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Teddy Bear
Number of words: 892 - Number of pages: 4.... tormented by two mischievous boys. He felt ashamed because he was not strong enough to fight back. Roosevelt's father built a gymnasium in the family home, and Theodore exercised there regularly. He overcame his asthma and built up unusual physical strength. Roosevelt studied under tutors until he entered Harvard University in 1876 at the age of 18. He earned good grades in college. Roosevelt graduated from Harvard in 1880. In October 1879, Roosevelt met Alice Hathaway Lee. Roosevelt courted Alice during his senior year at Harvard. They married on his 22nd birthday. A double traged .....
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Yasir Arafat
Number of words: 1048 - Number of pages: 4.... PLO did not recognize Israel's rights to exist. Bur in 1988,
Arafat persuaded the PLO it accept Israel's rights to exist along side an
independent Palestinian state in territories in Palestine Israel had
occupied after 1967 arab-isreali war. The territories are the Gaza strip
and the west bank. the PLO declared the existence of the state and elected
Arafat it's president. But Israel continued to occupy and in effect govern
the area. In 1993, the PLO-under Arafat's leadership, signed an agreement
with Isreal for the star of a plan for Palestinian self-government for and
Israel's withdr .....
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Charles Manson Aka Jesus Christ
Number of words: 450 - Number of pages: 2.... of love? And also, isn't that what Charlie used for his motto?? Charles Manson has said "In love, you do no wrong." Wouldn't Jesus agree? In fact, would Jesus apply to that? In truth, yes!
Now, it's time to unveil the infamy of Charles Manson and Jesus Christ. Yes, both of them are wanted for influencing murder. Charles Manson has led the Tate-LaBianca murders as Jesus Christ led the city of Jericho, town of Salem murders. In both incidents, people were to die for their "sins".
Because of this, both Manson and Christ have been the victims of injustice due to the courts and trials. During .....
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Florence Nightengale
Number of words: 929 - Number of pages: 4.... parents were appalled at this decision because the idea of nursing was associate with working class women and it was not considered a suitable profession for well-educated women.
While the family conflicts over Florence’s future remained unsolved it was decided that Florence would tour Europe. In her travels, Florence undertook months of nursing training, unbeknownst to her family.
Florence returned home, still with the dream to become a working nurse, and again voiced this idea to her parents. Her parrients finally agreed and Florence was allowed to become a nurse.
Florence, now t .....
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Australian People
Number of words: 332 - Number of pages: 2.... the sky world in which they will be reincarnated.
The Average Australian family consists of three members. The Father is the dominant member. There are some extended families of grandparents. Some Aboriginal now live in cities although most still live in the Outback in small rural communities. Aboriginal families are generally large. The children often work for the parents in the fields or around the dwelling. Families that live in urban areas usually have a higher income rate. They usually live in houses. Marriage is your choice, like in the US. Divorce is allowed by legal agr .....
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On J.j. Thomson
Number of words: 1294 - Number of pages: 5.... might be some kind of structure built out of ether, so these views were not so far apart.
Experiments were needed to resolve the uncertainties. When physicists moved a magnet near the glass, they found they could push the rays about. Nevertheless, when the German physicist Heinrich Hertz passed the rays through an electric field created by metal plates inside a cathode ray tube, the rays were not deflected in the way that would be expected of electrically charged particles. Hertz and his student Philipp Lenard also placed a thin metal foil in the path of the rays and saw that the .....
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Number of words: 814 - Number of pages: 3.... adopted a more legalistic set of instructions,, and Summary View was published anonymously as a pamphlet. As Jefferson's authorship became widely known, however, he moved suddenly into the front rank of American political theorists. In the pamphlet, Jefferson argued that the original settlers of the colonies came as individuals rather than as agents of the British government. The colonial governments they formed therefore embodied the natural right of expatriates from one country to select the terms of their subjection a new ruler. Colonial legislatures and the British Parliament, he asser .....
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Gandhi: A Man With Virtues
Number of words: 964 - Number of pages: 4.... the struggle for basic rights for Indians.
Gandhi stayed in South Africa for 20 years, being imprisoned many
times. In 1896, after being attacked and beaten by white South Africans,
Gandhi began to teach a method of “passive resistance,” to, the South
African authorities. _Part of the inspiration for this method came from
the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Christ and Henry David Thoreau, a 19th
century American writer, also inspired Gandhi. In 1914 the government of
the Union of South Africa made important concessions to Gandhi's demands.
They included recognition of Indian marriag .....
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Number of words: 770 - Number of pages: 3.... several years in this arrangement, Johann Sebastian won a scholarship to study in Luneberg, Northern Germany, and so he left his brother's tutoring.
A master of several instruments while still in his teens, Johann Sebastian first found employment at the age of 18 as a "lackey and violinist" in a court orchestra in Weimar. Soon after, he took the job of organist at a church in Arnstadt. Here, as in times before, his perfectionism and high expectations of other musicians - for example, the church choir - rubbed his friends the wrong way, and he was caught up in a number of quarrels during his s .....
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