Term Papers on Biographies |
Albert Einstein From Start To Finish
Number of words: 1114 - Number of pages: 5.... He wanted him to take over the family business and study
electrical engineering. He and his mother would practice the piano for
hours. He mastered it! He then moved on the violin. He took his violin to
school and everywhere he went. Albert's father had business problems as he
was growing up. His father was never around to love or help Albert. When
he was home he drank and had no patience for poor Einstein.
When Albert was going through high school he had many problems. He
didn't get any recognition for his efforts in math or science. He felt
hopeless. He did not do the subje .....
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Nathaniel Hawthorne Weaves Dreams Into Reality In Much Of His 19th Century Prose
Number of words: 1410 - Number of pages: 6.... of Hawthorne's own narrative in his short story, The Birthmark, published in 1850 during the latter part of the period of Puritanism expands his observations of mankind with keen insight.
Truth often finds its way to the mind close-muffled
in robes of sleep, and then speaks with uncompromising
directness of matters in regard to which we practice
an unconscious self-deception, during our waking
moments. (par.15)
The prophetic statement was made by Hawthorne to open the reader's mind and perhaps inject an introspective glimpse of his perspective that dreams do indeed contain precur .....
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Louis XIV
Number of words: 971 - Number of pages: 4.... to practice Calvinism. To the people of France this showed great
strength on the part of Louis, the fact that he could keep he kept everyone in
France inline at the same time. everyone in France obeyed him because he was
such a grand, rich, fair king. Louis got into many wars with other countries
over the stupidest things, when Charles II were to die with no kids, he made
he offered to make Louis's grandson the sole beneficiary of the vast inheritance
to be left behind, Louis Accepted the the offer out of pure greed, but that
dicision meant war with Austria. Although, Louis was already .....
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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Number of words: 547 - Number of pages: 2.... all done with Passive Resistance. During Gandhi's life, he was so into this idea of Passive Resistance, if anyone that wanted an Independent India resorted to violence, he would fast until the violence stopped. he did this a number of times and it always worked. Also if he created notes, memos or writings about India's home rule, the government would throw him in jail. The great thing about Gandhi is that he never denied a true accusation and happily was taken of to jail. I believe that Gandhi once said 'It is not as if I am sentenced to prison, just taking an extended holiday.'. The qualitie .....
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Alexander Hamilton
Number of words: 2889 - Number of pages: 11.... Early on, Hamilton wished to increase his opportunities in life. This is evidenced by a letter written to his friend Edward Stevens at the age of fourteen on Nov. 11, 1769 where he stated, "[m]y ambition is prevalent, so that I contemn the groveling condition of a clerk or the like … and would willingly risk my life, though not my character, to exalt my station." During adolescence, Hamilton had few opportunities for regular schooling. However, he possessed a commanding knowledge of French, due to the teaching of his late mother. This was a very rare trait in the English continental col .....
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George Washington Carver 3
Number of words: 393 - Number of pages: 2.... soil fertial for the following year. The peanuts contained nitrate-producing legumes, and the cotton took all the nutrients from the soil, so the soil was fresh each planting season. The farmer took his peanuts and used them as a source of food for their livestock. Carver did not over look the peanuts as just food for animals, and found over 325 ways to use the peanuts for other reasons than food. He used peanuts to make peanut butter, cooking oil, printer ink, and many more useful applications for the peanut. Carver being the introvator that he was also found many ways for the pecan .....
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William Stafford’s Inspiration
Number of words: 603 - Number of pages: 3.... The second an idea comes to mind you have to write it down but don’t stop there. You must keep on writing because that idea will lead to another idea and before you know it you will have a complete idea. Stafford explains it as being receptive. You must be receptive to the first idea in order to see the next one. If you are receptive to the flow of ideas then your thoughts will begin to make sense and you can develop an understanding of many things within your life, dreams, or experiences.
Along with receptivity comes failure. Failure must occur in order to succeed. As humans b .....
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Marco Polo
Number of words: 1243 - Number of pages: 5.... by their ruthless advances. Yet the ruthless methods brought a measure of stability to the lands they controlled, opening up trade routes. Into this favorable atmosphere a number of European traders ventured, including the family of . The Polos had long-established ties in the Levant and around the Black Sea: for example, they owned property in Constantinople. Around 1260, Marcos uncle, Maffeo, and Marco’s father, Niccolo, made a trading visit into Mongol territory, the land of the Golden Horde, ruled by Berke Khan. While they were there, a war broke out between Berke and the Cowan o .....
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Kurt Vonnegut
Number of words: 2035 - Number of pages: 8.... fires (Draper, 3785). This experience had a profound impact on Vonnegut. From it, he developed his existential personal philosophy and his ideas about the evils of technology. He states, "I am the enemy of all technological progress that threatens mankind" (Nuwer, 39). The influence of Dresden shows up in each of the novels.
In Cat's Cradle, one element of his experience at Dresden that Vonnegut portrays is his fear of technology. Initially, the intention of the story is for the narrator to write about what the scientists who invented the atomic bomb were doing the day it was dropp .....
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William Wallace
Number of words: 1794 - Number of pages: 7.... the movie Braveheart’s script, Internet web pages, and written history in order to support my thesis. I will conclude with the fact that William Wallace was truly a worthy patriot of his native country Scotland. He fearlessly led his fellow patriots into battle, and gained freedom for Scotland from the tyrannical rule of the English King, Edward I.
In May of 1995 the film Braveheart came out in theaters. Braveheart is mainly a biographical movie about William Wallace. It portrays Wallace as a tall, strong, and brilliant man and military soldier. On many occasions, it shows Wallace .....
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