Term Papers on Biographies |
Gwendolyn Brooks
Number of words: 1101 - Number of pages: 5.... Brooks transforms Rudolph Reed, who is the character the poem is
built around, into a storybook hero, or a tragic character whose only flaw was
the love he held for his family. Brooks creates a strong, solid character who
is more than another fictional martyr, but a human being. The Finesse she
imbued in this work from the first stylized Peiffer 2 stanza: "Rudolph Reed was
oaken. His wife was oaken too. And his two girls and his good little man
Oakened as they grew." (1081, 1-4) Here brooks' symbolic use of the word
oakened, coupled with the use of a rhyme scheme of the second and las .....
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Herman Melville: An Anti-Transcendentalist Or Not
Number of words: 1672 - Number of pages: 7.... financially to the Gansevoorts for support. There is a lot of evidence concerning Melville’s relation to his mother Maria Melville. “Apparently the older son Gansevoort who carried the mother's maiden name was distinctly her favorite.” (Edinger 7) This was a sense of alienation the Herman Melville felt from his mother. This was one of the first symbolists to the Biblical Ishamel.
In 1837 he shipped to Liverpool as a cabin boy. Upon returning to the U.S. he taught school and then sailed for the South Seas in 1841 on the whaler Acushnet. After an 18 month voyage he deserted the s .....
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Lincoln 2
Number of words: 687 - Number of pages: 3.... be not resisted, no effort to throw in men, arms, or ammunition, will be made, without further notice, or in case of an attack upon the Fort.
Without waiting for the arrival of Lincoln's expedition, the Confederate authorities presented to Major Anderson a demand for Sumter's prompt evacuation, which he refused. On April 12, 1861, at dawn, the Confederate batteries in the harbour opened fire.
"Then, and thereby," Lincoln informed Congress when it met on July 4, "the assailants of the Government, began the conflict of arms." The Confederates, however, accused him of being the real aggressor .....
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Machiavellis Ideas Of Government
Number of words: 1533 - Number of pages: 6.... de Medici, in his ruling. Though this was more of a plot to try to gain the favor of Lorenzo, he does note in his book that in order to gain the favor of a prince, you must present him with a gift; that was the purpose of his novel. In it, Machiavelli analysis’s the various types of monarchies, analysis’s of the different types of states, how they may be obtained, and how they should be ruled. He also describes how power is seized and retained, how to rule the military forces and, the essence of his work, how a prince should act in all circumstances in order to accomplish th .....
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John F. Kennedy
Number of words: 2381 - Number of pages: 9.... Kennedy's both grand fathers had been active in politics. His father was a self-made millionaire. He served as first chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and as U.S. ambassador to Great Britain during the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Kennedy's family called him jack. He and his older brother Joe were strong rivals. Jack was quiet and often shy, but held his owns in fights with Joe. "The boys enjoyed playing touch football."(The World Book Encyclopedia, 261). His childhood was full of sports, fun and activity. This all ended when he grew up old enoug .....
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Napoleon Bonaparte
Number of words: 3076 - Number of pages: 12.... where he grew up. He studied very hard so that he could do better then those who snubbed him.
Napoleon attended the Ecole Military School in Paris in 1784 after receiving a scholarship. This is were he received his military training. He studied to be an artillery man and an officer. Napoleon finished his training and joined the French army when he was 16 years old. He was appointed to an artillery regiment , and commissioned as a lieutenant. Once again he was not well liked by his fellow officers because he was short, spoke with an Italian accent, and had little money. Napo .....
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William Wodsworth
Number of words: 597 - Number of pages: 3.... laughed with the wind that blew upon them." (Norton, 186, 293-294) Also, both describe the heads of the daffodils, instead of say, the tops, or buds. The difference in this is, however, that Dorothy Wordsworth has her daffodils "rest [ing] their heads upon these stones as on a pillow for weariness" (Norton, 293) while William Wordsworth, in a quite different vein, has his daffodils "Tossing their heads in a sprightly dance," which is also another reference to the dancing of the daffodils. (Norton, 186)
As for which rendition of this minor event I prefer, I must say that I find Dorothy .....
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George Washington Carver
Number of words: 1134 - Number of pages: 5.... worker, hotel cook, laundryman, farm laborer, and homesteader. In his late 20s he managed to obtain a high school education in Minneapolis, Kansas, while working as a farmhand. After a university in Kansas refused to admit him because he was black, Carver enrolled at Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa, where he studied piano and art, afterward transferring to Iowa State Agricultural College (Ames, Iowa), where he received a bachelor's degree in agricultural science in 1894 and a master of science degree in 1896.
Carver left Iowa for Alabama in the fall of 1896 to direct the newly organ .....
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John Dryden
Number of words: 669 - Number of pages: 3.... as a source of income. His first attempt failed, but his second attempt The Rival Ladies, a tragic comedy, was a success. During the next 20 years he became an important and well-known dramatist in England. Some of his most famous plays included names like Ladies a la Mode, Mock Astrologer, and An Evening’s Love. Another play that was famously known because it was banned as indecent was Mr. Limberham. This was unusual for this time period for a play to be banned because of it’s indecency because the Restoration was a time of change. He was also a master of writing the heroic rh .....
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George Washington Carver2
Number of words: 609 - Number of pages: 3.... and the study of fungi. In 1894, Carver earned a bachelor of science degree and, in 1896, a Master of Science degree in agriculture and bacterial botany. That same year, Booker T. Washington offered Carver a job teaching at Tuskegee Institute. During his first few years at Tuskegee, he made many improvements in the agricultural program. With the help of other colleagues, he created the Farmers’ Institute. This was a group of farmers who met monthly to acquire agricultural advice from the Tuskegee staff.
As well as creating the Farmers’ Institute, Carver also help .....
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