Term Papers on Biographies |
How Raphael Personifies The Renaissance
Number of words: 1191 - Number of pages: 5.... of painting. For the first ten years of his life his father influenced his feelings on the arts. In 1494, he traveled to Perugia to study under Peitro Perugino. Just as his father influenced his early life, his study in Perugia shaped his adolescence and young adulthood even further.
In Perugia, Raphael began to take a particular liking to the field of art. Perugino influenced the way that Raphael thought about art and also helped him form a style of his own. These years in the life of Raphael proved to be his most impressionable. Perugino taught the basic laws of painting to t .....
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Mohandas Gandhi
Number of words: 1437 - Number of pages: 6.... it, feeling that it was immoral and could not satisfy one's
conscience. Despite this, he used his schooling to help plead for Indian
settlers in South Africa that were being oppressed by the white population.
His personal experiences, including being ejected from a train in
Maritzburg, of not being allowed the same rights as others lead him to
begin a movement to help his people.
While in South Africa, Gandhi made himself poor so that he could identify
with his the peasants. He then proceeded to start a colony that consisted
of abused labourers. The colony became very large and many cit .....
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James Fenimore Cooper
Number of words: 520 - Number of pages: 2.... his vocation.
Cooper established his reputation after his second novel, The Spy, and in his third book, the autobiographical Pioneers (1823), Cooper introduced the character of Natty Bumppo, a uniquely American personification of rugged individualism and the pioneer spirit. A second book featuring Bumppo, The Last of the Mohicans written in 1826, quickly became the most widely read work of the day, solidifying Cooper's popularity in the U.S. and in Europe. Set during the French and Indian War, The Last of the Mohicans chronicles the massacre of the colonial garrison at Fort William .....
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William Wallace
Number of words: 269 - Number of pages: 1.... of his beloved Marion. The garrison of English soldiers were put to the sword and from surrounding towns and villages men "who were bitter of heart, and weighted down by the burden of bondage flocked to his banner".
During the early summe months of 1297, Wallace and his volunteer army marched throughout Scotland capturing Castles and Towns, driving the invaders south. In their march north, the towns of Glasgow, Scone, Perth, Dundee and all the land north of the Forth and Clyde was Liberated by the Scottish army. Eventually they reached Aberdeen, routed the Garrison troops and "destroyed t .....
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The Life Of Benjamin Franklin
Number of words: 564 - Number of pages: 3.... educated before composing again.
After much difficulty with his brother James, Franklin ran away to New York. He could find no work for printers in the city, so he struggled on to Philadelphia. In Philadelphia, he found work at an old press owned by a gentleman named Keimer. Keimer loved arguing about religion, and discussed many things with Franklin. Franklin approached and answered Keimer’s questions with such tact, Keimer was impressed with his natural skills as a disputer. It was during these years that Franklin kept a journal describing various English towns and the characters of .....
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Rutherford B. Hayes
Number of words: 1103 - Number of pages: 5.... taking the office by force. In spite of all the conflict, a deal was finally struck. Republicans made a secret deal with Democrats in congress, who agreed not to dispute the Hayes victory in exchange for a promise to withdraw federal troops from the south and end reconstruction . Hayes made good on the deal. He swiftly ended Reconstruction and pulled federal troops out of the last two occupied states, South Carolina and Louisiana . During the brief period of radical reconstruction the negro enjoyed both civil and political rights.
This political bargain contained three generally re .....
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Jessie James
Number of words: 599 - Number of pages: 3.... with Jesse and view him as an American hero who had no choice but to turn to crime.
. Ironically Jesse’s father was a Baptist preacher, but he did not have much if any influence on Jesse considering that his mother married three times. Jesse’s childhood abruptly ended when he was 14 years old. During this time, Civil War had broken out, dividing the United States into two parts. Not wanting to be left out, Jesse joined a Confederate regiment led by Lieutenant Bloody Bill Anderson. Unlike most other confederate regiments, Bloody Bill Anderson’s regiment would "use small .....
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Pierre De Fermat
Number of words: 839 - Number of pages: 4.... be dated earlier than 1660. Mr. discovered many things in his lifetime. Some things that he did include: -If p is a prime and a is a prime to p then ap-1-1 is divisible by p, that is, ap-1-1=0 (mod p). The proof of this, first given by Euler, was known quite well. A more general theorem is that a0-(n)-1=0 (mod n), where a is prime to n and p(n) is the number of integers less than n and prime to it. -An odd prime number can be expressed as the difference of two square integers in only one way. Fermat's proof is as follows. Let n be prime, and suppose it is equal to x2 -y2 that is, to (x+y)(x .....
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Carl Jung
Number of words: 3700 - Number of pages: 14.... (neurosis)
and his father worried that Jung wouldn't make a good living because of his
spells. After Carl found out about his father's concern, the faints
suddenly stopped, and Carl became much more studious.
He had to decide his profession. His choices included archeology,
history, medicine, and philosophy. He decided to go into medicine, partly
because of his grandfather. Carl went to the University of Basel and had
to decide then what field of medicine he was going to go into. After
reading a book on psychiatry, he decided that this was the field for him,
although psychiatry was not a .....
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Blaise Pascal
Number of words: 588 - Number of pages: 3.... to the weekly meetings of Roberval, Mersenne, Mydorge,
and other French geometricians. At the age of sixteen he wrote an essay on conic
sections; and in 1641 at the age of 18 he construced the first arithmetical
machine, an instrument with metal dials on the front on which the numbers were
entered. Once the entries had been completed the answer would be displayed in
small windows on the top of the device. This device was improved eight years
later. His correspondence with Fermat about this time shows that he was then
thurning his attention to analytical geometry and physics. At this time .....
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