Term Papers on Book Reports |
Death, Rebirth
Number of words: 2231 - Number of pages: 9.... within the works, as it does through three main elements: the motif, the setting and the characters. While it is obvious that James Joyce’s title for the his work, “The Dead” refers to the death the story portrays, Joseph Conrad’s book Heart of Darkness, expresses death through its title in a more subtle way by depicting it as a journey to death. The central motif of death which protrudes to the surface in “The Dead” is a circle. It symbolizes how everything in life moves in a cycle: birth, age, . It is this circle which symbolizes death, for everything that lives, dies and the on .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: A Hero Among Them
Number of words: 827 - Number of pages: 4.... He treats all people with respect and decency. During the trial of Tom Robinson, Atticus speaks to Mayella Ewell with a respect that she is not accustomed to receiving. This respect is shown to Mayella simply because it was the right thing to do. Additionally, Walter Cunningham is treated as a guest, while in the Finch home for lunch, not as a poor person in the community Atticus shows Walter respect for the hard work that he contributes to his family. Atticus also takes on the Tom Robinson case with all his might and power as an established attorney simply because he believes in Tom’s .....
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The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty - Character Study Of Walter Mitty
Number of words: 448 - Number of pages: 2.... Mitty told Walter Mitty
not to forget the overshoes he was sopposed to buy while in he was town.
Walter Mitty's reaction was "I don't need overshoes,"(88) but he did give
in to his wife in the end, and bought the overshoes. Another incident that
shows Walter Mitty is stubborn occurs when his wife told him to put his
gloves on, then Walter Mitty puts them on, but when his wife is out of site
he took them off immediately.
The most obvious trait of Walter Mitty is his constant day dreaming.
Throughout the whole story, Walter Mitty is being distracted easily by
everyday events. His .....
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The Outsiders: Theme
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... says it's okay to come out. They go out to eat and when they get back to
the church they find it burning. When they see that there are kids inside and
the fire could have been started by their cigarettes, they run inside to save
the kids. Johnny and Dally are hurt in the fire and taken to the hospital.
They are hailed as heroes in the local paper. Dally breaks out of the hospital
to fight in a rumble against the Socs. While the Greasers beat the Socs,
Johnny dies in the hospital. When Dally finds out he goes out and robs a
grocery store. When the cops pull up he pulls out an empty g .....
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Accounts Settled: A Review
Number of words: 419 - Number of pages: 2.... and stayed in the same position for what seemed like hours.
Suddenly, the porcupine returns to look for more food and this disrupts the
cougar. The climax is when Gordon quickly reaches for his gun and shoots
the cougar. The resolution is when Gordon "cries the final tears of his
boyhood" and he is finally a man.
This writer used suspense in his story many times. For instance,
"his eyes held the boy unwinkingly as he waited in the fiendish way of cats
for the moment when the man must stir, or make an attempt to escape, the
moment when his ingrained fear of man would be swall .....
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The Glass Menagerie
Number of words: 563 - Number of pages: 3.... gets into the part. In some of the narrative scenes, Tom actually leaves the stage and walks up and down the aisle of the theatre. No matter how unconventional his action, it was very effective. That action brought the play to the audience and made the audience feel as if they were active members of the play. Given the fact that the play has the confining effect of a small St. Louis apartment, it makes the audience feel as if they are in the apartment.
Another fact that makes Tom Wingfield stick out in this production is that it is a memory play. This by nature makes Tom the center .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 475 - Number of pages: 2.... everyone should have their rite to be justified. At the trial it goes pretty smooth for atticus and tom Robinson and when the verdict came out he was guilty. They were in shock they showed so much hardcore evidence but it seemed as though the jury felt like if they ruled him not guilty they would be disliked by the rest of the town. But at the end tom Robinson was killed trying to escape or at least that’s what they told everyone. I think that they just killed him and he really didn’t try to escape from the prison he was in. so back to the other part of the book with the children, the .....
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The Irony In "The Lottery"
Number of words: 530 - Number of pages: 2.... saying to Mrs. Delacroix
"Clean forgot what day it was"(311) is ironic because something that is so
awful cannot truly be forgotten. At the end of the story when Mrs.
Hutchinson is chosen for the lottery, it is ironic that it does not upset
her that she was chosen. She is upset because of the way she is chosen.
She shows this by saying "It isn't fair, it isn't right" (316). The
situation is extremely ironic to the story.
The title of the story "The Lottery" is ironic. By reading the title
of the story the reader may think that someone is going to win something.
In actuality when .....
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By The Waters Of Babylon
Number of words: 955 - Number of pages: 4.... to go into these so-called forbidden places. In the story the people in charge were called the high priests. In the movie the planet of the apes the main people in charge were the elder apes and Dr. Zayus. In both stories their reasons for having the forbidden zones were similar they wanted to hide the past from them so they do not do it again. One last strange similarity is that they both took place in New York City or in that area.
In the main character and narrator was a boy on the verge of manhood. He was in a culture that resembled that of medieval times. Their culture had many .....
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A Separate Peace: Brinker Hadley
Number of words: 306 - Number of pages: 2.... by the author to personify the general
happenings at devon school. He is an icon for the rest of the class. He is
"the hub of the class", and "the standard boy's school article." Brinker
gives a name to "the rest of them.
Brinker Hadley is important to the story: he brings out Gene's
misdeeds, he symbolizes Devons change from peace to war, and he embodies
the rest of the class. First, he reveals Gene's misdeeds (jouncing the
limb). Second, he signifies Devon's change from peace to war. Finally, he
gives a name to the general populous' attitudes. Brinker Hadley is
important to the novel .....
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