Term Papers on Book Reports |
Blakes London And The Chimney
Number of words: 931 - Number of pages: 4.... set of literary devices such as imagery and language, Blake protests against various forms of oppression resulting from humans in his poem “London” which speaks about a slice of life in London in his times. Blake believes that an individual’s state of mind enslaves itself. Therefore, he refers to the Thames and the city streets as “chartered”(1) alluding to the image that man-made conventions and laws have succeeded in placing man in captivity and making them unable to escape from their molded path. Blake also implies that man perverts everything into somethi .....
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Comparison Of 1984 And The Cry
Number of words: 1105 - Number of pages: 5.... indeed other religions) have been the source of numerous prejudices in modern society in Britain (for example sexism and homophobia) and indeed conflicts (for example the conflicts between the Republic and Northern Ireland). In the novel ‘1984’ know-one follows a religion as such, as far as the people of Britain in 1984 are concerned there is no God, the complete opposite of the radical religious views of the people of Waknuk. Most people in Waknuk have been ‘brainwashed’ by Christianity in the same way many people in Great Britain in 1984 have been ‘brainwashed’ by the party and .....
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The Theme Of A Doll House
Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2.... movement since it was not popular at the time. This is however only because as Ibsen said "whenever such a description is felt to be reasonably true, the reader will read his own feelings and sentiments into the work" (1133).
The story is actually about a woman who thinks she knows herself. Nora, in the beginning of the story, does not understand just what kind of position she has put herself in by taking the loan, without her husbands knowledge. Nora doesn’t think that the debt is such a big deal. She understands she will have to work to pay it off, however she does not realize that s .....
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Herman Wouk's The Winds Of War
Number of words: 660 - Number of pages: 3.... understand her theory that
one is best not to accept advice from another on how to read literature,
since the best advice is no advice at all. Woolf expresses the conception
that when one begins to read literature he begins to enter different stages
of interpretation that will ultimately improve his pleasure and
satisfaction. It was obvious to me that I had in fact indulged in forms of
interpretation when reading literature, but it had never dawned on me until
reading Woolf's essay. Whenever I am subjected to something in literature
that is not fully comprehensive, I begin to engage in sever .....
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Grapes Of Wrath And Of Mice And Men: Character Study
Number of words: 966 - Number of pages: 4.... has
been kicked off their Oklahoma farm and forced to move to California to look for
work. The story has historical significance as it is true that many families
were forced, in the same way as the Joads, to leave their homes to look for
work during the depression. It is in this fact that one can see how Steinbeck's
intention in "The grapes of Wrath" was to depict the hardships people went
through during an actual event in American history. Perhaps the most solemn
message in this novel was the poor treatment of the dispossessed families as
they reached California. In "Of Mice and Men" .....
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Familiar Mysteries
Number of words: 669 - Number of pages: 3.... people accept life's mysteries.The book is an extensive analysis on mythology and is structured of four mian
sections.Each section represents a different aspect of the science such as The Symbolic Language of Myth , The Hero , The Complete Home and the Monster at the Door , and Conquering Death . Each section contains subsection that examine different cases or symbols.In The Symbolic Language of Myth , for example , water and milk are refered to as symbols representing sources of life and are separated as two subsections in the subsection Symbolizing the Sources of Life . On the other han .....
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The Scarlet Letter: The Unavoidable Truth
Number of words: 590 - Number of pages: 3.... reality rears its ugly head. A few
moments later, her mind jumps back to reality. In astonishment, she clutches
the child and places her finger on the scarlet letter. This shows that reality
is unavoidable, even though we try to escape from it sometimes.
This courageous journey to reality won my admiration and understanding.
When I was eight years old, I distinctly remember the time when our family
celebrated the Chinese New Year. Since I was still young and didn't have much
manners, I had to sit alone on a separate table. The more I saw the adults
enjoying themselves, the more .....
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Invisible Man: The Narrator
Number of words: 374 - Number of pages: 2.... a job, Mr. Emerson said "…I happen to know of a possible job
at Liberty Paints. My father has sent several fellows there…You should
try--" and the narrator's reply was a shut door. This shows that the
narrator knows he is not entirely visible or important to everyone. He had
then realized that he is just a player in a game.
In the end of the novel, the narrator sees that he is visible only
to certain people. Nobody cares what he does, as long as he does what is
expected. Towards the end of the novel, the narrator shows that he
understands his status with the white people when he .....
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The Plague
Number of words: 466 - Number of pages: 2.... also, is trying to lead the people towards the right path.
In Father Paneloux’s second sermon he says “my brothers, a time of testing has come for us all we must believe everything or deny everything. And who among you, I ask, would dare to deny everything”(Camus p.224). He believes that is a test of faith. He wants the people to still believe in God. Through all that he has been through Paneloux has not lost his faith. “Since it was God’s will, we, too, should will it”(Camus P.225). Paneloux believes that if is God’s will then it should also be the will of the people of .....
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A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man: Conflicting Desires Within A Doctrine
Number of words: 865 - Number of pages: 4.... when
Stephen is at school, he again thinks about Eileen. Stephen gets his first
sensual experience from Eileen when she puts her hand into his pocket and
touches his hand. Stephen gets quite confused with the terms of the Litany
of Our Lady so he starts to associate the "Tower of Ivory" and "House of
Gold" to Eileen. The way James Joyce describes the scene, "She had put her
hand into his pocket where his hand was and he had felt how cool and thin
and soft her hand was."(43) gives the reader the idea that Stephen enjoyed
the feeling. The only problem with Eileen was that she was a Protesta .....
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