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The Birthmark, The Minister’s Black Veil, And Young Goodman Brown: Symbolism
Number of words: 353 - Number of pages: 2.... and goal of purification. The birthmark on his wife’s cheek is a symbol for perfection. Being the shape of a hand suggests to the townspeople that it is handprint from an angel, which may also mean that it is a symbol for good. The townspeople look at the birthmark as a blessing, but Aylmer sees it as an imperfection and seeks to rid of it in the same way the Puritans sought to perfect themselves. She dies as a result of his obsession and her death symbolizes that purification cannot be achieved.
Hawthorne’s writings go much deeper than meets the eye. There is a lot of symbolism, mo .....
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Huckleberry Finn: Controversy Paper
Number of words: 328 - Number of pages: 2.... when writing Huck Finn. Jim, as suggested by Fishkin, has been plagued
with a dialect that should not be represented by the African American race
during that time. The question is raised by Fishkin as to if Huck Finn was
black? This in turn would take away from the whole basic outcome of the moral
lesson that we are all so desperately wanting to hear about.
I found it almost appalling to see how one author could so easily turn
the goodness of a young white boy and basically call it a lie in the eyes of
Mark Twain. It is up to us as the reader to close our eyes and open our .....
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The Great Gatsby- Jay Gatsby V
Number of words: 623 - Number of pages: 3.... of Daisy and their future together, which he has in reach for a time before it falls away. He loses it because his love for Daisy is all in the relationship they used to have—he wants to recreate the past, not make a future. His love for her isn’t really based on her, he doesn’t even see her efforts to hide herself under an unfeeling shallowness. He is more in love with what she represents, and what he wants—wealth, power, respect. He needs a dream to focus on, and she is everything he has always wanted for himself. Gatsby is a dreamer, he lives for and in his dreams. But his amazing .....
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The Odyssey And Its Themes
Number of words: 709 - Number of pages: 3.... tears show us just how much he misses it. In the duration of the story Odysseus has to make several sacrifices in order to get to the home he longs for so much. In Book 12, Circe foresees that Odysseus will have to let some of his men die. “The Ithacans set off. But Odysseus never reveals to them Circe’s last prophecy – that he will be the only survivor…” This shows how much he’s willing to do and sacrifice in order to get home.
There are many obstacles that stand in Odysseus’s way of getting home. Some of the obstacles included the Lotus-Eaters, Cy .....
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"The Big, The Good, The Ugly"
Number of words: 522 - Number of pages: 2.... similarities of the two titles is C.D.'s and Cyrano's living conditions. Cyrano lived with the soldiers in the quarters, and had very little spending money. C.D. lived with the Firemen most of the time, he also as a fireman did not make that much money. The contrast of the living styles helps out with the reader and viewers point of views because most people who are "ugly" can still do very well in life in terms of opposite sex relations if they have good jobs and lots of money. C.D. and Cyrano did not make lots of money and were not thought of as upper class people. Both men had to try .....
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1984: The Party's Methods Of Controlling People
Number of words: 1074 - Number of pages: 4.... that Oceania is winning the war. Big Brother is the leader of the
Inner Party, and Emmanuel Goldstein plays the role of keeping the citizens
fearful that they might do or say, or even think, something harmful to the
State and the Party. The telescreens attempt to control the intellect and
emotions of its citizens. The telescreens prove the emotional loyalty to
Big Brother, who alone has the power to create and to destroy anyone he
wants. The people know that every move they make is being constantly
watched by the telesceens and if committing a thoughtcrime they will be
punished immediate .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Background
Number of words: 1055 - Number of pages: 4.... risky and powerful.
Another characteristic he includes is the writing of mysterious events such
as the adultery of Hester, the birth of Pearl and the return of her husband
Roger Chllingworth.
The uses of the "theory of Romance" by Hawthorn follows an order.
The order is initiated by Hawthorn looking for to write on a serious topic.
The topic is the adultery of Hester, Pearls birth, the revenge by
Chillingworth and the hypocrisy of Dimmesdale. Then he chooses the setting
of his characters "On the outskirst of town, within the verge of the
peninsula, but not in close vicinity to any .....
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The Moon Is Down: The Effects Of War
Number of words: 2146 - Number of pages: 8.... expected. The townspeople had become the silent enemies of the
soldiers or the townspeople became silent waiting for revenge. "Now it was
the conqueror was surrounded, the men of the battalion alone among silent
enemies, and no man might relax his guard for even a moment" (65). The
soldiers now have only each other to talk to and Tonder longed to go home.
"The men of the battalion came to detest the place they had conquered,...
and gradually a little fear began to grow in the conquerors, a fear that it
would never be over" (65-66). In war, as time goes on fear begins to
settle on .....
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The Necklace: A Closer Look At Character
Number of words: 1178 - Number of pages: 5.... and luxeries.” (Pg 4) She sits dreaming of silent rooms nicely
decorated and her own private room, scented with perfume to have intimate “tete-
a-tetes” with her closest friends. Then she is awakened, only to realize that
she is in her own grim apartment. In her eyes, she lives a tortured and unfair
life. Mathidle has a husband named Losiel. He is much the opposite of his wife.
He is completely content with his lifestyle. He seems to be a very passive
person, who doesn't let status or riches effect him. Of course, if he had the
chance to be rich he would, but he doesn't dwell on .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Prejudice
Number of words: 948 - Number of pages: 4.... cats he could
catch".(pg12) During the rest of the book Scout and companions tried to meet
Arthur (Boo) and get over their fear of him. They did not succeed. But he showed
affection for them by leaving them gifts in a tree. Finally at the end of the
book he proves he is a good person by saving Scout and Jem's lives. In this
instance Scout may have found that to negatively prejudge someone is wrong. She
also learned compassion.
Scout also learnt about the ugliness of life. About death and pain.
This lesson occurred while her brother had to read to a sick and dieing old lady.
This lady .....
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