Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Lottery: Setting, Atmosphere, And Mood
Number of words: 579 - Number of pages: 3.... revealed. Jackson also creates this irony with the setting and character assignment. The story takes place in the town square, where family and friends are joined in tradition for the annual ‘lottery’. When given this setting, the ending of the story turns out to be a big surprise for the reader.
The author’s diction in The Lottery also plays a large role in the atmosphere and mood of the story. Euphonic terms are used throughout the work, never foreshadowing the outcome of the story. Terms such as, “boisterous play” and “blossoming profusely” create a calm mood in the reader .....
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The Crucible: Elizabeth's Strength
Number of words: 785 - Number of pages: 3.... commandments, it is evident that there is still a void between her and John. All commandments could be recited except for adultery. In the puritan culture, adultery is a grievous sin, one punishable by death. She has to live through each day knowing that John was unfaithful, and that he did not fulfill the commitment of marriage. She feels hurt and betrayed, but what Abby tries next is the most underhanded trick possible.
Abigail was placed in power due to her “ability” to spot the devil in people. She could see those who trafficked with the devil and who was in his book. This was .....
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Saint Augustine: Confessions
Number of words: 1992 - Number of pages: 8.... of eternity, searching for nothing, living without a purpose. Time gives man a time frame. That time frame is life. Time is everything.
I’m sure that if you asked any person what time is, they would respond by saying some thing about minutes and seconds. Mankind, unfortunately, sees time as an object. The human mind has the tendency to make everything objective. We have even made objects of God and his holy son, despite the commandment in Exodus, which forbids it. This is all great, but the question remains; What is time? In this paper, I hope to achieve some understanding of this que .....
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Summary Of Steinbeck's "Of Mice And Men" With Background About Steinbeck
Number of words: 1975 - Number of pages: 8.... his
backpack. They stayed there until morning to start walking again.
George told Lennie that he heard of a ranch that was four miles
ahead of them and they could get a job there. George told Lennie that if
he would get into trouble at the ranch, that he should come back and hide
in the bush. Sunrise had came and the two men began their walk to the
ranch. When George and Lennie arrived, they saw a huge long rectangular
building where the bunks were inside, the walls were white and the floor
was wood. The old swamper showed Lennie and George to their assigned bunks.
While George and .....
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The Color Of Water: When Tragedy Strikes
Number of words: 1188 - Number of pages: 5.... is what my parents called me--but I used the name Ruth around white folk, because it didn’t sound so Jewish ”(80). Ruth’s attempt at acceptance is in vein, however; it never stops the children from teasing her.
When Ruth leaves Suffolk and moves in with her black, soon- to- be husband Dennis, intolerance follows her like a hungry dog following the scent of a steak. Dennis and she live in a predominantly black neighborhood in which Ruth is less than welcome. Many black people dislike her simply because she is white. Once, when Ruth is in the hallway of her apartment building, a bla .....
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Hamlets Tragic Flaw
Number of words: 675 - Number of pages: 3.... Claudius, prepared to murder him, and talks himself out of it. Instead, Hamlet writes a play in which the actors play out the same story the ghost tells Hamlet. His plan is to study Claudius’s reaction to the play to determine his guilt. Even after Hamlet decides his uncle is guilty, Hamlet fails to take immediate action. This would have been a prime opportunity to confront Claudius, but Hamlet seems more interested in patting himself on the back than seeking revenge.
Throughout the play Hamlet is deeply hurt by his mother’s decision to remarry his uncle. As Hamlet so bold .....
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Dostoevsky's Crime And Punishment: Raskolnikov's Mathematical Evaluation Of Moral Dilemma Presented To Him Exemplifies The Empirical View Of Utilitarianism
Number of words: 1714 - Number of pages: 7.... not accurately solved the problem. On the other hand, a non-utilitarian
would reject even the notion of deliberating about the act of murder in such a
mathematical manner. He might contend that Raskolnikov's reasoning, and the
entire theory of utilitarianism, cannot be used to judge morality because it
rejects individual rights and contains no moral absolutes.
A utilitarian bases his belief upon two principles: the theory of right
actions and the theory of value. These two principles work together and serve
as criteria for whether or not a utilitarian can deem an action morally right .....
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Mavis Gallant's Bernadette
Number of words: 1010 - Number of pages: 4.... has a way of attacking our judgment and this
is what makes associations between people an apprehensive and hard act.
The story is set in Quebec during the 1940-1950, when what you were was
the definition of who you were. As the story opens we are presented with the
main character Bernadette, who is concluding that she is one hundred and
twenty-six days pregnant. At this time in history it was quit common for young
rural girls to bare children at a young age. However, Bernadette is a single
French Canadian girl who is working and living in a urban community, where
things like that do n .....
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Animal Farm Essay
Number of words: 779 - Number of pages: 3.... hand was very selfish. He stole milk that was
meant for everybody and drank it all, and he stole apples. He doesn't care
about the work the animals do, just what would benefit him.
For example, Napoleon comes up with the building of the windmill that
would supply electricity so they would not have to work as hard. Napoleon was
against this because he didn't come up with the idea. When Napoleon sees that
Snowball is gaining more power with the speech of the windmill, Napoleon sends
his dogs to chase Snowball out of the farm. After Snowball was chased out of
the farm, Napoleon gains .....
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Ray Bradburys Outlook Of The F
Number of words: 735 - Number of pages: 3.... and pleasure for the moment, that they forget the morals and ethics they came from, because they are clouded by smoke. Take for instance the wall-sized televisions. This became the populace’s way of interacting with others with out physically interacting with them. People on TV were your “family”, who would keep you company and be your “friend”. Still, a place where books were burned and houses were supposedly “fireproof”, you have to admit this world is out of whack. If we look at Montag’s wife for instance, we see how entrenched people h .....
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