Term Papers on Book Reports |
Oedipus The King 3
Number of words: 523 - Number of pages: 2.... realm of understanding nor his ability to stop or avoid it.
Next, the criteria of having been harmed for no fault of his own, is one of the major themes of the play, and reiterated by Oedipus’ ignorance to his own problem. Though his father may have had a reason to want Oedipus dead, after hearing what the mystic had to say about young Oedipus’ future, it was not Oedipus fault that he was destined to do what he was. A second example of this, when Oedipus does in fact kill his father, he is met at the crossroads and attacked by his father’s men, through no fault of his own .....
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Understanding Holden Caulfield
Number of words: 1720 - Number of pages: 7.... 556). Thus, it is easy to explain reader’s acceptance of him. “Indeed, these people are like Holden himself - the Holden who can be willful, contrary, often impossible, yet in a manner insistently of his own making and at odds with whatever he deems dull or conformist” (Lee 102). “Ambivalence is, in fact, characteristic of Holden, the surest evidence of his mental instability" (Furst 76). He is not what he and many readers assume he is: "an anti-establish figure whose
Kennedy 2
disgust is directed at other people” (Edwards 557). “Holden does not turn his face into the sunrise .....
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The Chamber
Number of words: 2373 - Number of pages: 9.... of 10 or more kg of heroin, cocaine, phencyclidine or analogue. Added to that, The drug kingpin act sates the use of death penalty for convicted major drug dealers caught with huge quantities of drugs, over 66 lbs. of heroin and 330 lbs. of cocaine. Even though there are these federal laws requiring the use of the death penalty for the crimes, State laws only consider one crime, murder, to be a capital offense.
In the United States alone there have been 4047 executions since 1930, and 188 were from 1977-1996. In 1996, there were a total of 15,168,100 arrests; 33,050 for forci .....
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Response To The Scarlet Lettr
Number of words: 647 - Number of pages: 3.... suffered "internally", with a scarlet letter of his own engraved in his mind, and on his chest as well. He felt like he betrayed God, and beat himself in a frenzy to prove his wrongdoing. He often questioned wheather his authority was true or not. Roger Chillingworth suffered the least, because he only failed to reveal the secret that he knew, the father of the child who Hester Prynne was forced to live with. This small restriction to his life forced him to suffer "internally". I had different likes and dislikes in the novel The Scarlet Letter. There were many things that needed to be .....
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The Crucible: John Proctor
Number of words: 979 - Number of pages: 4.... introduced as a farmer in his mid thirties, that is not a partisan of the town, and shows a very strong sense of self-preservation. The first real conversation he has with another character is with Abigail Williams, where Abigail is trying to make John tell her that loves her, and that he will come again for her. John tells Abby that their affair is over with and Abby begins to plead for John’s love and he says “Abby I may think softly of you from time to time. But I’ll cut off my hand before I’ll ever reach for you again. Wipe it out of mind. We never touched, Abby.” John knows tha .....
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Themes Of Struggle, Social Oppression And Money In The Pearl
Number of words: 1184 - Number of pages: 5.... over their land. These Spanish people have no concern for the lowly Indians because they think of them as merely animals. This is shown in the novel when Kino goes to the Spanish doctor for help with Coyotito’s scorpion bite and the doctor, selfish as he is, rejects them. The Spaniards are also turning the Indians own people against them because the doctor’s Native servants which have joined in on the oppression of his own people. Even the Spanish priest only becomes concerned with Kino and Juana once they have found the pearl. The Spanish people often cheat the Indians out of money. A g .....
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Ernest Hemingway: Allegorical Figures In The Sun Also Rises
Number of words: 1198 - Number of pages: 5.... a group of homosexuals.
B. Wears man's hat on short hair.
C. Refers to men as fellow “chaps”.
D. All complete distortion of sexual roles.
E. The war has turned Brett into the equality of a man.
F. This is like Jakes demasculation.
G. All releases her from her womanly nature.
H. “Steps off of the romantic pedestal to stand beside her
equals. IV. Robert Cohn.
A. Women dominate him.
B. Old fashioned romantic.
C. Lives by what he reads.
D. To feel like a man.
1. Boxes.
a. Helps him to compe .....
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Huckleberry Finn: Review
Number of words: 1506 - Number of pages: 6.... in the middle and busted, like an old basket"(111). It is
apparent Huck is more familar with busted chairs than sound ones, and he
appreciates the distinction.
Huck is also more familiar with flawed families than loving, virtuous ones,
and he is happy to sing the praises of the people who took him in. Col.
Grangerford "was a gentleman all over; and so was his family"(116). The
Colonel was kind, well-mannered, quiet and far from frivolish. Everyone
wanted to be around him, and he gave Huck confidence. Unlike the drunken
Pap, the Colonel dressed well, was clean-shaven and his face had "not .....
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Report On Book Titled Black Li
Number of words: 1747 - Number of pages: 7.... between people are the one thing that holds are species together. We embrace it, but yet use it to discriminate, separate, and emotionally destroy others.
In Black Like Me, John was a white man that stepped into the dark dismal life of a black man in the Southern region of the United States. He thought that he had prepared for it but nothing could prepare him for the hard life of desperation, lewd and ludicrous comments, aw well as hate stares that had no basis for even existing except for pure ignorance.
When contemplating over what I would do in the various situations that he en .....
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Historical Background To "Animal Farm"
Number of words: 957 - Number of pages: 4.... violent revolution. He urged workers around the world to revolt against
their rulers. "Workers of the worl unite!" he wrote. "You have nothing to
lose but your chains."
Another thing Marx taught was that organized religion, the churches,
help capitalists to keep the workers quiet and obedient. Religion,
according to Mar 'the opiate of the masses'. The church tells working
people to forget about th injustice they meet in their lives and to think
instead of how wonderful it wi in the after- life when they go to heaven.
Marx, with his colleague, Engels, spread his ideas in two .....
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