Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Pearl: Evil
Number of words: 451 - Number of pages: 2.... kicked her in the side...He hissed at her like a snake and she
stared at him with wide unfrightened eyes, like a sheep before a
butcher. (742)
Juana saw through the outer beauty of the pearl and knew it would destroy them,
but Kino's vision was blurred by the possible prosperity the pearl brought. The
malignant evil then spread to a secret cult known only as the trackers. This
corrupt band of ruffians attacked and destroyed Kino's life. The very night
that the trackers learned of Kino's pearl, they tried to steal it. The next
night, Kino was attacked twice, whi .....
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Number of words: 974 - Number of pages: 4.... having fallen "out of paradise back into reality, again face to face with the enemy, with his evil eye." This dream is very sinificant in that it shows Emil's departure from the absolute "good" world into one of "evil." Emil has had first experience with lying, which he did to Kromer, that opened the door to more evil. Emil now finds himself jumping at every command Kromer throws to him. Emil begins to feel separated from his family and their peace and happiness. The "white summer dresses" are a symbolic of the purity his family has which he is no longer a part of. This dream is Hesse .....
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Young Goodman Brown-the Awaren
Number of words: 1188 - Number of pages: 5.... men and women, both pious and ungodly…”(56) were emanating. The voices of the townspeople coming from such an evil place lead Brown to believe all of the people he knows are evil. The people he knows well and interacts with on a daily basis are all living an evil lie. Brown’s life becomes gloomy because he can no longer live happily with the people he knows, and he can never trust them as friends or good Christians again. Furthermore, Faith’s pink ribbons “flutter[ing] lightly down through the air”(56) and landing on a branch further move .....
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Showing The Connection Between
Number of words: 1267 - Number of pages: 5.... to his demise.
The day on which James Gatz disappeared and Mr. Jay Gatsby was born, was the beginning of the end. When Gatsby trod his first step upon Dan Cody's boat, it was as though he was proclaiming that his old self never existed, and his new-self would flourish. This act of rejection shows not only his self-centered nature, but his blatant disregard for others. The reader is able to see, though, when Gatsby's father, Mr. Gatz, returns later, that this family is extremely odd. After Gatsby's death, upon Mr. Gatz's return, the reader can see Gatsby's father's awe and amazement at his .....
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Intertextuality Of To Kill A Mockingbird And A Blow, A Kiss
Number of words: 1615 - Number of pages: 6.... of this pair is the references to Albie’s mother and the eventual evolution of their rural surroundings. In the novel "To kill a mockingbird" Harper Lee has adopted a style most novels are written in. The story opens with Scout reflecting on events of the past, referring to developments in the story which are yet to occur. "To kill a mocking bird" Is divided into two sections, The first is almost entirely devoted to the development of characters. Scout describes in vivid detail every thought, look or sign of attitude that another character may be associated with. These vivid descriptio .....
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Absalom: Using The Three Narratives To Understand Sutpen
Number of words: 949 - Number of pages: 4.... to place the blame on Sutpen, her thoughts became distorted. It becomes apparent that Miss Rosa’s impression is somewhat old fashioned. This romanticism is seen in her when she becomes involved with the engagement of Charles and Judith and later with her personal involvement with Sutpen. Miss Rosa put all of her dreams into this marriage and when the relationship failed, she felt destroyed herself. When Sutpen did finally propose to Rosa, she sought this as a final chance to live out her romantic dreams. But Sutpen came to her with a request to try and have a baby boy before marria .....
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Number of words: 719 - Number of pages: 3.... to many as one to provide an extended hand to anyone in need. But there is a price to be paid for their services, and their eyes cannot oversee the wealth that is due to them. The Doctor then is the same as a witch doctor now, with their appearances different, but their intentions and thoughts the same.
Stereotypes are seen only in the imagination. And it is in the imagination from which a television evangelist is characteristically similar to Geoffrey ’s Summoner. The evangelist is a deceiver to many. He quotes scripture of Biblical content, to put forth an act or display that he migh .....
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The Power And The Glory: The Whiskey Priest A Saint?
Number of words: 700 - Number of pages: 3.... to overlook this. This
is best shown when he eventually forgives and even prays for the Mestizo
who betrayed him: “The priest waved his hand; he bore no grudge because he
expected nothing else of anything human...” (P. 198) This shows that that
whiskey priest is a forgiving man and this indeed helps to validate that
the whiskey priests statement is inaccurate.
Graham Greene portrays to the reader that the whiskey priest thinks
of others before himself. This is clearly evident when he goes to help the
child's dyeing mother even though he knows that he will miss his boat:
But .....
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Critical Review Of 1984 By George Orwell
Number of words: 604 - Number of pages: 3.... the saying, "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU." This
was used to let the people know that no matter where they go the could not
escape the watching eyes of the controling government.
The government itself was very mysterious and had several parts that were
very suspicious to the main character, Winston, who worked in one part of
the government. It was divided up into four parts. The Ministry of Truth,
where Winston worked, was incharge of education and the arts. The Ministry
of Peace, which was in command of war. The Ministry of plenty, which
controlled economic affairs. And finally the Minis .....
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Love And Communication Bringing Together Huck Finn< Ethan Frome And Jay Gatsby
Number of words: 1058 - Number of pages: 4.... and the only one he's got now." He knew that by helping Jim he "will go to hell," but took this risk and followed his own morality. Love was also shared between two characters in Ethan Frome. The love shared in this novel was different from the love in Huckleberry Finn, for Ethan's love was of sexual nature. Ethan Frome was married to Zenobia Frome who suffered from illness during the later stages of her life. Zeena's young cousin, Mattie Silver, was hired to relieve Zeena of her household duties. Ethan was attracted to Mattie because she was the antithesis of Zeena. While Mattie was .....
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