Term Papers on Book Reports |
Number of words: 1701 - Number of pages: 7.... thought this meant them but a few hours later I was going to the bottom in a submarine.
The site is 1,000 feet under water which is shallow compared tot he rest of the pacific. At the site there was a huge grid on lights and a massive metallic fin sticking up out of the grid. It was part of the craft and it looked like nothing I have ever seen. We settled into he habitat it was more comfortable then I though it would be it had showers and beds and everything a house had. The only strange thing was your voice… The air down here had a more helium concentrate so it made your voice funny. To .....
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Alice Walker
Number of words: 1091 - Number of pages: 4.... explained, "I no longer felt like the little girl I was. I felt old, and because I felt I was unpleasant to look at, filled with shame. I retreated into solitude, and read stories and began to write poems." In 1961 Walker won a scholarship to Spelman College in Atlanta, where she became involved in the civil rights movement and participated in sit-ins at local business establishments. She transferred to Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York, graduating from there in 1965. She met her future husband Melvyn Leventhal, a Jewish civil rights attorney, in Mississippi where she was an acti .....
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12 Angry Men: Boy Is Innocent
Number of words: 413 - Number of pages: 2.... old man
is not a believable witness to the murder of this man. You can't believe
what he said. The train was just too loud for him to possibly hear the
yells of the boy.
After leaving his house, the boy went to see a movie to get away
from all of this. He was under total stress. I am sure he did not care to
look at the title of the movie. He probably just wanted in to get away.
This way his mind was focused on other things other than his father. He
thought that if he got away. he would come back in a better mood to be with
his father.
I have presented you with the three best points .....
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An Analysis Of William Styron's "The Long March"
Number of words: 945 - Number of pages: 4.... of the officers in command threatens to send a person to Korea. The
time and setting lend to the plot and theme in the way that it shows that
the march is taking place in America in the peace time. It advances the
whole theme showing that the superiors of battalion aren't trying to get
ready for war, just being cruel.
The author uses several styles, and an overall tone to make the
novel more interesting, and to advance the theme and plot. The author uses
a straightforward chronological order to introduce things as they happen.
He revealed all the characters through the eyes of the main c .....
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Raskolnikov And Utilitarianism
Number of words: 1693 - Number of pages: 7.... the act of murder in such a mathematical manner. He might contend that Raskolnikov’s reasoning, and the entire theory of utilitarianism, cannot be used to judge morality because it rejects individual rights and contains no moral absolutes. A utilitarian bases his belief upon two principles: the theory of right actions and the theory of value. These two principles work together and serve as criteria for whether or not a utilitarian can deem an action morally right. First, the theory of right action argues that the morally right decision is the one whose consequences are at least as g .....
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Fifth Business: Search For Self Identity
Number of words: 844 - Number of pages: 4.... "Paul was not a village favorite, and the dislike so many people felt
for his mother - dislike for the queer and persistently unfortunate - they
attached to the unoffending son," (Davies' 40) illustrates how the town treated
Paul because of his mother's actions. Paul leaves his past because of the
actions displaced by his mother and the guilt he feels because his "birth was
what robbed her of her sanity," (Davies' 260) explains why Paul left Deptford.
However, while Boy merely tries to ignore his Deptford past, Paul tries to
create a completely new one and Paul asks Dunstan to write an auto .....
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A Christmas Carol
Number of words: 734 - Number of pages: 3.... no feelings or compassion for Scrooge in the future. For example, the
thieves are able to steal Scrooge's possessions because no body cares about
Scrooge or his things. Also, the businessmen that Scrooge does business with
regularly show no feelings about his death and go to his funeral simply for food.
Dicken's shows a way to resolve the problem by simply treating others how you
want them to treat you. At the end Scrooge's attitude changes and changes in
how society will treat him are shown to be inevitable.
Another social concern is the priority of family over money and personal
g .....
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The Jungle
Number of words: 325 - Number of pages: 2.... the country and working for the political machines of Chicago, he became interested in the idea of socialism. With the introduction of a socialist Jurgis, I wanted to put down the book. Where had the whole socialist movement came from? I felt it made absolutely no sense to be in this story. The story, at that point, needed to concentrate more on the reunited family of Jurgis rather than the radical ideas circulating throughout Chicago. Upton Sinclair painted an accurate historical picture with , but he wrote it without a sensible plot, with redundant and ambiguous details, and with no appeal .....
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Great Gatsby 3
Number of words: 3302 - Number of pages: 13.... the narrator. We take on his perspective, if not totally, then substantially. He becomes our eyes and ears in this world and we have to see him as reliable if we are to proceed with the story's development.
In The Great Gatsby, Nick goes to some length to establish his credibility, indeed his moral integrity, in telling this story about this "great" man called Gatsby. He begins with a reflection on his own upbringing, quoting his father's words about Nick's "advantages", which we could assume were material but, he soon makes clear, were spiritual or moral advantages.
Nick wants his reader t .....
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Billy Budd
Number of words: 311 - Number of pages: 2.... Claggart and wanted to kill him later on the ship.
Claggart made his move, telling the captain that a group of sailors on the Ship were going to muteness and that Billy was the leader of this group. Captain Vere asking to bring in Billy about the situation. Billy speechless about the situation didn't know what to do, so Billy attacked Claggart and took him out with one hit. Knowing that Billy wouldn't even hurt a fly proved me wrong. That's why Would of had Billy guilty of the crime of killing Claggart. If he did it once why wouldn't d it again. .....
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