Term Papers on Book Reports |
Gatsbys Dream
Number of words: 1327 - Number of pages: 5.... he is dishonest, because he tells lies about himself. "I am the son of some wealthy people in the middle-west-all dead now. I was brought up in America but educated at Oxford because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years. It is a family tradition."(69) Lastly, he spends his money like pouring water. He held expensive parties, owns a huge mansion, a Rolls Royce, two motor boats, aquaplanes, a swimming pool (ironically that he has never used it except the day he has died), and a flashy wardrobe including a pink suit. Gatsby's materialism is not something to praise abo .....
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Macbeths Ambition
Number of words: 442 - Number of pages: 2.... takes possession of the throne. Macbeth displays political ambition first of all because of his wife. After she reads her husband’s letter about his meeting with the witches, she suggests for Macbeth to kill Duncan so she could be queen. At the beginning Macbeth hesitates to talk about such a thing and even lists the reason not to kill: he is his king, his uncle and his guest. Not completely sure about it and victim of his own desires for power he finally accepts Lady Macbeth’s plan for murdering the ruler of Scotland. This decision portrays Macbeth’s dirty morality .....
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Steinbeck's "The Flight": Naturalism
Number of words: 321 - Number of pages: 2.... begins. When a human he has the talent of
having the art of reason. An animal does things sometimes without even
knowing it. Who in their right mind would put a spider web in their wound.
When he relizes that his time of running has come to an end he begins to
turn to his religion. He starts to “cross” his chest as a Roman Catholic
would. Then his time comes and he pretty much commits suicide.
When Pepe leaves his home his sister has already predicted his fate
and everyone knew what was going to happen to him. It is was his
environment that killed him. Pepe adventure begins becau .....
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Lord Of The Flies 2
Number of words: 1225 - Number of pages: 5.... toot and summons the rest of the boys on the island to the beach. The boys assemble and elect Ralph as the leader. Ralph then assigns the Choir, led by Jack, to be the hunters. Then Jack, Ralph, and Simon set out to explore the island. Near the end of their journey, they encounter a wild pig. Jack tries to kill it, but is unsuccessful. When the explorers get back, a meeting is held. The explorers explain that the island is deserted but there is enough food to keep them alive. Jack and the hunters promise to supply meat. Ralph makes a rule that whoever is in possession of the conch shell .....
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Brave New World 3
Number of words: 1170 - Number of pages: 5.... mass, and the obsession people have with looking young.
Theses new discoveries of genetical engineering and cloning closely parallel the process of giving birth in the Brave New World. In Brave New World, people are born artificially in test tubes. Everyone is condidtioned to be the same: to share the same characteristics, their way of thinking, and their ideas. People who claimed individual thought against the community- such as Bernard in the beginning of the novel- were considered to have a defect from a lab mistake during birth, and were ostracized from the community, until they con .....
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Revenge In The Crucible And The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 404 - Number of pages: 2.... was also the driving force behind the Abigail Walker's, a
character in The Chamber, accusations of Elizabeth Proctor being a witch.
John Proctor and Abigail Williams once had an affair. John was lonely and
in need of human comfort, comfort his wife was unable to give in her dying
state. However when she regained her health, John left Abigail and went
back to his wife. Abigail was furious at his decision; she would love to
get back at the hurt he caused. Abigail found her opening once the witch
trials transpired. She knew that to John Proctor, losing his wife meant
losing his life. Abig .....
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Contrasting Marlow And Kurtz And The Theme Of Evil In "Heart Of Darkness"
Number of words: 2608 - Number of pages: 10.... By contrasting Marlow with Kurtz, who represents the
absolute evil, we can see the two products of an inner evil which has
emerged. Marlow, who defeats his evil, and gains self-knowledge, and Kurtz,
who is defeated by his darkness and falls prey to its wrath. In William
Golding's Lord of the Flies the author points out how easily people can be
over taken by the darkness, how the potential for good can be destroyed by
the evil, but ideally how good will triumph. Through an examination of
these two works we can see how the darkness within, given the correct
environment will surfac .....
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The Lottery
Number of words: 390 - Number of pages: 2.... . This shows that the whole community releases a part of their evil onto others. They are all eager to see someone beaten with rocks, however none of them want it to be them. Even the town’s children were involved in the savage ritual. After Tessie Hutchinson was chosen some of the towns children gave some pebbles to her son so he too could participate in the torture of his own mother. This horrible tradition is placed into the lives of the descendants of the town, so it is passed on from generation to generation. These people are taught to let the evil inside of them loose during . The evi .....
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Cry, The Beloved Country: The Breakdown And Rebuilding Of South African Society
Number of words: 999 - Number of pages: 4.... and how the people have used up the natural resources that used
to lay there. The whites pushed them out of where they used to reside where the
land is so good that it could be even referred to as “holy, being even as it
came from the Creator.” (pg. 3). In the rural areas such as this the decay
comes as a result of making the blacks live in confined areas where the land is
so bad it can't be farmed any more, and the taking of the strong males out of
these areas to go work in the mines were things are unsafe and people rarely
return. Because of this, the people leave the tribe to go .....
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Representations Of Masculinity And Femininity In Miguel Street
Number of words: 2076 - Number of pages: 8.... like women. All of this will be discussed through looking
at both male and female characters in the book as well as the boy narrator of
the book.
Finding examples of manliness are found with great ease considering that
12 of the 17 stories in some way deal with the theme of manliness (Thieme 24).
It doesnt take long before the first example, a carpenter named Popo, is
introduced. In the chapter titled "The Thing Without A Name" we are told that
"Popo never made any money. His wife used to go out and work and this was easy ,
because they had no children. Popo said ' Women and them like w .....
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