Term Papers on Book Reports |
The English Patient: Caravaggio
Number of words: 1085 - Number of pages: 4.... who would love her and take care of her. Hana's father has died of burning during the war and consequently, she connects her father's death to the suffering of the English patient: "She [has] come across the English patient - some one who looked like a burned animal, taut and dark, a pool for her" (41). Hana decides to stay with the English patient after the war because she doesn't wants to abandon the English patient from her the same way her father had abandoned her. Furthermore, the English patient is different from Hana's other patients; "There [is] something about him she [wants] to .....
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Frankenstein: Good And Bad Choices
Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2.... to "animate lifeless clay and body-parts", to become a being.
The choice he made would haunt him for the rest of his life. When Zeus finds
out that Prometheus has stolen his fire, he took Prometheus to a top of a
mountain and chains him to the mountain. Every day an eagle comes down and rips
him open and eats his insides. During the night Prometheus would recover during
the night.
After Victor Frankenstein created his being, he called it pure evil, but
in reality, Victor made his being evil. When Prometheus opens the box that his
bother sends to him (Pandora's box) he lets out all the ev .....
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"Hoops" Vs. "He Got Game"
Number of words: 437 - Number of pages: 2.... who helped Lonnie by coaching him and Jesus relied on memories of his fathers inspiration. I feel it is important that an athlete have someone to inspire them, so they don't quit when they get frustrated.
Lonnie, from "Hoops," was a very good basketball player, and Jesus from "He Got Game," was streetwise and a good player also. They each caught an opportunity to rise above the rest in their games, and were recognized by colleges as prospects. They both had their share of trouble to get out of and were tempted to take bribes on "throwing" their game, especially Jesus. Lonnie got caught up i .....
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The Pearl: Material Society, Material Thoughts
Number of words: 1020 - Number of pages: 4.... image of her reality. Juana's husband was caught in a twisted realm of
mirrors, and they were all shattering one by one. In the night he heard a
"sound so soft that it might have been simply a thought..." and quickly attacked
the trespasser. This is where the problems for Juana and her family began. The
fear that had mounted in Kino's body had taken control over his actions. Soon
even Juana who had always had faith in her husband, had doubted him greatly.
"It will destroy us all" she yelled as her attempt to rid the family of the
pearl had failed. Kino had not listened however, and soon .....
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A Separate Peace; Chapter Summaries
Number of words: 1546 - Number of pages: 6.... and Phineas of campus to the ocean to swim. They have a drink
at the bar, the spend the night on the beach, and Phineas tells Gene he is
his best pal. Gene is not sure if he feels the same.
Chapter 4: Gene and Finny (Phineas) wake up and head back to Devon. Gene
fails his trigonometry examination for the first time. Finny tells Gene
that he studies too much. Gene thinks Finny is jealous. Gene wants to earn
the Scholastic Achievement Citation to get even with Finny. Gene knows that
Finny must be best and that he cannot be best if Gene becomes even with him
through his studies. Gene decides .....
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A Clockwork Orange: Violence And Corruption
Number of words: 956 - Number of pages: 4.... the people being beaten by streets punks such as Alex and the police,
who are supposed to protect them. The novel begins with the police doing little
to protect the citizens, for how else could a fifteen year old kid and three of
his friends rule the streets? They also seem to relish beating Alex for the
reason that they don't get to do it often. However, by the third part of this
book, crime is almost non-existent, but the police are far more brutal.
Neither of these scenarios is the better of the two. In fact the cops are not
out to help the people, they only want to serve t .....
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Frankenstein Biography, Settin
Number of words: 10353 - Number of pages: 38.... and politics and a frequent visitor to the Godwin's home along with his wife Harriet. Percy’s wife, Harriet, became suspicious of Mary and Percy, thinking they were having an affair she left Percy. Her suspicious were later confirmed when she got word of the couple eloping to France. Not receiving William Godwin’s blessing, Mary and Percy eloped to France on July 28, 1814. They settled in Paris briefly whilst Mary recovered from extreme fatigue and sea sickness caused by the journey. They then began a trip across France into Switzerland with just one mule for assistance. Despit .....
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Polonius Is Folish
Number of words: 1749 - Number of pages: 7.... not gaudy) For the apparel oft proclaims
the man, And they in France of the best rank and station (Are) of a most select and
generous chief in that. Neither a borrower or a lender (be,) For (loan) oft loses both itself
and friend, And borrowing (dulls the) edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self
be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.
(1. 3. 71-87) The advice that Polonius gives to Laertes is simple and sounds foolish being
told to a person of Laertes’ age. Martin Orkin comments on the nature of Polonius’
speech: 2 “Shak .....
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Brave New World
Number of words: 1704 - Number of pages: 7.... characteristics and ideas are
not important in the whole picture. There is hardly any charaterisation in the book to
illustrate the individuals.
Theme: In the foreword Huxley states: "The theme of 'Brave New World' is not the
advancement of science as such; it is the advancement of science as it affects human
individuals." The picture of the world given in the book describes the condition of the
human individual in a western civilization in a 'near' future. The society has turned into a
well oiled machine, in which everything is controlled, even the future profession of the
individual is .....
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Huckleberry Finn: Lack Of Education
Number of words: 850 - Number of pages: 4.... all over welts. He got to going away so much too, and locking me in. Once he locked me in and was gone three days (p.35).” Pap has no idea that he does anything wrong, even though he is such a horrible father to his son. By showing how uneducated Pap is, and what suffering it causes Huck, Twain argues his point. A speech that Pap gives early in the novel is one of the most affective parts of this story. Pap talks about the efforts that some citizens make in the courts to remove Huck from the care of his father. He criticizes saying, “ They call this a govment! Why, just look and .....
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