Term Papers on Book Reports |
Critical Review Of 1984 By Geo
Number of words: 604 - Number of pages: 3.... saying, "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU." This was used to let the people know that no matter where they go the could not escape the watching eyes of the controling government.
The government itself was very mysterious and had several parts that were very suspicious to the main character, Winston, who worked in one part of the government. It was divided up into four parts. The Ministry of Truth, where Winston worked, was incharge of education and the arts. The Ministry of Peace, which was in command of war. The Ministry of plenty, which controlled economic affairs. And finally the Ministry of .....
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Wuthering Heights: Negativity In Domesticity
Number of words: 1848 - Number of pages: 7.... negative it can be for one to marry out of duty, rather than out of love. Catherine had loved Heathcliff for many years, but the domestic norms forced her to marry Edgar Linton because he was an acceptable suitor. Although she loved Heathcliff, he still remained an unattainable husband because he did not live up to the domestic standards of what a husband should be. He lacked a family background, wealth, and an ideal appearance that led Catherine to realize that “it would degrade [her] to marry Heathcliff” (Bronte 80). She was aware of the domestic norms, but it upset her because .....
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The Color Purple: Real Outcome Of Economic Achievement And Alternative Economic View
Number of words: 1172 - Number of pages: 5.... using manners and
customs to depict the real world of the novel, it is evident we are
examining an external world based in a society where the white oppressor
governs the oppressed black populace. The economic realities of white land
ownership, near-monopoly of technical and business skills and control of
financial institutions was in fact the accepted norm (Sowell 48).
When presenting the term fact - we must account for the introduction of a
second model, "historical and empirical data" in representing the real
world of The Color Purple.
As illustrated in the pages of American histor .....
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Huckleberry Finn 2
Number of words: 544 - Number of pages: 2.... that Jim has done something wrong. Yet he follows his heart and decides to keep Jims secret. He says” people would call me a low-down abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum”. Huck here shows that he isn’t only running away form home but He’s running away from everything that home stands for. This happens many times in the story. Huck starts to see Jim as a friend rather then a black man. When Huck plays the
prank on Jim after the raft gets separated Huck apologized to Jim. He knew society would have never apologized to a black person. But now Huck listens to his .....
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Number of words: 605 - Number of pages: 3.... critics argue that Creon is the tragic hero of . They say that his noble quality is his caring for and Ismene when thier father was persecuted. Those who stand behind Creon also argue that never had a true epiphany, a key element in being a tragic hero. Creon, on the other hand, realized his mistake when Teiresias made his prophecy. He is forced to live, knowing that three people are dead because of his ignorance, which is a punishment worse than death. My opinion on this debate is that is the tragic hero. She tries to help her brother without worrying about what will happen to her. She s .....
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A Rose For Emily: Emily’s Disbelief In The Truth
Number of words: 816 - Number of pages: 3.... of the past and the fact that they were okay with the Colonel’s decision.
The present was expressed through the narrator, the new generation of townspeople, and Homer Barron. The narrator was representative of the pas mainly through their words and description of what was going on. Homer Barron along with the townspeople represented the “next generation, with its modern ideas” (p. 120) in the present.
Miss Emily was characterized as a “fallen monument” (p.119) one of great refinement, an ideal of past values but fallen because she had shown herself susceptible to deat .....
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A Domestic Dilemma By Carson M
Number of words: 527 - Number of pages: 2.... filled with “alcohol”(102). In addition, fear and worry for his wife an children make Martin feel uneasy. Returning from work a year ago, Martin stumbled upon his children crying and his wife intoxicated after the baby had been dropped on her “frail skull”(100). Martin then hired a maid in order to watch the children and look after Emily(100). Significantly, the setting’s effect on the family’s relationship demolishes their closeness. Martin’s surroundings “seemed vast and somehow desolate” because he is aware of his wife’s’ displeasure living up north (97). Being away .....
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The Miracle Worker
Number of words: 359 - Number of pages: 2.... was telling her he wanted her to stay for ever and ever. She
also had flashbacks of when she was a child. These are the flashbacks
Annie had in the story.
Durring the story Annie had many strugles with Hellen. One of them
is when Hellen hi annie with a doll. Another one is when Hellen locked
Annie in the bathroom. She alos had trouble getting annie to eat with a
spoon and sit at the dinner table kept stomping her feet and
being a little pest Finaly she had trouble teaching Hellen the language.
These are the strugles Annie had with Hellen durring the whole story.
These are .....
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To The Lighthouse 2
Number of words: 696 - Number of pages: 3.... petulance [that he brought to his wife]." (32) Mr. Ramsay understands and regrets the sorrow he brought on Mrs. Ramsay. He sympathizes with her and is "ashamed" for what he had done. Mr. Ramsay wants to appease his wife and make her happy as a result of the torment that he inflicted on her. Next, Woolf again illustrates Mr. Ramsay's insensitive dimension when Mr. Ramsay makes Mrs. Ramsay "bend her head as if to let the pelt of jagged hail, the drench of dirty water, bespatter her unrebuked." (32) Mr. Ramsay is heartless to his wife's feelings; it is as if he enjoys "drenching" Mrs. Ram .....
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Ordinary People - Avoiding Problems Is Not A Way Of Handling Them
Number of words: 740 - Number of pages: 3.... to the community. Beth cares more about herself and her social standing then she does about her family. For example, when Calvin and her were getting dressed, she made him change his tie. That stuck in Calvin’s mind as why did it matter what he wore to his son’s funeral. Beth was very loving to Buck, though. She didn’t want anyone to know that there was anything wrong and she would avoid problems at all cost.
In this novel, Judith Guest tries to portray the same statement as I. Both Calvin and Conrad represent the correct way to handle the problem at hand. Beth is the characte .....
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