Term Papers on Book Reports |
Anne Hutchinson
Number of words: 4838 - Number of pages: 18.... people's souls. For this act of defiance, he was put in jail for one year. Undaunted, Francis Marbury continued to voice his radical opinions, including that many ministers were appointed haphazardly by high church officials to preach in any manner they wanted. Eventually, Anne's father did restrain his verbal attacks on the Church of England, choosing conformity with an imperfect church over constant arrests and inquisitions. (D. Crawford, Four Women in a Violent Time, pps. 11-15.) Being educated at home, Anne read many of her father's books on theology and religion. Much of Anne's late .....
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Macbeth Imagery
Number of words: 824 - Number of pages: 3.... torment.
Within the whole play, the sun seems to shine only twice. The first is in the passage when Duncan sees the swallows flirting round the castle of death. The second time, at the end, when the avenging army gathers to rid the earth of its shame. Therefore, the reader can conclude that Shakespeare uses darkness to establish the evil parts of the play. On the other hand, daylight is employed to define victory or goodness in the play.
In Macbeth, Shakespeare uses the design of the witches, the guilt in Macbeth’s soul, and the darkness of the night to establish the atmosphere. All .....
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Great Expectations 2
Number of words: 551 - Number of pages: 3.... him of his unimportance. Pip continues to be mild mannered and respectful to Mrs. Havisham yet he begins to see that he will never get ahead in life just being nice. Mrs. Havisham uses Pip as sort of a guinea pig to feel her passion of revenge against men. She does this by using her daughter Estella to torment Pip.
Pip’s first and only love is Estella. Estella is very mean and nasty to Pip. Although he receives verbal abuse from Estella, he continues to likes and will not stop liking her, he sees the good inside of her and will not stop until the good comes out. In contrast to her tre .....
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A Dolls House 3
Number of words: 683 - Number of pages: 3.... asks, "Aren't I your husband?" By saying this, he is implying that one of Nora's duties, as his wife is to physically pleasure him at his command.
Torvald also does not trust Nora with money, which exemplifies Torvald's treating Nora as a child. Sometimes, Torvald gives Nora some money; he is concerned that she will waste it on candy and pastry. Nora's duties are restricted to caring for the children, doing housework, and working on her needlepoint. A problem with her responsibilities is that her most important obligation is to please Torvald, making her role similar to that of a slave. .....
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The Hidden Life Of Dogs: Book Review
Number of words: 729 - Number of pages: 3.... How was it that this dog knew
exactly where it was and could travel through different cities without becoming
lost and other dogs couldn't? Continuing on to bringing in other dogs Elizabeth
was studying, she pointed out that some had skills that others did not. Misha
was clearly able to navigate himself but when with another dog, he would become
lost. After careful observation it was seen that the other dog could easily
loose track of where she was and mislead Misha. Another interesting topic
covered is how dogs behave with each other. How they achieve their social status,
why some dogs d .....
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Symbolism In Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 1727 - Number of pages: 7.... of a snowman by Jem and
Scout one winter is very symbolic. There was not enough snow to make a
snowman entirely out of snow, so Jem made a foundation out of dirt, and
then covered it with what snow they had. One could interpret this in two
different ways. First of all, the creation of the snowman by Jem can be
seen as being symbolic of Jem trying to cover up the black man and showing
that he is the same as the white man, that all human beings are virtually
the same. Approval of these views is shown by Atticus when he tells Jem, "I
didn't know how you were going to do it, but from now on I .....
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1984: Some Prophecies Have Come True
Number of words: 552 - Number of pages: 3.... messages. Winston was brainwashed into conforming to the normal
society by loving Big Brother. The brainwashing in the book might be a
little exaggerated but it is still the same concept.
Yet another example is how people are tagged with numbers. People
today are identified by a social security number same as in 1984. Many of
Orwells predictions became true but many didn't.
Despite the truths, there were many untruths prevalent in 1984.
Many concepts expressed in the book such as banned sex, thought police,
food shortages from the past were all predictions that never be .....
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Fahrenheit 451
Number of words: 525 - Number of pages: 2.... natural error. Curiosity alone … We let the fireman keep the book twenty-four hours. If he hasn’t burned it by then we come and burn it for him." (pg. 68) Beatty lets Montag keep the book until that night when Montag will return to work. Meanwhile, Montag meets with Professor Faber, a retired English teacher after a phone call cut short. While at the meeting, Faber is extremely careful due to the fact that Montag might not be able to be trusted until Faber notices the book Montag has brought with him, the Bible. Montag goes to Faber in hope that Faber can copy the book for him, Faber .....
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Dantes Inferno
Number of words: 1869 - Number of pages: 7.... his grotesque features to the reader. He states, “His eyes are red, his beard is greased with phlegm, / his belly is swollen, and his hands are claws / to rip the wretches and flay and mangle them” (66). This quote vividly depicts the man-beast Cerberus that Dante encountered, and allows the reader to feel present in the scene with Dante. He further emphasizes the sights and sounds to portray the hellish environment when he states “Huge hailstones, dirty water, and black snow/ pour from the dismal air to putrefy/ the putrid slush that waits for them below” (66). .....
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The Prince And The Pauper
Number of words: 1506 - Number of pages: 6.... he is thoroughly mocked and beaten all the time. Miles Hendon, a man who saves him many different times, befriends him.
The “true” Prince spends a short amount of time in jail in which he must witness as innocent people have limbs cut off, and are burned at the stake. He remembers it all though, and promises himself when he is returned to his rightful position he will rule mercifully and correct unjust laws. Due to his persistent claim that he is king, he is sentenced to twelve lashings in which Miles takes for him. Edward is greatly moved that he could be so generous. It is within; these .....
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